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Christine in Florida

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Christine in Florida

  • Rank
    Christine from Florida
  • Birthday 05/06/1961

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a career minded woman with no children. I underwent lapband surgery on 09/04/07 and have lost roughly 150 lbs and maintained for the apst 18 months. I am rarely if ever hungry and keep my band full and exercise 2-3 times weekly.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Family, traveling
  • Occupation
    I sell emergency travel assistance services (claims, air evac, medical management) to forieng insurance companies who might have policyholders who get hurt or sick while in the USA
  • City
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  1. Hi Christine, I'm Cynthia from Athens, GA You look super! If you don't mind me asking..how old are you? I'll be 54 in May & am planning to have lapband...How did it work for you?

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