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About IAmDoingItIn09

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/28/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 30 year old woman who has been considering weight loss surgery for a very LONG time (10 + years) and I am finally on my way to achieving this goal. I hope to have the surgery before the end of the year.
  • Interests
    I love the outdoors so anything done outside especially walks in nature...I love the fresh smells. I also enjoy making body soaps, creams, butters and oils, rollerskating, gardening, picnics, shopping...I love it all.
  • Occupation
    Senior Technical Consultant
  • City
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  1. Girl you are so welcomed! We are there for each other. It may be too soon for Zumba...that class is quite a workout. Girl those gas-x stripes have become my best friend but the gas is still a painful thing for me. It feels good to finally be home. I was off of Muirkirk which I believe is really close to Cherry... technically it's considered Beltsville but it's soooo close to Laurel. I was thinking we definitely have to get together. Please take it slow. Remind yourself that you just had major surgery so you don't want to damage anything. I laid around all weekend and now I'm ready to see the sun...LOL Question do you ever feel dizzy? I think I need to eat more because I often feel dizzy. Also, you are posting messages on your page, I'm glad I have been checking it. ;-)

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