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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Aww. Cute cats.

    AWWWW, those are SOOOO cute.
  2. lisah25


    LOL-those are great!
  3. lisah25

    Am I hurting myself?

    My best advice is to follow your surgeon's post-op plan. It has to do with allowing the band to heal in place, and is supposed to really reduce future complications.
  4. lisah25

    SO supportive.

    Now why didn't I think of that? I could have made fake scars from left-over Halloween make-up, take pain meds for a few days, stick to the post-op plan, golly sounds good...
  5. lisah25


    Thanks - I thought the RnR you meant was on OH. I was just confused!
  6. We had almost the same conversation almost 3 years ago now, only DH wanted the surgery and I was worried about un-insured complications. It worried me a LOT. But then our doctor told us that if DH didn't lose weight, he wouldn't be here in 10 years. Scary when you are 41. So, in a way it was much less a gamble for him. For me, my health wasn't that bad. My surgeon said my health history was boring! But I couldn't do the things I wanted. And since I'd tried everthing more then once, I knew I wasn't going to do it without surgery. It does sound like you and your DH are able to talk things through, and be honest with each other, that's a very good thing.
  7. Yes, you can. Normal changes a little, but in a good way. I would get banded again in a heartbeat! Keep in mind that this is a support board. People post when they are making the decision, and as they are newly banded, or if they are having problems. Not many people start threads saying "well, things are still going just great". I've had very little pain once I healed from the surgery. Had a few days a few weeks ago where my port area was sore, but I had been playing with my 5 YO niece I think I overdid it. I vomit/PB rarely, and usually it's because I've eaten too fast, or something I knew wasn't a good choice. And when I do, it's not bad, not like we think of vomiting pre-banding. Now, there can be rare serious side-effects, and you need to be aware of that. Most of us decided to take a calculated risk and have surgery, since the risks of staying mobidly obese were a lot higher.
  8. lisah25

    Such a bigot

    I'm with you. I never liked her, but that was so over the line.
  9. lisah25


    I can't find it? What forum is it(didn't see a Rnr or Rant and Rave)
  10. lisah25


    I knew we all had a lot in common. I have tried some of his tips too. I had it on TIVO, I think I may need to add it back. It was making me too hungry for a while post-surgery!:faint:
  11. DH and I were both self-pay, and this was a concern. But in doing the research, the risk of a serious complication is pretty slight, where as the risk of serious health issues if we stayed MO was very high. Also, where we had our surgeries, they cover any band complications. Except for the anethesiogist(sp?) fees.
  12. lisah25


    Last night was all about nuts, it was fun as always. I love his show too, I like that he gives some of the science and history behind the foods.
  13. lisah25

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Yeah, I agree that's a good possibility. Wonder if anyone involved will address that anytime.
  14. lisah25

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    LOL-so because Jesus and Mary didn't have a DNA link, the show came to the conclusion they had to have been married - . Interesting, if baffleing. I agree, why didn't they test the child against Mary and Jesus?
  15. lisah25

    Do you miss eating like you used to?

    Yes, I do miss it at times. I miss being able to eat a whole meal, ordering without thinking about if it's something that I can eat. Going to a buffet and pigging out. Eating was my entertainment as well as comfort. I'm working on replacing it with other things, and the good news is that as I feel better physically, I find more I want and am able to do.
  16. lisah25

    Need Dinner Party Help!!!

    I do baked salmon, salad or steamed brocolli, brown/wild rice.
  17. lisah25

    Vent regarding the Ultra Religious

    And another Amen! These threads are in the R&R section, and are clearly titled. People have the right to just skip right over them.
  18. lisah25

    SV for me!

    As of today, I'm just a little bit more then halfway through Twoterville. I weighed 249.8. This is significant to me for a few reasons. It's the lowest weight I've been in years, maybe since college. I'd gotten to 250 before, but not below. And it means I have less then 100 pounds to goal. :biggrin1:
  19. lisah25

    how do you handle

    I find that with friends, I tell them that I had my stomach banded so can't eat a lot, or some things, and I do so with my attitude of "Isn't it great, I'm feeling so much better and getting healthier". I don't say that, but I act(not really an act, it's how I feel) that my band is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I haven't had any negative feedback. For restuarants, if I have a request, I just do like Jack and say I recently had surgery.
  20. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Once again, I must call BS. Show me one post where I mocked the scripture. Where I showed a hatred of Jesus. Or admit you are lying about me. I take that seriously. Interesting to me that you equate yourself with scripture...:myscared:
  21. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Nicely said.
  22. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Yep, what is "clear" to some is not to others. I believe God cares more about what is in our hearts then how well we follow the rules exactly just so.
  23. lisah25

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    No it is not. No matter what you say, it's not.
  24. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Not believing the Bible is word-for-word literel doesn't mean some don't read it, and that their faith doesn't come from it. You don't seem to get that, even though it's what you yourself do.
  25. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You've said that Jesus didn't really mean us to eat his body and drink his blood. But those are the words the Bible uses.

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