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About KimInMD

  • Rank
    Luv To Dive
  • Birthday 04/11/1959

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About Me

  • Interests
    Diving, underwater photography, entertaining friends, gardening
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  1. Happy 54th Birthday KimInMD!

  2. Happy 53rd Birthday KimInMD!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary KimInMD!

  4. KimInMD

    who am I --help-

    Green, Thank you for your comment. I totally agree. I still have trouble wrapping my brain around what my eyes see in the mirror, and it's been almost 2 1/2 years. I hate this body dismorphia stuff!
  5. KimInMD


    Hmm, I too would have said she was making a bedroom. It's hard to say what she is thinking and why she is plugging up her tube. You said she has "sawdust". I hope you are calling wood chips "sawdust", and that you are not really using sawdust. It has much too much dust and quickly causes deadly respiratory infections. An early sign is a hamster that sneezes repeatedly. Some hamsters do seem to enjoy sand baths (esp. dwarfs) , but just as many do not. Yes, you use chinchilla sand ( but not chinchilla DUST) for the above reason. Again, discontinue if you hear wheezing or sneezing. I don't mean to sound like a nag, but so many of these dear pets are lost to respiratory infections. Their lungs are just so very tiny, and once they get sick, there is almost nothing that can be done. Biscuit is lucky to have such a caring mom as you. Best wishes!
  6. KimInMD

    who am I --help-

    Congrats on your weight loss. As a larger person, I often stuck to certain clothing "rules" such as wearing black, no horizontal stripes, no sleeveless shirts, etc. I know I am not alone in saying that many of us had to re-learn how to dress at our new smaller size. It's fun to try new things. In time you'll find your own unique style. When you look good, you feel good. Your newfound self confidence will serve you well as you enter the dating scene. Way to go girl! Have fun dancing the night away.
  7. KimInMD


    We want to help. What's your questions? BTW- Hamsters are very susceptible to human colds. If you get sick this winter, be sure not to go around your little buddy. They catch cold so easily, and will die quickly. Make sure his bedding is aspen. Cedar and pine cause respiratory infections also. Congrats on your new pet. They are wonderful, cuddly, fun little critters.
  8. Moon, Best wishes on your wedding. Honestly, you look like you are glowing in your photo. What a stunning bride you made! Thank you for sharing your story with us (the good and the bad). I am sure you are an inspiration to many here on the board. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. Kim
  9. Juicy Princess, I appreciate your post, and agree with much of what you were saying, but your situation is a little bit different. You came from a thin world originally and long to be back there again. I guess that's because you feel the most comfortable in your old world. Basically, you think like a thin person who has been temporarily placed in a fat suit. Going back to thin isn't scary because you know what to expect once you return to that world. You know you're going to like what awaits you back there. It is much different for someone who has been obese their entire life and now finds themselves in a thin world. Imagine suddenly waking up and finding yourself alone in Shanghai, or New Delhi, or Baghdad. Eventually, the experience could be wonderful and exciting, but initially it would be scary and intimidating until you learned to understand the culture, language, food, and money system. I think you understand what I am saying. My very, very best to you on your impending journey. I wish you much success.
  10. You see, Hairband, you are not alone in your feelings. Many of us have had similar feelings at some point during this process. I bet if you peeked deep inside the heart of most people here, you would see that they too have had a personal fight to find their way. Our experiences may all be different, but many of the feelings are the same. You can have a big family, lots of friends and co-workers, and still be lonely inside. You can have family and friends support you in your weight loss, but still be alone in your day to day struggle to make good food choices and stick to the exercise program. The same determination and inner strength that saw you through the weight loss and giving up smoking is what will now guide you through these new challenges. Really, I think you have so much you can share with so many here on the boards. I believe you to be a woman with incredible inner strength. Catzintj- I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for being transparent and sharing your painful story. You've given us all things to think about and learn from. I liked your analogy about moving to a new house in a new town, and then finally realizing you are home. That's so very, very true! I just never heard it put that way. That is some great wisdom! Thanks for sharing with us.
  11. Hairband, First of all, give up worrying about other's reactions to obesity. You can't control their feelings, you can only control your own. It's true that making all your changes won't solve any great life "mysteries". The same emotions, insecurities and hang-ups that were there before you lost the weight will still be there after the weight is gone. For one year now you have worked on changing your "outside you". Now it's time to take a deep breath and start to look at the "inside you". If you can't yet love the new skin you are in, at least learn to like it and start to work with it. It can be so scary to step outside the box we were comfortable in. Not that it was great to be in there, just comfortable and predictable. It's hard to maneuver in a new world where the standards on the bar have been raised or lowered from what you've known and are use to. Happiness is a by-product of inner contentment. Write down the things in life you are content with. Examples might be- I am happy with my exercise program, and content to be walking 3 miles each day. I am content with my decision to give up smoking, etc. Write down the things in life you are not personally content with. Now pick one of the things on the list and start to work on it. It might be small like - I am not content with the way my hair has been looking lately, or big like - I am not content feeling lonely much of the time. What is one thing you can do to change the situation? Perhaps it would be joining a hobby that involves other like minded people. Don't forget to acknowledge all the things in your life that you ARE contented with. In fact, celebrate those things! Don't be fooled into thinking that you have lost yourself. You have not lost yourself. You have lost the security and comfort of moving in your "old predictable world". Even the pain and poor treatment of that old world were predictable. You haven't lost you. You are just entering a new "season" in your life. You've been given a shot at a new life that millions out there only dream about. You used to be one of those people! You have been given a gift. What are you going to do with that gift? To whom much is given, much is required. Can you uplift and encourage others who are struggling to stay on track? Can you you start a group here and offer help and encouragement to new members, or to those who are doing this without any support? Your 151 pound loss will uplift and inspire hundreds here! You can be a role model for so many others! They would love to know your weight loss secrets and inspiration. Think about it. Be gentle with yourself. The inner and outer changes will take time to adjust to. Don't fear, but celebrate this new season in your life. The old season had lots of "roots". Now it's time to put on the "wings". Best wishes to you! :confused_smile:
  12. Hey Joe,

