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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Because I'm secure in my faith and how I live it. You made an accusation along the lines that I'm not following the Bible. Therefore, I think it's up to you to back it up.
  2. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Feel free to post the scriptures when you find them.
  3. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I've posted SEVERAL times what I think laws should be based on. And why I don't think same-sex marriage is one of those things.
  4. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ah, but we were talking about what things in particular you say led to the downfall of Sodom. You originally said "“If you remember your scriptures, you will recall that this was the very lifestyle that cause the downfall of Sodom. Do you think homosexuality had a bad effect on that society??” That is not supported by scripture.
  5. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    So, once again I have to ask where in the Bible I am commanded to make God's laws into the law of the land I live in?
  6. lisah25

    LAP-BAND Surgery Technique

    This was discussed in a recent thread, and not all surgeons use this postion! It kind of weirded me out when I saw that diagram also.
  7. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ok, I give up on this one. I see. Where have I done that?
  8. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    But you are talking about practices that are abominable based on specific religious beliefs. That is exactly forcing religion on everyone.
  9. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Well, the Bible is a bit more specific. And this verse doesn't single out homosexuality. Ezekiel 16:49-50. "49 " 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me." I disagree, and I suppose this is another area where we will. I believe as a Christian I have a total obligation to live my own life avoiding sin as much as I can. Following what I believe God wants me to do. I do not have an obligation to vote my beliefs. And as far as I remember, you never supplied a verse saying I did. That in no way says I am not opposed to sin, nor does it say I won't fight it in other ways.
  10. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    So it's not really about procreation then. I mean, how can you say some marriages that don't produce kids are OK, and some aren't? Oh, and Liberal Christians believe the Bible also. We, or I guess I should only speak for myself, don't want the government making laws based on it simply because something is in the Bible. In part to protect myself. I want to have the legal freedom to worship my God based on what I believe, not what some lawmaker believes. Oh, and what about those in the Bible who had multiple wives?
  11. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Hum, what about us Christian liberals here?
  12. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Speaking out is one thing. Making it illegal is something else. You really believe that homosexuality was the main reason for the downfall of Sodom?
  13. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I find this VERY contridicatory. On one hand, you talk about willingly, then you talk about law. If you had to follow laws that had forced you to act as though you accepted Jesus before you did, do you think it would have affected your spirtuality?
  14. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Did you answer my question about marriages that don't, and won't, produce kids? As far as destroying the family by allowing same-sex marriage, I have to call BS. It's not like if we legalize it, all those of us in straight marriages will sudddenly leave for a same-sex spouse. In fact, I know of too many families where one partner tried to deny what they were, married and had kids, then left when it was to hard to live that lie.
  15. lisah25

    Do you ever feel normal?

    Interesting question. I guess my best answer is that I have a new "normal". By that I mean that I'm not feeling like I did before the band, and that's fine. I've gotten used to having my band, and it's become second nature most of the time. For example, when we go out, I find I look for menu options that are healthy, and that would make good leftovers as I can't eat a full restuarant meal. I don't feel the band itself, just the effects if I don't chew well or make a bad choice. The port, I can feel from the outside, and a twinge now and then if I bend a certain way.
  16. I just got a call from my best friend, I've know her since we were 16. 27 years now. Her mother died this morning. She'd been sick for a while with lung problems, went into the hospital on Monday. Yesterday she was doing a little better, but took a bad turn. My friend lost her father about 10 years ago and we've talked a bit about being an "orphan" even as adults. It hasn't yet hit me that I've lost someone I loved, I've been focusing on how my friend and her family are. It will soon I know.
  17. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You and I will have to disagree about this. I don't see how all sin hurts society, and for that matter wonder about the sins no one seems to be pushing for laws against. Again, we'll have to disagree. I don't believe we are obligated to support laws that make others live as though they believe as we do. That's WAYYY to close to a theocracy. And I don't know how to make my points any clearer, so I guess we're done with this line of debate. I'll be gone most of the weekend anyway, visiting my wonderful 5 YO niece. So have a great weekend!
  18. LOL - no kidding! I think it's all part of proving to someone somewhere that you really really do want the band.
  19. lisah25

    NWWLS and Fill Centers

    Yes, it covers everything. Fills, checkups, post-op directions, nutrition information, answers to all the questions that pop up. They even have a Yahoo group for NWWLS patients.
  20. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Because adults "marrying" kids does indeed harm society. Multiple marriages, OK I don't like them. But as long as all involved are consenting adults, how do they hurt society? I'm not debating what the Bible says about it, I'm asking why this particular Biblical principal needs to be reflected in law. We've established you don't think all of them should be. So, where does God say to put His princeples into law?
  21. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Well, I think accepting Jesus as a savior is one of the most important principals in the Bible, so I can't see why you wouldn't support laws for that, but to ban same-sex unions. It seems backwards to me to say that people have free-choice about whether to accept Him or not, but to want laws to make people act as if they do. You miss another of my points, that I've said MANY times. That being, to me what should be addressed by law are things that hurt society. I don't see how same-sex relationships hurt society.
  22. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Again, you are missing my point. How I live my life is between me and my God. As a Christian, I do strive to follow the Bible. But I still don't see where the Bible tells me to suupport laws that force people who don't believe as I do to live as though they do.
  23. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I'm not saying one word about speaking out, taking a stand or how we as Christians live our lives. I'm talking about enacting laws that force other people to act by our beliefs. I have a problem with that. Would you support a law that made everyone proclaim Jesus is their savior?
  24. lisah25

    NWWLS and Fill Centers

    I paid $17,000. That includes all aftercare for a year, fills and appts. After that, it's $150 a fill, and that includes a 10 day period after the fill to tweak if needed. What I like is that they realize that the banding day is just the start, they encourage you to come in or call. They want you to have your band working the best it can. They work with you on fill amounts, I've said I'd rather be a bit too loose then too tight, so my fills have been a little more conservative. They have a monthly support group we can attend. And what I really like is that they don't take a cookie-cutter approach. There aren't rules about how much fill to get, or how they should be spaced after the 6 week healing period. So it's care that fits the patient. I love that.
  25. My sleep study was covered, that was really the only test I needed since I had had my annual physical not that long before deciding to have the band. My PCP referred me, and we had talked about it before anyway because I suspected I had apnea, so my insurance covered it and they are paying for the CPAP.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
