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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Do you miss eating like you used to?

    That is a GREAT attitude. :clap2: I may have to adopt it myself. Things really do change, and it's so individual. What changes for me isn't the same change for other people. I think we have to just be open to listening to our bodies and minds. I've found some real surprises so far. And I also think we need to be honest, some changes may not feel good at least at first, and I've struggled with some. But I used to say I'd do anything needed to lose weight and be healthy. So now I have to prove that to myself
  2. lisah25

    Another E-Mail Debunked

    BINGO! If my faith were so shakey as to be threatened by a phrase on money, I'd be worried. I hear about how "liberals" are trying to remove God from America. And I feel a bit sad that some who claim to believe in Him think that is even possible. God doesn't need to be reflected by and in our Government.
  3. It's just you. While there are a lot of liberals in this area, there is a wide variety within that group. I personally am heterosexual, married and Christain.
  4. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    We made TOM blush?! I'm impressed.
  5. I think this is a common feeling, if a little restriction is good, a lot must be better. But I've learned, and so has my DH for that matter, it doesn't work like that. Being too tight makes it hard to eat foods that will indeed keep you full longer. liquids go through the band quickly, leaving you feeling hungry sooner. Solid Protein and veggies don't, so you feel full longer. I personally would go to your doctor, and talk about getting an unfill. Eating shouldn't hurt.
  6. lisah25

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    She's adorable TOM.
  7. lisah25

    Stop the Transvestite Accusations about Rudy

    I agree, what a stupid, underhanded, unfair tactic. I hadn't heard this one yet.
  8. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    When I said "over the edge", I really meant it in a good way, as in so funny I was honestly fighting not to laugh out loud!
  9. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    Oh no, not at all! I think it's very funny! I'm just glad a lot of people are out of the office today, otherwise I'd have co-workers at my desk wondering what the heck is so funny. And I just can't explain this one to them.
  10. This really hit me as a good way to put it. I have become more of a "food snob", and it's carried over to other areas in my life. I love clothes, and like to buy them, so I've in the past bought lots of cheap stuff. I've noticed lately I'm looking more critically at how something fits, and how it's made, before I'm willing to buy it. I find I'm not watching TV shows that are re-runs, or that aren't entertaining enough, I find I think I'm wasting my time. It's a side-effect I hadn't expected, but am liking.
  11. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    Ok, that one sent me right over the edge!
  12. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    :eek: :eek: Well, it's a serving of fruit at least...
  13. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    I'm sitting here try to get my mind back on work, and I just can't now!! All I can think about is going to the grocery store... :dance:
  14. Steak I can eat, if it's a good quality like a filet. pizza, I can eat a piece if it's thin/crispy crust. Beer is out for me, I tried it once and it made me feel very uncomfortable, bloated and just yucky. Funny thing, after that I found my desire for it was a lot less! I'm not sure what I'd do if I worked in a brewery? Do you do beer tasting - could you sip and spit? You will have to change what you eat to some extent. I have read posts from people who eat what they want, just smaller quantities, and I'm not one of them. I've had to adjust my idea of what I eat, the trade-off that I can wear smaller clothes, my BP is down, I can climb stairs and breath at the same time(you get the idea). I will say that my idea of what I eat to be satisified has changed too, which helps a great deal. And I've been working to find substitues for the role food played in my life. Good luck!
  15. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    The thing with that Clinton list is that there is some truth in it. He did what he could to avoid the draft, like LOTS of young men of the time. Admiriable, perhaps not. But it doesn't, as the list proclaims, make him a pardoned federal felon. It's a typical political tactic, take a grain of truth and stretch it to make whatever sleazy point is wanted.
  16. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    I did a quick search, gots lots of recipies. Then I got sidetracked thinking about pinapple rings and games of ring toss...
  17. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    Hum, pineapple and whipping cream? I can think of some interesting possibilities, but now I'm curious. Wonder if this is a safe Google topic...
  18. lisah25

    Red Lobster Warning -- ADULTS ONLY

    They are mutually exclusive!? :faint:
  19. lisah25

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/felon.asp http://www.snopes.com/rumors/clinton.htm
  20. lisah25

    Hilary Speaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here is what you posted, bolding mine: "Well, I've been on here a long time and I hate it when some people get on here who are new, probably couple of months, usually not even banded, and been able to vote maybe 3 of 4 years if they're lucky and act like they know the difference between Dems and Rebuplicans. I won't wast e my time with you. You just LOVE arguments and I just don't have the time. So, when you grow up, learn some things, get banded, give me a yell until then leave me the hell alone. I won't be back to this immature, uninvolved, worthless, uninspring, useless thread. "
  21. lisah25

    Pain in left side below rib cage

    Duh - I knew that, I had mine out some years ago. Sorry for the confusion!
  22. lisah25

    Pain in left side below rib cage

    Do you still have your gallbladder?
  23. lisah25

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    Good points TOM.
  24. lisah25

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    Well then, the issue is perjury, not screwing around, right? I love that, I hear all about how horrible Clinton was for getting the BJ, but then when Reps who screwed around are brought up, it's suddenly about the perjury...
  25. lisah25

    Reluctant Spouse

    I was relucant when DH got his band. I was worried that he would die in surgery, or have huge problems afterwards. We were self-pay and I was concerned about paying all that money, and him not losing. Well, he survived surgery(this is such a low-risk surgery) and is healthy now. He's lost about 100 pounds, but still has about 60 to go, and has been in the same place for a long time. He's not really following the guidelines, but he hasn't regained, so I'm OK with it. I think not knowing what we were getting into was the biggest problem. So if your hubby can go to meetings with you, seminars, even read on boards like this, that might help re-assure him?

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