    Thanks for writing! Dr. Averbach is cool, aloof and keeps it very professional in the beginning. After a while everyone says he warms up. I think he just wants you to understand how serious this surgery is. I like him a great deal. He recently worked with me through a gall bladder attack, and I trust his opinion completely even more now. For the most part, I like the office staff. I have no real complaints. All in all, lap band is the BEST thing in life I've ever done for myself. I only wish I had done it alot sooner. I'm 2 years post op and am down over 100 pounds. A couple weeks ago Dr. A. told me most of his patients are losing about 65% of their excess weight. I thought those stats were below national averages, and was kind-of surprised. Maybe he is just more realistic than the tv commercials are. I'm not sure. If you eat basically 3x a day, just large portions, lap band (with proper restriction) will work great. If you currently snack ALL DAY long, you will have more trouble losing, since you will learn quickly to eat around the band. Also, listen to Dr.A's post op advise and don't start solids (or any phase) early or you WILL stretch your band. I've seen this happen with others, and the weight just hasn't come off well for them. Those first weeks will be tough, but stay strong, and it will all pay off quickly.

    I understand what you are feeling. I too was more nervous the closer I got to surgery day. The night before surgery I was still wondering if I'd made the right choice. At times in my journey I wondered if I'd done the right thing. Now I know, I did the right thing. I have my life back. My kids have a healthy mom, and my husband has a "hot" new wife. I fit in airplane and theater seats. I don't worry about flimsy folding chairs breaking under my weight. I fit in restaurant booths. I don't huff and puff going up steps anymore. My body doesn't ache like it use to. People don't stare or snicker anymore when I'm out in public. Life is GREAT! I'll never be a skinny mini, but trust me- I'm happy! If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. 410-252-3281. I'm in Lutherville. I wish I would have had someone to talk to in those early days deciding and / or post op. Joe, You are going to do great. Congratulations on beginning your journey. This time next year, you will be a different person. Start making your list of the things you want to do with your new body. I even hiked to the top of a mountain! I am so excited for you and your future. I'm wishing you all the best on your journey. It's going to be YOUR year!

    Please keep in touch!


