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About IAmDoingItIn09

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/28/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 30 year old woman who has been considering weight loss surgery for a very LONG time (10 + years) and I am finally on my way to achieving this goal. I hope to have the surgery before the end of the year.
  • Interests
    I love the outdoors so anything done outside especially walks in nature...I love the fresh smells. I also enjoy making body soaps, creams, butters and oils, rollerskating, gardening, picnics, shopping...I love it all.
  • Occupation
    Senior Technical Consultant
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Single Status Update

See all updates by IAmDoingItIn09

  1. Hello!!! I came home late yesterday and now resting at my sister's house. The overall surgery went well. My surgeon's new processes for the surgery is only having one incision were the port is located. This is the only place I'm having pain. It's right by my naval so when I get up or sit down it really hurts. I have intermittent gas pain as well and the dissolvable gas stripes do work. Overall I'm doing ok but I want the pain to stop. L I do know it will get better but when? I guess we can say the hard part is over and we are on our way!!! Are you able to move around?

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