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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Left Shoulder Pain

    I do off and on, usually if I've eaten too much, but mine isn't really that painful, more annoying.
  2. lisah25

    Be Careful

    This is a good reminder Keith. While this is a pretty safe surgery, it's not risk free and anyone researching it needs to think about some of the "what ifs". Thanks for sharing this.
  3. I agree with that, and I also don't want the government involved in my religion.
  4. I've been a daily weigher for a long time, even before banding. About 2 weeks ago, I stopped. Now, I'm going to try weighing once a week only. I was getting too tied up in what the scale said. I do wonder about the accountability factor, but am working on other things like tracking what I eat, and paying attention to how I feel and how my clothes fit. Like so much else in bandland, the "right" answer varies from person to person and time to time. What I've learned that has helped the most is to be flexible and kind of check in with myself to see if I need to tweak anything.
  5. I remember one example that really stands out. We were at a small-group meeting. Someone say a newspaper picture of a group of local politicians praying, and commented on how great that was. Well, until he picked it up, and read the caption identifying them as Democrats. His comment then? "Who do they think they are praying to", said with disgust. Ok, that may not be a pastor preaching on how to vote, but it's an example of the attitude that is all too common.
  6. Me too. One of my best friends never had much interest in politics, tended to vote Rep. Now, she's more engaged.
  7. Well, the post right above yours has good examples! I know people who vote for all kinds of reasons, that don't make sense to me.
  8. Yes, it really is. Too many people don't really think about how they vote and why, and what they stand for and how that matches up with candidates. And I don't mean just religious people.
  9. lisah25

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    It is a good point, I sit corrected. Thanks TOM and Alexandra. My original thinking was that race and gender don't tell you what someone will stand for, so in answering a poll about whether you would vote for them, you have less information then you do when you know someone's religious affiliation.
  10. A surprising number of people do.
  11. lisah25

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    Thanks. I was feeling confused. No unusual for a Monday Morning.
  12. lisah25

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    What book? I'm going mainly by the article that started this thread. I'm saying that comparing those who would vote for a woman or a black person to those who would vote for someone in a group that actually says something about where they stand is comparing apples and oranges.
  13. I had a hard time getting past the title "Why liberals are right to hate the Ten Commandments" I'm liberal, and I don't hate them.
  14. lisah25

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    My first thought reading this is that being a woman or being black doesn't tell me what a candidate is likely to stand for, if they would be liberal or conservative. So, the term "qualified" in the question would likely mean "matches what I want". Now, a candiate who is a Morman, people are more likely to have idea about what they stand for, and that they are probably conservative. So, I don't know if this poll is about bigotry. In other words, those 38% who wouldn't vote for a Morman may have said so not because they are anti-religion, but they are liberals who think a Mormon would be too conservative. Does that make sense?
  15. lisah25

    Question about Feet

    Yep, and I can now wear some non-wide width shoes. It's on of those cool things that I didn't even think about.
  16. I have heard a lot about how Clinton fired all 93 of the lawyers when he took office. I also thought I read that Bush also fired most if not all of them when he took office? That aside, how this was handled is interesting, as is the fact it's very rare that a president fires his own appointees.
  17. lisah25

    A Guy Question?

    My DH has noticed a difference, OK and I have too...
  18. I'm not sure what you mean about a port open in your body?
  19. Did you go to NWWLS? There are several of us who have been banded there, I am totally happy with the surgery and service. Any specific questions?
  20. If he truely knew/believed she wouldn't have wanted to live in the state she was in, it would be hard to not be able to fufill her wishes.
  21. In cases like this, I look at who will be harmed most. Is it a couple who can't have the legal relationship that straights get, meaning they don't get the legal benefits, many of which can't be duplicated? Or the people who may not like their lifestyle, but otherwise really aren't affected by it? A common line I hear from conservatives to liberals is about how no one has a right to not be offended. That applies here. No one has to Celebrate gay marriages if they don't want to, but why does their right to not have to see things they may not like override other people's?
  22. My DH tried that at IHOP, and they refused to let him order off the kids menu even with the card. I think it depends on the server maybe? I was out the other morning, and the place had 1/2 servings of Breakfast on their senior/kids menu. Anyone else could order from that, but there was a $1.00 charge. Seemed like a good thing to me.
  23. lisah25


    On the BP - that was a worry for me, because I HATE to throw up. But for me at least, a PB is really more just like spitting up. It's not my idea of fun, but it's nowhere nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
  24. The new phone book's here, BTW...:heh:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
