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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Panabode

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/15/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    Banded 9.18.2008 309/272/135
  • Interests
    Scrapbooking, Photography, Genealogy
  • Occupation
  • City
    Skagit County
  • State
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Panabode!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday Panabode!

  3. I am so sorry that it's been over a year since you sent me this. I had lost myself and stopped trying to loose weight. Now i am back on and getting a fill on June first. I am really embarrassed that i haven't lost more weight, but it's the name of my game. I am just tired of living like this. Anyway I hope you are still on this website, i would love to meet up sometime or chat :)


    Thanks again for writing and i am sorry this is so late


  4. Panabode


    Thank you, everyone
  5. Hi - Bri. I was banded by one of his co-workers less than a month after you were. Maybe we've seen each other at the meetings? I write cause you're 60 miles north of Seattle - I'm in Skagit county - I hope you'll write me back and maybe we can talk some :)

  6. Hi, I was concerned about this, too. I am 8cc's out of 10 right now, was banded only a few days before you, 9.18.2008. I am suddenly needing a fill, too, as I can eat a lot more. That is OFTEN because fat around that area of the stomach has reduced and the pouch feels larger (or so I am told, hopefully I am getting the vocab down right.) NO ONE in the clinic I went to is 100% filled, no liquid can get through. Do you have the Realize band (it holds 10cc's that's why I'm asking) There is a tiny minority that is within a hairsbreadth of 10cc's, but no one is on record (as far as she knew and definitely not at their clinic) as being 100% filled. Well, hopefully I was able to repeat what I'd learned clearly enough to be understood.
  7. Um.. not sure what to say here. I just found the site. Banded 9.18.2008. 309/272/135. Former eating disorders, anorexia/bulimia as young teen, bulimia till early 30's, medicating with food till late 30's with result of over 100lbs gained. metabolism tested normal. Get stuck on plateaus easy, speculation being that it's either becuause body freaks out at weight loss (starving myself again) or becuase I was at a weight for a "long time." No clue if either right but annoying just the same. Lost 37lbs, about 1.45 lbs a week. No work outs, chronic pain, but as weight comes off I am able to do more, and I am very pleased at that. Whelp, that's about it. Blessings, Pan

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