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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by nessa2112

  1. That's amazing. You don't look like you need to lose that much. Your well proportioned

  2. Your wedding pics are beautiful. You don't have much to lose. Stay positive!

  3. I joined a gym near my house but can't bring myself to go becuase I feel to fat. I know it's stupid but these are the thoughts I have. I started on the scale at 310 and have been between 277-281 for two weeks or so...frustrating. I'm just so anxious to see myself thin and feel the energy that comes with it that I stress myself out. I just want to see more weight come off but I guess I have to start working out to see more results. I do thank God that I haven't had any complications to date. I know things could always be worse. On Friday when I met with my surgeon I told her I thought that the first fill she gave me must have not gone in my port because I felt nothing and felt like I could've eaten a horse.

    Any suggestions!

  4. Hi, you have had great results and I'm so happy for your. It's really hard work. Some people have told me that the band seems like an easy way out. I disagree, the band is a tool...we still have to do a lot of work. I have the realize band which takes 14cc's to totally fill and I'm have been banded almost two months. I had my second fill on Friday-filled 9/4cc's already. I didn't feel any restriction at all and still don't think I feel restriction. Not sure the feeling I should expect with restriction but I do get a bit frustrated. However, I do notice that I am not as hungry as often-which is a plus!

  5. Hey Amy Elizabeth, Hope your doing well! Just dropping by to say hi. I'm done with liquids and Puree already. Thank God! I get my first fill 4/25 which is exciting but a little depressing in that I'll have to do liquids for three days after a fill so thats a bummer but thats not bad. If I could do 10 days on liquids pre op & 10 days on liquid post op in addition to 10 days on puree, I'll manage. Keep me posted

  6. You can do it. I wish you all the luck in the world. Keep me posted on the surgery date. Stay positive

  7. I hope you feel better.

  8. My girlfriend lost 100 lbs that first year which isn't common but she followed everything the Dr said. She also says that the Dr. is very consistant with giving you a fill every four weeks if your not losing 8 to 10 lbs a month. The only thing she regrets is not working out. She says as soon as the Dr gives clearance to begin hard core workout we should do it because she's dealing with a lot of hanging skin on her arms, in between her legs and her stomach. I got so scared I aready started walking as much as possible. As soon as the Dr. gives me the Ok I think I'm going to work out in my sleep because I can't imagine the pain and cost of plastic surgery. I'm just occupying my spare time right now reading so I don't resort to thinking of food. Anyway I think I've said enough. I probably wrote a journal of information lol...but it's a relief to talk about this and hope the info is helpful to you.

  9. I asked my girlfriend that had the band in 2007 why I feel hungry and she says that the Dr doesn't fill the band when she puts it in. The first fill I get is 6 weeks post op and the reason they have you on such a strict diet those first weeks post op is so you begin retraining yourself and to avoid you eating something you shouldn't which can stretch the band and or cause it to slip which I heard is painful. She says once you get your fill your hunger pangs go away and you literally feel full after just a few spoons.

  10. I called all the local pharmacies in the area & no one had the pain med I was taking because it was liquid. So I had to go back to Manhattan-NYU hosp in the middle of rush hour. I felt each bump on the road even though my husband tried going around them. It was a rough 1st day back home but I got thru it. I'm suprised I honestly didn't need any pain med after that first day back home.

  11. Well the surgery wasn't so bad. I was litte worried about the anesthesia but all turned out well. I couldn't really drink much I guess my stomach was swollen so I couldn't really get much down. I had extreme pain in my upper chest (stabbing pain) all over which they said was gas. It subsided a bit I guess with the gas and pain med they gave me. The first day out I couldn't get my liquid pain med at the hosp. because I left my prescription card home so I went home and shortly after the pain kicked in hardcore.

  12. You look great. I was banded March 26, 2009. Keep in touch!

  13. Hi Amy Elizabeth, Hope your surgery went well and your recuperating just fine. I think the first three days were the toughest because I was very sore but other than than I feel fine now. I'm just dying to finish with the liquid phase. Let me know how your doing.

  14. Hi How are you? Hope your surgery went well. How have you been doing on your post op liquids? I can't wait to get out of mine. I have to be on it for 10 days so I don't move on to puree/mushies until Monday.

  15. Hi, I saw your responses in one of the introduction forums and wanted to wish you well. Hope your surgery went well! I'm 6 days post op and am feeling much better now. I just can't wait to finish with liquids already.

  16. Hi, My name is Vanessa and I read your posting in a forum and decided to reach out and say Hello. I just had my lap band on 3/26 and am struggling with the post op liquid phase. Anywho:) I hope to chat & get some good tips from you in the future.

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