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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisah25

  1. lisah25

    Woo-Hoo! Jeans NSV

    Don't we all have a pair of "Skinny jeans" hidden away somewhere? Welll, I have a pair(not really skinny, but skinnier) that I bought a size too small about 3 years ago when I was on yet another "I'll lose and fit into them" moment. Well, about a month or so ago, I was indeed able to wear them. Then today, I realized I can actually put them on and take them off without undoing them. Granted, I have to wiggle a bit, but I'm soooo thrilled. :faint:
  2. Hi Evilah - both DH and I were banded at NWWLS. Same surgeon even.
  3. I can, all three. We don't dump like Bypass patients can on sugar, which can be a pro or a con depending on the person. I can't drink beer, it's too carbonated. Approaches vary as to whether or not we should. Personally, I got banded to try and be as normal as possible in my relationship to food. Which means a treat once in a while, I just have learned to make myself put it in my food totals for that day and account for the calories. I don't see any problem with Caffeine, by the way. I have a non-fat latte for Breakfast pretty much everyday.
  4. lisah25

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    The great thing about living here is that you don't have to like it. Anymore then anyone has to like how you live. As long as we all realize we have a lot of freedom to choose how we live. The problem I have with what you say is that what is right or wrong depends in great part in what you believe. For example, my walking around with my head uncovered, showing arms and legs, is wrong to some. Not to me, so why should I change how I live to suit them?
  5. lisah25

    my update (long read)

    Jodie, can I ask what kind of response you were looking for? To me, support means saying what I think, kindly and gently, but still saying what I think, not what I think someone wants to hear.
  6. lisah25


    Hi! I was never told not to drink before meals, I drink right up to when I start eating. I drink water pretty much all the time except for that hour after meals, most of it mid-morning and mid-afternoon. I'm not totally clear on that one, but was told it was to do with that hour being enough time for your body to get the message that it's really full. And then it takes a while to send an "I'm hungry, feed me"(remember Little Shop of Horrors?) message. Probably no more chugging. Even empty. Picture a funnel, only so much can go through at one time, right?
  7. lisah25

    my update (long read)

    I don't really know what to say in response Jodie. What you describe is way beyond anything I've had experience with, so I don't have much advice. I will say that I think you still need to look at your drinking. For a couple of reasons. One, it's empty calories, and I personally can't drink it when I'm tight enough. So it may well be one reason you are having problems losing. The more important reason though is that it seems to be impacting your life and your decisions. I think you need to work on getting a good therapist. This will sound mean, but think about how much you are spending going out, and if that money could go towards getting yourself settled?
  8. lisah25

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    Huh, either you are painting with WAY to broad a brush, or I'm not really a Christian. I personally am too involved in trying to live my own life to worry a lot about what other people do. Many other Christians are like me. The problem is, because we aren't as vocal as other Christians, we tend to be overlooked. I have gay people in my life that I love.
  9. lisah25

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    Interesting, I've always been encouraged to have discussion, debates whatever about my beliefs. To question my pastors. It's actually helped me in my faith because it's made me think about what I say I believe and why.
  10. lisah25

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    Does anyone have a link to actual amendment? I'm having a hard time finding it.
  11. lisah25

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    I thought that was Dan Quayle? I am a horrible speller. I had very involved parents, have an AA and a BA, read all the time for fun but just can't seem to "get" spelling.
  12. lisah25

    LB is pissing me off

    I remember getting ticked at them when they had these signs on the store walls, something about beauty not being an age or a size. With pictures of young slender women. The clerk said they had gotten lots of complaints about that.
  13. lisah25

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    Then we should make the punishment harsh enough that the motive of the offender doesn't matter. So that anyone thinking about killing someone, or beating them, for any reason will think twice.
  14. lisah25

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    I have mixed feelings actually. I don't know that acts that would be crimes no matter who the victim was, like dragging someone behind a truck, should have different punishments. I do strongly believe in laws preventing discrimination in matters that aren't criminal, like housing.
  15. lisah25

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    So it sounds like you believe that we don't know whether or not we are going to heaven until Judgement day? OK, that makes more sense to me. Thanks.
  16. lisah25

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    I've never understood this part, could you clarify? When you say that the person can accept or reject it, do you mean even if they are dead? I get this mental picture of someone in Hell hearing their name called out and them being told they could leave now, of course they would accept it. In other words, once you are dead you know where you are going and so it's a different choice. Does that even make sense? :target:
  17. lisah25

    Black Ministers vs Gay Rights...

    Hum, interesting. I think if they simply say that they believe homsexuality is a sin, that's not hate speech. It's interesting to me that this is such a big deal to them. "Muzzle" the churches? Do they talk about nothing else?
  18. lisah25

    I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman, Part 2

    I think I'm just in scandal-shock. It seems like every week it's something else!
  19. lisah25

    Useless Information

    But not the exact pattern of 02:03:04 05/06/07, right?
  20. lisah25

    Useless Information

    Wouldn't it happen in the year 2107? Not that I plan to be here to find out... :faint:
  21. lisah25

    How Many Calories A Day??

    I was in for a fill last week, and the nurse there told me to aim around 1,100 calories. Seems like a good amount to me, making good choices I can get in my protein and other good for me stuff.
  22. I'm not familar with that doctor, but I do think it's important to realize that yes, things can go badly wrong with lap-band surgery. It's very rare, but that doesn't help if it's you. I thought of it this way, I was taking a calculated risk. I knew that I could have a bad surgery, die or have problems. I also knew there was a very small chance of it happening. On the other hand, I already was paying a price for being obese. I couldn't keep up with my neice, climb a flight of stairs, enjoy going to the mall for a stroll. My back hurt, my knees hurt, I have sleep apnea. Not to mention all the things I was at risk for and facing if I didn't do something.
  23. lisah25


    I'd check with your surgeon. Heartburn can be a sign you are too tight.
  24. lisah25

    I'm approved!

    WOOO-HOOOO :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I've keeping an eye out for this annoucement from you.
  25. I wouldn't do a lot of acessories, it doesn't sound like the dress needs it.

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