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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    My turn -- I've slipped

    Oh I'm sorry to hear this. Hoping they can repair/replace it for you!
  2. I still don't see anything that says all christians deserve something. I agree that Christians aren't untouchable.
  3. I agree with you there. I think you are over-reacting to this. NO ONE said anytying about Christians deserving anything. No one said ALL Christians, or most, are like this. The article specified fanatics I believe. And guess what, even Christians sometimes do terrible things. Look at Fred Phelps. Most of us are smart enough to realize that this is an extreme. Most of us know good Christians, heck some of us even try to be that. My best friend lost her monther at the end of January. Recently, I was part of a group of 25 people who spent a day working inside and out on her mom's house getting it ready to sell, most of whom are from our church. We had a blast. That's what I think of as Christian, not some made-up idiot who attacks a school in a make-believe scenerio. I'm much more saddened that our world is such that we have to have such drills, regardless of the details used.
  4. I thought the same thing actually. I wonder, what should the terrorists have been? I think there are dangerous fanatics in EVERY group. From what I read, these weren't presented as just your every-day Christians, but fanatics.
  5. lisah25

    Don't know why...

    I've never been fond of OH, only because I didn't like the software they ran on. And I just feel more "at home" here. I have always had the sense that it is more for RNY patients also.
  6. lisah25

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    And to be fair also, the Gore's home is also an office to both of them, and various staff. So it's not just a residence. And really, doesn this negate his point in his movie?
  7. lisah25

    When the truth is inconvenient . . .

    I have to admit when I first read this, I thought Gore was learning the true meaning of "An Inconvient Truth"! :guess
  8. I know it's frustrating, because it makes them look really shallow, but you might also realize that weight aside, you may not be the same person you were totally. I know for me, I have more confidence. I look people in the eye more and smile more. I think that sometimes is as appealing to other people as body size.
  9. lisah25

    Do you miss food?

    Sometimes. There are times I'd like to just pig-out, eat huge amounts of bad food like I used to. I do miss that, even though I know it's part of why I was over 300 pounds. And when I'm in the middle of a PB(productive burp - where food comes back up) I'm not thrilled. And I've realized that I used food as a drug, instead of facing my anger over something someone did to me, I'd eat enough to dull all feeling. I'm having to deal with my emotions more honestly, and that can be a painful learning experience. But I would do it again no question. I'm down just over 59 pounds. I feel better, and am wearing clothes I haven't worn in a looonnngg time if ever. My doctor says I'm much healthier, and I can't even imagine what I'll feel like after losing the next 100 pounds.
  10. lisah25

    Do you miss food?

    There are changes you have to make, no doubt. The band is a tool, no more or less, but it's working much better then anything else I've tried in almost 40 years of fighting my weight. I have things I know aren't the best choices sometimes. I got SICK of dieting. Of counting every little thing I ate, being focused on food all the time, thinking about what I could eat, what I wanted, feeling bad about my "cheats". I am done with that. At first, I tracked my food at fitday.com, to make sure I was on track. Now I don't very often, unless I'm stalled. But if I have one cookie or a bite of chocolate, that's fine. I find it only takes a little bit and I'm happy.
  11. lisah25

    Be Honest....

    OMG - there really are "fill-parties"?! That is just scary to me. I agree, being so tight you can't get liquids in is scary, but I'd go to the ER, explain what is going on and hopefully get an IV to prevent more dehydration, then work on finding someone who can do an unfill.
  12. lisah25

    Do you miss food?

    Once you've healed from surgery, you are supposed to eat real food, and actually avoid liquid calories. So we do eat real food, and a pretty decent variety. Yesterday I had a non-fat latte(skim milk is pretty much the liquid calories I get) and a South beach bar. Lunch was tuna and cracker and some baby carrots. Snack was a tangerine and some almonds. Dinner , I had turkey summer sausage on an whole-wheat english muffen put under the broiler with some cheese on it. I find I don't really think about food much at all, definitly less then I used to, and I feel satisfied eating a lot less then I used to. It's pretty cool.
  13. lisah25

    Feeling the portal

    I'm with the other posters, never heard of one being placed near the groin. Mine is right below my ribcage, to the right. I can feel it if I press on that area, but otherwise I don't notice it at all.
  14. lisah25

    Acceptable Bigotry?

