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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Need encouragment!

    I'm pretty new to Bandland, but at this point I would get my band again in a second. Chewing a lot was hard to adjust to, but I'm learning that the band is a good teacher. If you don't do what it wants, it has a way of reinforcing the lessons once it's adjusted. I've had 4 fills and they haven't hurt at all. I just don't look, and I can barely tell when the needle goes in. No numbing or anything. Easier then my yearly flu shot.
  2. lisah25

    I'm thrilled, and a question

    I know that's what I need to do, but it really bothers me to leave food. Although with this last fill, it's not so much an option!
  3. lisah25

    I'm thrilled, and a question

    Good points! I so totally agree about portion sizes. I watch plates of food go by when we are out and it's insane.
  4. lisah25

    I'm thrilled, and a question

    In another group, someone said that after spending all that money on a band, the cost of a little wasted food isn't so bad.
  5. lisah25

    I'm thrilled, and a question

    I'm so thrilled with this feeling! I have never felt like that in my life that I remember.
  6. lisah25

    I'm thrilled, and a question

    LOL-ours does sometimes also. I like the idea of just packing up the leftovers before I start eating.
  7. lisah25

    How do I survive the holiday foods

    I hear ya! food everywhere right now, and none of it healthy! I try to avoid areas where I know food will be, take alternate routes through the office if I can. Look straight ahead (I wonder if I'd get odd looks if I wore blinders like race horses wear?). I haven't yet decided if I do better saying no to it all, and not getting started, or having a couple of the things I really want.
  8. lisah25

    Chicken, Shrimp, Eggs....

    Eggs are fine so far, I've had them scrambled and no problems yet. Chicken legs and thighs are fine, breast meat can get stuck if it's dry. Shrimp has been find also.
  9. Clinton did indeed go after terrorists, remember all the complaints when he bombed? All the "he got an asprin factory"? All the "wag the dog"? Congress denied him more powers to fight terror, including expanded wiretapping he wanted. His outgoing administration tried to warn Bush's incoming one, they didn't take it seriously enough. I mean, how can you say it was "out of the blue" then in the next breath(so to speak) say that Clinton was warned and did nothing? That seem contradictory to me. Did the CIA not think to warn Bush when he came in? And there never was any proof that Iraq was in any way involved with 9/11. None. I don't know about the overall stats, but my family isn't better off. Ever since the tax relief bills, we've had to pay instead of getting a refund.
  10. And women who had abortions and are OK with it don't seek counseling. They go on with their lives.
  11. lisah25

    Starting to wonder...

    If you know it's right, then it is. You don't have to convince anyone else, much as it would be nice to have their support. Could you just start smiling, and say something like "Thanks for your concern, I've made my decision"?
  12. lisah25

    Is this cheating?

    I guess I just assumed that we all have those shared moments of weakness, and it didn't need to be stated. Thanks for showing me other viewpoints! I love this forum.
  13. lisah25

    Is this cheating?

    I'm not sure what you mean when you say that? With a good fill level, you should be able to eat. I was told 3 small meals and maybe a couple of small planned Snacks. Things like solid, low-fat Protein, fruits and veggies and whole grain things. Today for example I had a Kashi ceral bar and a non-fat latte for Breakfast. lunch was tuna and whole-grain crackers. My snack will be carrots. dinner, I'm not sure about yet. Usually protien, chicken or fish most often, and a veggie. Pretty typical day.
  14. Had we gone into Iraq under a banner of freeing the people, I might feel differently then I do about it.
  15. Hi Ninababy! I'm still pretty new to this band, but so far I'm so pleased. It's not hard to eat less, because for the first time that I can remember in my life, I'm actually satisfied after a reasonable meal. Before, I'd have to force myself to stop eating, I could almost always have kept going. And often did eat way too much. Now, I reach a point where I'm just done eating. food is no longer all that appealing, and I don't obsess over it between meals like I used to. So, I guess my bottom line is I'm enjoying my food a lot more because I'm eating slowly and actually tasting it. And I don't feel the urge to eat until I'm miserable.
  16. I remember an episode of CSI, where a character quotes Leviticus 17:11, which talks about the life of a creature being in it's blood. And that fetuses are infused with blood on about the 18th day. I thought it an interesting thing to ponder. Another interesting verse is: "And if men struggle and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Exodus 21:22-25
  17. lisah25

    Is this cheating?

    I'm not picking on you Steph, but your comment triggered a thought that's been running around my mind for a while. That being, what does support look like? For me, I know when I'm doing something wrong, and I need someone to pretty much tell me to knock it off and start doing what I know will work. I don't need people saying things like "Oh yeah, I did that too. We all do". In my weird little mind, that's permission to keep doing it. I know we all have issues, like someone said that's why we have all banded together.(so to speak). So when someone says "it's only two weeks and it will make your surgery safer" chances are they went through it themselves, temptations and all. What does anyone else think?
  18. lisah25

    Drinking During Eating

    It's because drinking with a meal will wash the food right past the band, defeating it's purpose. I was told I could drink right up until I start to eat, then wait about an hour after. I've learned to not order anything but water with my meals out. Less tempting then having a glass of wine there, and better for me then chugging said wine before I eat! :faint:
  19. lisah25

    Is this cheating?

    Pre-op was MUCH harder for me. I was hungry, and wanted to eat all those things I thought I'd never eat again. Post-op, I wasn't even hungry for a couple of weeks.
  20. I'm sorry you lost people you care about. I'm sorry you were so close to the twin towers. But I don't understand how invading Iraq is making us safer, since there was no link between that country and 9/11.
  21. The difference is that before viability, only one person can provide what is needed, the woman carrying the fetus. After that, many others can.
  22. lisah25

    What is your motivation

    My "last straw" moment was in May, on vacation for a family wedding in Hawaii. We went snorkeling, and we parked near an area that had washed out, creating a small bluff, maybe 4' or so, that we had to climb down and then back up. Getting down was OK, but getting me back up took me, DH and an uncle, and it was mortifying. The next day, we were walking up the stairs to the condo, DH looked at me and said "I want you to get the surgery" and I agreed. I had been wanting it, but our insurance doesn't cover it, and I didn't think we could pay for two of them. But we figured it out and it's so far the best thing I've ever done for myself.
  23. I love snopes for all kinds of info. I agree, when you make an issue of morality, you'd better be really sure you don't have too many skeletons in your own closet.
  24. You really believe that liberals want to have America be a third-world country? That we simply want to "dialogue" with terrorists? And your proof of that is?
  25. Mine hasn't either. And for all the tax-cut talk, we've had to pay the last few years for the first time ever. With no real change in our financial life to explain it.

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