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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    Why in the world should he not be thought of as a hypocrite!?
  2. lisah25

    Yes! Woo-freaking-hoo!

    LOL-I was going to say congrats, but then got distracted by Jack's post!
  3. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    LOL-me too! Not sure what it makes us, but obviously not as observant as some. Who apparently spent a LOT of time gazing at the pic... :heh:
  4. lisah25

    My First 'stuck' episode...now what?

    I would do some warm herbal tea for now, and take it easy the rest of the day. Not liquids maybe, but mushier stuff.
  5. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the course of my education, I've learned that while getting degrees and being smart aren't mutually exclusive, they don't automattically go together either.
  6. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL - now that's another good visual.
  7. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes! I blame my age for everything these days. Which makes my 87 YO MIL laugh.
  8. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good point. She'd kick my butt.
  9. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :heh: :heh: :heh:
  10. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Somehow, I can picture you as a bad boy. One of the best lessons I've learned in my marriage is that romance is in the eye of the beholder. Anyone can think about getting me flowers, I love that my DH brings me things/does things for me that are about us and what I like. It's so much more personal.
  11. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK, I guess that leaves me Alex and/or Burke.
  12. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was actually wondering the same thing, this seemed out of character.
  13. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LMAo - so if Boomhower and Elis Grey had a child, you'd be it?! :heh: :girl_hug:
  14. Mine wasn't. I remember filling out a bunch of those Personality tests, multiple choice mostly, then spending an hour talking with the pyschologist. Mainly, she wanted to be sure I had realistic expectations for the surgery, and to find out what kind of support I'd have from family and friends. Went very well, and I actually enjoyed it.
  15. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No, no, I'm Auntie Lisa. Lauren is my niece, since TOM is her grandpa and I'm his daughter. You can be a cousin if you want, or a crazy ole aunt like me, that would make you my sis. We need to plan a family reunion!
  16. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's good by me!
  17. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :high5: :faint: So I won't call you Grandpa TOM, you're DAD!
  18. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm sorry she felt she had to leave. I find these thread educational - and being banded isn't the only thing in my life. Just one of the best!
  19. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It does, and not just 'cause I'm feeling cranky this morning. I'm getting SOOOOOO flipping tired of rumors being repeated as facts. People not researching. Like the haircut non-story, that now is being attributed to Hillary, not Bill who actually got the haircut. Lots of people count on people believing the worst.
  20. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes. So, what is the word?!
  21. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope no one leaves over the RnR discussions either! There is a TON of great support here, and if someone doesn't like off-topic discussions, all they need to do is not read threads in this folder. It even says "Enter at your own risk" right on the folder.
  22. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't remember that at all. I do remember a flap over I thought it was Bill Clinton getting a haircut, and it was blown out of proportion. http://politus.blogspot.com/2004/04/debunked-clintons-haircut-at-lax.html " Haircut: a Tale With a Life of Its Own JONATHAN SCHELL. Newsday. Long Island, N.Y.: Jul 18, 1993. AT 4:30 in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 18, President Bill Clinton boarded Air Force One, at Los Angeles International Airport, after playing a game of basketball with children in the city. Waiting for him there was Cristophe, a renowned hairdresser of Belgian extraction who catered to Hollywood stars and had on occasion cut Hillary Clinton's hair. At 4:52 p.m., the Secret Service and airport officials closed two of the airport's four runways, as is customary when Air Force One takes off or lands. A few minutes later, they requested a delay of 20 minutes. Meanwhile, Cristophe cut Clinton's hair. Air Force One took off at 5:48. Air traffic came and went on time, with the exception of an unscheduled air taxi, which took off 17 minutes after leaving the gate - two minutes late by Federal Aviation Agency standards. The bare fact that the president had had a haircut on Air Force One was reported the next day by Reuters. On that day also, Valery Kuklinsky, a reporter in the L.A. bureau of UPI, called Elly Brekke, a spokeswoman for the FAA in L.A., to ask whether the president's haircut had delayed air traffic. Brekke stated that the air control tower had told her that the arrival of two incoming flights - one from Yuma, Ariz., the other from Palmdale, Calif. - had been delayed. On the 20th, Kuklinsky's findings were released, and Lois Romano, of the Washington Post, revealed that the hairdresser had been Cristophe, and that his fees were in the $200 range. The two crucial elements of the story, the airport delays and the high price of the haircut - the two wings, so to speak, on which the story would fly - were now in place. The day after that, Glenn Kessler of this newspaper filed a Freedom of Information request for information about delays. Some five weeks later, he got his answer, which revealed that in fact there had been none. In the meantime, however, the story of the haircut, including the misinformation regarding delays, was winging its way around the world."
  23. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh come on. You've been here a while, so what did you think would happen when you posted this "list"? Did you think it wouldn't be challenged? 43, banded, Democrat and I too know what I'm talking about... :heh:
  24. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I knew I should have checked before posting my link!
  25. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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