Ok, let's start with the pain meds. Yes, I also took them every 4 to 6 hours but I have to say they knocked me for a loop and I was constantly tired. So.....I stopped taking them and just took one about an hour or so before I went to bed. I could keep myself busy during the day to try to take my mind of of it. My biggest pain problem was the gas pains. 1st. they were at the base of my neck and across my shoulders. Then they moved to the front from colar bone to colar bone! That hurt. Here's what I found with that. I took some gas x strips and popped one on my tongue when it hurt. I found walking and taking deep breaths helped. It hurt but it helped if that makes sense to you. Plus the port site pain. Sometimes if I turned a certain way it felt like something was pulling, pretty painful. Glad to say that has gone away and I am back to sleeping on my left side!!!
Protein drinks, I found that I like the EAS Chocolate and Coffe Late. The vanilla not so much. Don't get me wrong I'm not crazy about them. So I found at GNC a no flavored protein powder. I also have a 1000000 pound bag (kidding) of the EAS vanilla protein powder. What I did with this is I used 1/2 a scoop vs an entire scoop and mixed it with the Sugar Free Pudding and Fat Free Skim Milk. Not bad. Or I also bought some of those popsycle maker thingys and made frozen pudding pops out of it. GOOD tasting!
Vitamins I was taking Publix Brand children's chewable with Iron but to tell you the truth I mostly forget to take them. I want to get the Centruim Liquid for adults and try to remember to take that. So far I have not found them.
Now I am on the soft foods and Tuesday will start the full foods. I am getting plenty of protein without the shakes, etc now. I have started eating off of a large saucer vs a dinner plate that seems to help me with quanity!!! I eat all the protein first then the veggies then any carbs if I have them on my plate at all.
Weight wise I lose 2 gain 3, lose 3 gain 2, etc.
I was out of work for 2 weeks (my choice). I decided I was 1 day shy of putting in for Short Term Disability (which I have paid into for years and never used it). So I was able to take off an additional week. Hey what the heck....that is about 800$$. I think I can use that.....maybe to buy some new clothes.
OK, sorry to be so long winded. Take care and keep me posted. Hope my noval helped ya a bit!!