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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Spam e-mails anyone else!?

    Ok, that was a mental image I didn't expect.
  2. lisah25

    Spam e-mails anyone else!?

    LOL-that would be quite the feat! I use Yahoo. And it's pretty good for the most part. I do check the spam folder to be sure nothing I wanted is going there. And to get a laugh.
  3. lisah25

    The Biblical Case for Pro-Choice & Stem Cell Research

    I remember reading about that on Snopes(and yes, they verified it as true!). Both parents are from mixed families, so it's a matter of genetics. I remember learning that physical differences between people from different parts of the world was at least in part because of adaptations to their climates.
  4. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thank you. I've seen it before. Where someone claims it's their faith being attacked when it's not. It's their actions. Often they want special treatment, and when it's not provided claim it's because of that faith.
  5. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron, I have a question for you, and it’s not meant as an attack. You’ve said that you believe as you do because the Bible is provable. I think you used the term “proven Faith”. Ok, I can see how the historical facts in the Bible can be provable. But how can the Spiritual things be proven?
  6. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thanks to you too! See, we can get along even when I'm right and you are wrong... :heh: Seriously, it's much more interesting when we don't all agree. We don't have to in order to understand each other.
  7. lisah25

    Texas snow

    LOL-I may have use for that in Western Washington. We are total snow wimps.
  8. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    More then one person has told you. You've dismissed them with "I've never seen an Athiest like that". I think you have it backwards, you've decided what an Athiest is, and then cram everyone into that box. I’m sorry, but you remind me of too many Christians I know. Who stir things up, then act innocent and persecuted when they get a reaction. Confusing reaction to them and how they present things with what is in fact being presented. It’s not your Christianity, IMHO, that is under discussion here. It’s your coming onto a site that is mainly a site about Lap-Banding that does have threads on other topic. And your first thread has nothing to do with Lap-Banding. You then question someone about their nickname, and in pretty short order are saying that you don’t believe she really knows what she believes or why she believes it. That is what you are getting reactions to. Not being a Christian.
  9. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I'll say it again, I've never felt attacked here because of my beliefs. And thanks for your words earlier Green.
  10. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thank you for that.
  11. lisah25

    The best comback line ever (Adult)

    That's very practical of you! I was thinking about how cold the inside of a pumpkin would be... :faint:
  12. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Excuse me?! Which comment? Let me be sure I understand. Are you saying since you and I are both Christians, I shouldn't publicly disagree with you? What in the world do I have to be "desperate" about?
  13. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    It just seems to me that turning people off isn't a goal. Jesus did more then preach, He took actions. Let me try this example. I LOVE my lap band. So far it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I feel that it literally is saving my life. I see other obese people around me and I want them to have the same thing. So, if someone asks me if I've lost weight, and how I did it, I feel that that is a great opening to talk about the band. About what it's done for me. But I wouldn't just go up to someone who I could see was obese(much as you saw Wheetsin is an athiest) and tell them that I know this wonderful solution to their problems. Edited to add - I'm not comparing being an athiest with being obese, that both are "problems" that need to be addressed. I'm talking about timing and results.
  14. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Wow. I don't agree. I do agree that when the time and place is right, yes, we should share our faith. However, not all times and places are right. But to make such sweeping assumtions about what led others to their beliefs is so conterproductive to what you say you want to do. I don't think it helps anyone to share my faith in such a way that turns people off. And telling strangers on an internet forum such things is one of those ways.
  15. lisah25

    How Does The Band Feel?

    Mine has too. Junk food I used to love isn't as appealing. Things I didn't like before, like green peppers, I find I like. Part of it I think is eating slower, and actually being aware of the taste and texture of food. But there is no question that my tastes have changed. I also notice I'm getting picky. Not just in what I eat, after all I only eat a small amount now, so it's gotta taste good and do my body good. But also in things like clothes. I find that instead of being OK with just buying whatever will actually go on my body, I'm looking more at colors and fit and all that. It's fun!
  16. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I have posted many times that I'm a Christian, and I don't feel like I've taken flack for it at all. Ron came here, and his first post on a board that is mostly about Lap-Band wasn't about banding. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with doing that, but I don't see how he was lured in for some kill? He brought up personal faiths by asking Wheetsin about her title. I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. Again, he came to a lap-band board, granted at an invite. He brought up personal faith and questioned others believes. I think he knew exactly what he was doing, and had to have had an idea what the reaction would be.
  17. lisah25

    What to REALLY expect...

    The good and bad thing about the band is that you have to do your part. It's good, because I really believe that baring some medical condition, we have the power to finally lose the weight. Once and for all. It's "bad" because in order to, we have to indeed follow the rules. The band hasn't really made it effortless for me, but it so far is making it very doable. My DH has an aunt who got banded about two years ago. She hasn't lost much at all, but then she has only gotten one fill. She drinks beverages with calories. She eats all the wrong stuff. So yes, some people don't lose much. But as Karen said, look at some of the sigs of posters here, some are doing wonderful.
  18. I was told that about 20 minutes was a good guideline. I find by that point, I often feel full. If not, I try to make myself wait about 10 minutes, then have a little more if I still want it. Usually I don't.
  19. lisah25

    How Does The Band Feel?

    Hi Angela! I don't feel the band itself, I am aware of it when I eat because I eat so much less before I start to feel full. I can feel my port at times. It's not a problem though. I'm finding I don't get cravings hardly at all. I may think "Huh, a candy bar would be good now" but I usually can ignore the thought and it goes away. I'm amazed, I used to sit at my desk and plot what my next splurge would be.
  20. I think there is a great deal of truth to that.
  21. Sometimes you just can't win. Weren't Nancy Regan and Hillary Clinton both critized for being too involved?
  22. lisah25

    New to it all

    Where are you going? Someone here might have experience with that clinic/surgeon and have good specific info.
  23. lisah25

    The Biblical Case for Pro-Choice & Stem Cell Research

    I just don't see it that way. Maybe I'm having a dense day explaining myself. OK, I offer my niece chocolate or vanilla ice cream. I know from experience she'll take chocolate. Does my knowledge of that affect her choice? (OK, it's not a great example)
  24. lisah25

    The Biblical Case for Pro-Choice & Stem Cell Research

    I'm not familiar with that book, honestly I find a lot of those books too...something...I can't find a word for. As far as free will and God being all knowing, I think that God knowing what we will do isn't the same as not letting us do it, if that makes any sense. He doesn't make us make a given choice, He just knows what we will chose to do. I've never really thought about God getting bored before.
  25. from what I've seen, southerners are no more or less likely to be racist then anyone else. I knew someone born and raised in a small town in Georgia, and while she doesn't dislike blacks, she doesn't think they are quite as good as whites. My MIL, born and raised in NW Washington state is the most prejudiced person I know.

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