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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Banded Duos?

    I've read a couple of posts where couples both have been banded, and after my surgery DH and I will both be banded.(he's had his for almost 2 years) I'm curious about the good and bad of both having a band? Overall, I think it will be really helpful for us both. As far as understanding what we're going through, food choices and all. Not to mention once I lose some weight I can keep up with him better!
  2. lisah25

    Banded Duos?

    DH doesn't "do support groups". On-line or in real life. And he gets a little tired of my telling him what I've read, but oh well. I think he listens and learns more then he lets on.
  3. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    There is actually a spell check, if you look in the upper right corner, next to where you type in a message, above the smilies, there is an icon that has "ABC" and a checkmark. I haven't used it in a while, but I seem to remember it working.
  4. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    True enough. But once one has accepted Jesus, one is saved, correct? So from that point on, it's about other things. How we live. What we do with what we have been given.
  5. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Huh, I think Jesus was quite concerned with social issues as well. His stance on them, some might call liberal.
  6. lisah25

    Eating and drinking

    Hum, I was told I could drink right up until eating, I'm not sure why we couldn't?
  7. lisah25

    Sleep Study

    My Dr does a sleep study based on BMI, and I think neck size for men, and/or if you snore. I'm glad really, I knew I probably had apnea, but was just ignoring it. I can't believe how much better I feel using the Cpap. The sleep Dr was very happy to hear that more surgeons are paying attention to apnea and the problems it can cause during surgery. He said he's been called in too much when a patient has problems post surgery.
  8. lisah25

    weight loss

    Yes, you can lose more then 50%. It's up to you, which is kind of both the good and bad about the band. It won't do it for you, but it's a great tool if you work with it. I'm six months out and down about 33% already.
  9. lisah25

    WA State Band Docs

    I got mine done at a surgery center, and was comfortable with it. They had all the equipment, and my surgeon has enough experience that I felt confident.
  10. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I'm so sorry - what a crummy year!
  11. lisah25

    Eating and drinking

    I was told to wait about an hour. By then, the nerves that signal full have been turned on, and it takes a while to feel hungry again. I know there is a more medical/technical way to explain it, but that the gist.
  12. It helped me to think of it as following medical advice, not so much being on yet another diet. I thought about my liver getting in the way during surgery and that really did help.
  13. If it helps, the pre-op liquid diet was by far the hardest part of this journey so far for me. Where are you that you have all that food around!?
  14. lisah25

    Have you named your band?

    I want to name mine, I just haven't come up with the right name. I've thought about FB, for "fickle B*tch", a term I got here.
  15. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    That's why I bolded that in my reply to Ron. That says volumes about him.
  16. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    And here is another example of why you get the response you do. This sounds like the classic "my mind is made up, don't confuse me with facts". And you say other people are closed minded? I didn't realize you meant 3D either.
  17. lisah25

    *rant* friggin commercials!!

    I've actually asked DH what was wrong with the silly thing when it wouldn't fast foward through a commercial once in a while. He just quietly reminds me that I'm watching TV, not using the DVR... :faint:
  18. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    This doesn't make sense. It's either literal or it's not. The second you say something like "the context clearly indicates otherwise" you are introducing intreptation, which can and does vary by person. What is clear to you may not be to someone else. And this is why we have problems with you, and tell you that you belittle people.
  19. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Well, either the bible can be taken literaly or it can't. It really is an either/or. Once you say one part, no matter how nit-picky it might seem to you is open to interpretation, where do you draw the line?
  20. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    My point is that just because you used to believe one way, be part of one group, doesn't mean that after you've changed you wouldn't belittle what you used to be. You may not intend to belittle anyone, in fact I believe you have good intentions, and aren't aware of how you come across. But you are indeed doing so.
  21. OMG! That is terrible! I can't believe people are giving you flack for doing something nice, just because they don't like how you did it, or are jealous it wasn't them. I'm glad the person you chose is banded and doing well. No matter what crap you get, you have to feel good about changing someone's life!
  22. lisah25

    Intelligence test

    I got 10 right. I didn't read carefully enough on the Moses/ark question.
  23. lisah25


    I would suggest making an appointment with your dr. It sounds like you might be a little tight. I'd also be careful with cheese, it's very high fat and so high calories.
  24. This isn't a food suggestion, but make sure you have a heating pad! It was the best thing for the shoulder pain that was the worst part of recovery for me. Congrats on getting your date!!!
  25. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Having once held a belief that you no longer do doesn't mean one wouldn't belittle those who still hold it. Talk to many ex-smokers for example.

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