  13. After 6 weeks unfilled, I was finally given a fill to 1.0 (out of 4.0). Basically, there was no difference. My second fill a few weeks ago was .8 so I now have 1.8 I still have almost no restriction. I can go again in a couple more weeks for a third fill, but do I want to pay for another fill if I am going to have gall bladder surgery? Being unfilled, the old food obsessions came flooding back. I was hungry all the time. I picked up about 14 pounds since February. I have since lost 4, so I still have 10 to go. With some restriction and warm weather (to exercise more) I should be able to get it off. My lap band Dr. has said he will do the gall bladder surgery any time I am ready. I still have pain when I eat high fat, so I know the darn thing has to come out. I just hate that I will have to stay unfilled for 6 weeks post op. I hate gaining weight, and fighting with my body. Yes, I have learned new thinking, but if I could stick to diets before I would have never needed the LB surgery in the first place. I HATE the food obsessions. I hate the thoughts of being out of commission for so long. I'm scared, no TERRIFIED I'll gain the weight back. Son's court date is this summer too. I'm worried about that. It looms in the back of my mind. It's not shaping up to be the best of summers. Big Sigh... :thumbdown: I hate when things are out of my control. I really have a need to be in control of every situation. I've come so far, but I see just how more more work I still have to do with myself. It's hard for me to remember I am still a work in progress. For the first 21 months in one post click here... My Journey - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  14. KimInMD

    It's Awful Not To Be In Control!

    After 6 weeks unfilled, I was finally given a fill to 1.0 (out of 4.0). Basically, there was no difference. My second fill a few weeks ago was .8 so I now have 1.8 I still have almost no restriction. I can go again in a couple more weeks for a third fill, but do I want to pay for another fill if I am going to have gall bladder surgery? Being unfilled, the old food obsessions came flooding back. I was hungry all the time. I picked up about 14 pounds since February. I have since lost 4, so I still have 10 to go. With some restriction and warm weather (to exercise more) I should be able to get it off. My lap band Dr. has said he will do the gall bladder surgery any time I am ready. I still have pain when I eat high fat, so I know the darn thing has to come out. I just hate that I will have to stay unfilled for 6 weeks post op. I hate gaining weight, and fighting with my body. Yes, I have learned new thinking, but if I could stick to diets before I would have never needed the LB surgery in the first place. I HATE the food obsessions. I hate the thoughts of being out of commission for so long. I'm scared, no TERRIFIED I'll gain the weight back. Son's court date is this summer too. I'm worried about that. It looms in the back of my mind. It's not shaping up to be the best of summers. Big Sigh... :thumbs_up: I hate when things are out of my control. I really have a need to be in control of every situation. I've come so far, but I see just how more more work I still have to do with myself. It's hard for me to remember I am still a work in progress. For the first 21 months in one post click here... My Journey - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum
  15. After 6 weeks unfilled, I was finally given a fill to 1.0 (out of 4.0). Basically, there was no difference. My second fill a few weeks ago was .8 so I now have 1.8 I still have almost no restriction. I can go again in a couple more weeks for a third fill, but do I want to pay for another fill if I am going to have gall bladder surgery? Being unfilled, the old food obsessions came flooding back. I was hungry all the time. I picked up about 14 pounds since February. I have since lost 4, so I still have 10 to go. With some restriction and warm weather (to exercise more) I should be able to get it off. My lap band Dr. has said he will do the gall bladder surgery any time I am ready. I still have pain when I eat high fat, so I know the darn thing has to come out. I just hate that I will have to stay unfilled for 6 weeks post op. I hate gaining weight, and fighting with my body. Yes, I have learned new thinking, but if I could stick to diets before I would have never needed the LB surgery in the first place. I HATE the food obsessions. I hate the thoughts of being out of commission for so long. I'm scared, no TERRIFIED I'll gain the weight back. Son's court date is this summer too. I'm worried about that. It looms in the back of my mind. It's not shaping up to be the best of summers. Big Sigh... :thumbdown: I hate when things are out of my control. I really have a need to be in control of every situation. I've come so far, but I see just how more more work I still have to do with myself. It's hard for me to remember I am still a work in progress.

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