    I bought the Passion of Christ, but haven't watched it. Because of the violence. I got just a little way through Braveheart and had to leave the room. I know that Christ suffered. I know that battles are horrible and bloody. I just don't need to see it on a screen, esp. as "entertainment". Just like I know rape happens, but I don't want to see it graphically/realisticly protrayed on a screen either. I'm not saying Mel was right or wrong, just how I feel about it.
  15. I think he's way too loose. Properly adjusted, he shouldn't be able to eat anywhere near that much. Could you make some kind of a deal with him - where he agrees to be honest with the surgeon, and get a good fill. Live with it for a month or whatever, and if he doesn't like the results, or feels hungry or whatever, he can have it loosened. I understand how he might be feeling, but a tighter band will make him less hungry, that's the point.
  16. lisah25

    Alcohol consumption

    I can't do beer - the one time I tried I ended up feeling bloated and yucky after about 1/2 a glass. I do drink wine on occasion. Just watch out for the calories. And also, I find it hits harder then it did pre-band.
  17. lisah25

    It's on him now.

    She didn't in any way say she supported Saddam, or HOW he kept the country stable.
  18. lisah25

    It's on him now.

    I don't quite buy this. We'd had one 9/11 in history(OK, and another attack on the WTC earlier). I don't believe our being there is making us safer here. I'd rather see the troops here protecting us then over there. I do not believe we can change things there. A madman like Saddam didn't come to power in a vacuum after all.
  19. lisah25

    It's on him now.

    I don't see that we are stopping much, there is still a LOT of violence going on. I don't think we can stop it, too many generations and too much history of it for us to step in from the outside and make a difference. Please don't confuse lack of support for Bush with lack of support for the troops. I support them enough that I don't want more to die for a conflict I don't believe we can win.
  20. lisah25

    It's on him now.

    OK, I'm with you about the better guy thing, but I'm ticked that the dems put all the other stuff in there. I feel like they put the troops in the middle of a tug of war that isn't fair. I want us out of Iraq, and I'm no fan of Bush and his administration, but this bugs me a lot.
  21. lisah25

    Appointment with Dietician Scared Me

    Hum, not my experience. First off, yes I eat smaller meals. But because I have a small pouch, I'm very statisfied with them. I don't eat small meals every two hours, my instructions in fact were to eat 3 small meals a day, and maybe 1 or 2 planned Snacks, but those are optional. I do drink a lot of water, but I just have a bottle nearby and sip at it. Which I did before surgery. I feel like, for the first time in my life, food and eating isn't the focus. I feel more like a normal person. Going on the post band diet without a band won't really prove anything. The band creates physical changes you can't just pretend are there. Now, you do have to make some changes. You have to eat less, and make healthy choices. The band really doesn help you do that.
  22. I don't measure exactly, but here goes: BF - 20 ounce non-fat latte and South Beach Protein bar Snack - a few almonds lunch - Tuna, crackers and carrots. dinner - Not sure yet. We are going shopping, so will eat out. Probably some grilled fish and steamed veggies. Pretty typical day for me.
  23. lisah25

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    There is so much wrong with that.
  24. lisah25

    Stranded and P.O'd.

    I agree with the safety issue, but I would have sat inside and at least called someone to come help the person outside!
  25. lisah25


    OK, you've lost 33 pounds in about 4 months, right? Which an average of just over 2 pounds a week if I'vee done the math correctly. Which is on the high end of what I was told to expect. All of which is my way of saying that your restriction and diet might be just fine, it's your expectations that need work?:welldoneclap: I'm not trying to be mean or anything, you really do sound like you are doing well. Now, if you are struggling a lot, and feeling hungry most of the time, you might indeed need an adjustment, but I don't think your rate of lose calls for one.

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