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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I among others answered, both you and Gadetlady. I guess you didn't like the answers?
  2. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In Spain!

    LOL-you all are too funny!
  3. lisah25

    Holy Crap That Hurts

    I've had a few such incidents, and they kinda suck. My best advice is to eat mushie food for a meal or two, I find that throwing up, or PB as we call it, irritates my stomach, and a meal or two resting it helps. Try some solid Protein, some fish for example. Chew really well, small bites all that. If you still have problems, you may be a little too tight. You need to be able to eat healthy food. I also find that after each fill, what I can eat changes, and I have to be more careful. I was able to eat sushie rice, now it's a bit more challenging. Tortillas are pretty much out now.
  4. lisah25

    Loose Band But Still Losing

    Are you feeling hungry sooner then you would like, or finding yourself thinking about food a lot between meals? If not, and you're not struggling too much, I'd stay were you are for a while.
  5. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Well, at least the music would be good! One question though, would I be sharing hell with all the Clinton bashers?!
  6. lisah25

    Any regrets?

    No regrets at all. The best thing is that I have hope again that I can be a normal size. I can eat a small meal, and be totally satisfied. food no longer rules my life. The worst is that at times I do miss the comfort of eating a huge meal, without having to think about if I eat this or that, will it get stuck.
  7. lisah25

    SV for me!

    Good point lizrbit, I have hit the point where I weigh less then what I wanted to lose!
  8. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Thanks. We have a couple of options. One is leaving him where he is, unless they close it down, but I'm not comfortable with that one, I don't trust the care. It's hard, like we discussed on another thread here.
  9. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Actually, his approval rating hovers around 30-35% at this point. Bush got 51% of the popular vote, so while it was indeed a majority, there werew many who didn't vote for him. So, critizing the president makes one un-patriotic?
  10. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    No problem, and thank you so much! Yeah, I have been reading and thinking more the last few days. Oh, and that pesky real-life thing is butting in on forum time. The nursing facility we have my FIL in had some problems in it's state inspection, and right now is on probation. So we are looking at other places for him. :clap2: :clap2:
  11. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    That would explain what happened to the unicorns...:rolleyes
  12. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Ron has total control over whether or not he chooses to post anything. If he doesn't want to get "dragged into" a discussion, he doesn't have to.
  13. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    OK, I have to call BS. I have seen no sign whatsoever of TOM "crying like a baby" at your questions.
  14. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You know, you don't have to answer questions. I don't really remember anyone questioning your beliefs until you had offered them up. Making them fair game, IMHO, for discussion.
  15. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I can't speak for TOM, but I think one can believe in Jesus as a savior and also not take the Bible literally.
  16. lisah25

    Who To Believe

    I think it's a great idea to research the different surgeries and make sure you pick the one best for you, but I wouldn't use info in an unsolicited sales call as part of that. Which is what it sounds like you got. I drink a glass of wine once in a while, pretty much what I did before. I can't drink beer anymore, I tried one and it made me really uncomfortable. I eat spicy food a lot, it hasn't caused me any problems at all.
  17. lisah25

    Last Supper Mentality??

    Oh Yeah! I was convinced that I needed to have a "last meal" at all my favorite places. Including two buffets, Red Robin and an Pasta place. I ate myself sick more then once. What I've learned since is that I can still eat at most of my favorite places. I just eat less and yeah there are a few things I can't eat, and while I miss them, overall it's so worth it. In fact, I've sat on some of those places, watching the food going by and was amazed that people eat that much. Even though I know I used to. It's not nearly as appealing a thought as it was before surgery.
  18. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    This is one of the things I've struggled most with. I still don't have a perfect answer, but I'm starting to believe that God goes by many names, and there are many paths to Him. Yes, I realize that's not the usual Biblical stance.
  19. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I've never understood why homosexuality is such an issue for so many, when the Bible doesn't make a distinction that one sin is worse then another. I do have a theory, but it's just that, my theory.
  20. lisah25

    Question, Please read!

    Hi Hotpink. It's hard to have much of an opinion based just on posts on a board, but it really seems to me that you two have problems that go beyond the immeadiate WLS issue. You may end up putting thought into not whether you should worry about him or not, but if he is really the right guy for you. Doesn't mean he's bad or anything, but you might not be a good fit for each other. Just a though.
  21. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Two thoughts about that. One, if there are enough people to vote in some laws based on the Bible, why aren't there enough to vote in all of them? And more important, why do I not hear anywhere near the converstation about some of them as I do about gay marriage?
  22. lisah25

    is crab a mushy food?

    What I was told was that a mushy food is something you could eat if you didn't have teeth. For me, I didn't think crab fit that, it takes some chewing for me.
  23. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    So, you are saying, if I'm understanding, that while good works aren't going to save or not save anyone, anyone who is saved will do them. That it's an outward sign of having been saved, a "side-effect" of sorts?
  24. lisah25

    Banded Duos?

    Hi Amanda - since I started this thread, I'll make the executive decision that you can post on it!:heh: Good luck to you and your mom!

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