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About IAmDoingItIn09

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/28/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 30 year old woman who has been considering weight loss surgery for a very LONG time (10 + years) and I am finally on my way to achieving this goal. I hope to have the surgery before the end of the year.
  • Interests
    I love the outdoors so anything done outside especially walks in nature...I love the fresh smells. I also enjoy making body soaps, creams, butters and oils, rollerskating, gardening, picnics, shopping...I love it all.
  • Occupation
    Senior Technical Consultant
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  1. It sounds like you are doing great! 45 min on the treadmill ~That is soooo good. The most exercise I have been able to do is the Wii Fit walking for about 10 minutes yesterday. I'm trying to walk everyday because I hear it helps with the gas. Girl I have strong gas pains everywhere; in my shoulder, back, stomach you name it I have it. Other than that I'm doing ok. I can't drink a lot but I'm trying to get my protein in and that's been difficult. How long is your liquid diet & when do you transition to puree? Keep up the good work!

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