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About IAmDoingItIn09

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/28/1978

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 30 year old woman who has been considering weight loss surgery for a very LONG time (10 + years) and I am finally on my way to achieving this goal. I hope to have the surgery before the end of the year.
  • Interests
    I love the outdoors so anything done outside especially walks in nature...I love the fresh smells. I also enjoy making body soaps, creams, butters and oils, rollerskating, gardening, picnics, shopping...I love it all.
  • Occupation
    Senior Technical Consultant
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Single Status Update

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  1. Yes I am ready!!! My pre op liquid diet requirement is 7 days before surgery so I get to eat a little longer. I really want to have fun before my surgery so I have planned all kinds of outings. My surgeon is in VA so the surgery will be at Virgina Hospital Center. Have you done all of your pre op testing? Have you told anyone other than family about your decision to have the surgery? I am struggling with that decision. For now only 2 family members and 2 close friends know...my boyfreind doesnt know....

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