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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GoyaChula

  1. GoyaChula

    How much weight did you gain?

    congrats, cindy! i'm due dec 13th and we're having a girl too! :thumbup: i haven't had mine un-filled. i'm feeling less and less restriction which i'm a little nervous about. as of july 26th, i'm down 3 lbs this pregnancy, but with my feeling less restriction, i think i've gained at least those 3 back. my dr. also gave me a 15 lb weight gain goal. at 22 weeks with no gain, i'm hoping i'm still ok to meet that goal but we'll see... i'm super excited for my little girl. with the weight loss i was finally able to get myself ready for our little one. i'm trying not to dwell on the weight loss but it is difficult considering hte long journey we've all been through. Good luck mommy's and mommy's to be!
  2. ok so it seems that my experience is exactly opposite from all of you. i've had some restriction in my pregnancy. i was nauseous but i didn't vomit bc of morning sickness, if i ever vomited it was bc i ate too fast or it got stuck. the past 2 weeks, however, have been crazy. i've been able to eat a lot more. during the pregnancy, i had lost 5 lbs and i swear i've gained it all back just in the past 2 weeks. anyone losing restriction? it has been a long time since my last fill (i think it was september) but why suddenly in the past 2 weeks? i'm just concerned...
  3. GoyaChula

    hubby and me

    From the album: New Beginning

  4. GoyaChula

    group photo

    From the album: New Beginning

  5. GoyaChula

    my friend tony and me

    From the album: New Beginning

  6. GoyaChula

    Twenties NSVs

    OK I have one! I went to my cousin's house with a bunch of other ladies in my family. and first they called me "Miss Skinny" which made me laugh. and then i had to take a call - so i walked away from the table- and they were laughing saying that my pants were going to fall at any second! it's soo nice to hear that! especially bc i've been feeling discouraged.....thank goodness for these nsv's
  7. I'm doing well. I have no restriction - which sucks. LOL. I'm counting down til 05/08/09 - My first fill. But I've been kicking my butt - working out every day and eating better. How's your Aetna required diet coming along?

  8. GoyaChula

    MyFitnessPal.com Mobile??

    I just signed up for Myfitnesspal.com and i love it already! I'm wondering how the site works on cell phones. Has anyone tried? I'm thinking this might be the one flaw I can find for the website, but I'm hoping not. Let me know!
  9. GoyaChula


    I feel bad reading this bc I do the same thing with the competition. BUT the difference is that I don't say anything. I make sure I downplay what I did- I never ever mention how many calories I burned or how many miles I went. I just have a competitive streak in me- whenever I go to the gym with someone- I make myself do at least a little better than the other person. I KNOW- I'm ashamed. It's good to have a little competition- but the main focus of working out with someone is to have Support. That's what's important. If she's no longer supporting you then you may have to distance yourself a little bit. I know it's a hard situation- I wish you the best!
  10. GoyaChula

    Twenties NSVs

    I haven't lost a whole lot of weight- but some. I can't tell the difference. But I'm getting compliments at work saying they can really tell! I've even had a couple of people say that my face is looking thinner! Not much- but every comment gives me a little push! Good Job Everyone!
  11. I replied but put it on my picture comments- Oops! LoL. You definitely are not the only one! If you haven't already, look at the Forum for people in their 20's. This site has helped a lot- Message me anytime!

  12. GoyaChula

    i chose olive garden for my last supper

    You definitely are not the only one! If you haven't already look at the Forum for people in their 20's. This site has helped a lot- Message me anytime!
  13. LOL! You have no idea how much I love that sloagan! Yes I was recently banded! I'm excited but very impatient! :OP How are you doing? Saludos from Fort Worth!

  14. GoyaChula

    Food journal, or diary..

    I just signed up for MyFitnessPal.com and I am already in love with it. I was able to put in my weight loss goals and it gave me a custom diet plan according to the goals and my weight. Also, they have a database that has nutritional facts for all the food. I was able to search for the specific oatmeal I had this morning and it pulled it up no problem. You can also enter the exercise (walking, biking). It may be similar to the spark people website, but I love MyFitnessPal!
  15. GoyaChula

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Congrats, Slinky for beating the diabetes! That's so awesome! 4 members of my fam are diabetic, which is a big reason as to why I decided on the surgery. I really want to do the Couch to 5k program! I'm only 22 days after my surgery date and I'm scared to start so quickly after my surgery. I sometimes have some "pulling" pain on my port side and that's my concern. Any suggestions? Do you all think I should wait? I so want to start today! LOL.
  16. GoyaChula

    when can we return to exercise

    I was just wondering the same thing! As you can tell- I had my surgery 22 days ago and am itching to go to the gym. I feel pain in my port incision sometimes still. And am a little scared to exercise but I know I need to start a routine! When did you all start exercising after your surgery??
  17. Thanks so much, GreenChrysalis and HeatherO. I'm going to (reluctantly) wait. LOL. It seems like i've been reluctantly waiting for 4 1/2 years. haha. I know what ya'll are saying makes sense and is the responsible thing to do - but I can't shake this tendency to cry everytime someone announces their pregnancy. Which seems like every other day! LOL. I'll be good and responsible. I know it's for the best. Thank you so much and I'm so glad we have this outlet to vent and support each other.
  18. GoyaChula

    Why are people so MEAN???

    HAHA ME TOO! LOL! :wub:
  19. Ok, so I'm torn. I think I need someone to talk some sense into me or reassure me. Please help! I'll give you some background. My husband and I got married 4 1/2 years ago. I was 19. Before we got married, I was saying we'll probably have a baby in 8-9 years - NO rush at all. But something happened after the wedding. I don't know what- I wanted a baby. We got married in December, and I can vividly remember in February, watching "A Baby Story" and balling! LOL. Anyways, I was on the Depo Provera shot for 4 years. I stopped in March, 2008, in the hopes of getting pregnant. I didn't have a cycle until November, 2008 and obviously I'm not pregnant yet. I've gained more and more weight since being married. And in February, I was at my highest weight at 240. That's when I started the LapBand process. My husband and I got banded 3/24/09. Now, I've lost some weight- not a lot- but some. And it seems like everyone and their mom is pregnant around me! I was going to get on the Nuva Ring this month but I still really want to have a baby. I'm almost in tears just writing this reply! Am I crazy to want to continue "trying"? Should I wait until I lose more weight? Please HELP!
  20. GoyaChula

    Why are people so MEAN???

    I know exactly what you mean! I always thought it was more in the hispanic culture. I was practically raised by my grandma. So in high school when I would go to grandma's house she would say, "Goya, you're really getting fat." and almost in the same breath would be, "I just made some enchiladas you want me to serve you a few?" I mean what am I supposed to do with that! Is this a trick a question? Is it a test!? I feel you!
  21. That's cool. I was banded on 3/24/09. My first fill is on 05/08/09. I'm impatiently waiting. :o)

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