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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rachnett

  1. rachnett

    mid april

    From the album: after banding

  2. rachnett

    my daughter and i

    From the album: after banding

  3. you are so sweet!! i've kind of stalled out at the moment but i know things will pick up. I'm going in for another fill tuesday. Haven't had one since feb so it's probably time. as always you look GREAT!!

  4. i can not remember the last time i bought a loaf of bread. i wasn't a big bun eater before surgery so i don't miss bread in that form at all. and it's true you lose your taste for bread/pasta. i do not do pasta. the other day i thought oh maybe i'll try a little. it's not that it went badly it just tastes so HEAVY. there is no enjoyment in it. that's the only way i can explain it. and i can do potatoes i just don't very often. i'm all about the meat!!!!
  5. rachnett

    Is it really worth it?

    if my weight loss stopped right now it would still be worth it. after every fill i feel like i have to re learn what and how i can eat. and yeah i've gotten stuck and yeah that is horrible. but it's enough to remind me next time what not to do (negative reinforcement). i never gave gastric bypass a thought. i knew what i needed was a tool to help me learn to eat correctly. i don't ever deprive myself and i don't have to. if i need a little bowl of ice cream i have that. but never in excess and i always keep it in my daily calorie count. that helps to keep me sane and i am continuing to lose, slowly but surely. the band is the best thing that i've done for myself!
  6. rachnett


    you look great!!
  7. rachnett

    weighing yourself

    every morning. after going to the bathroom and before getting in the shower. i'm big on consistency!!
  8. rachnett

    88Lbs Gone and this is my reward

    very very nice!! congratulations! on the ink and the loss!
  9. rachnett

    6 month post op. I look so much better with clothes on!!!

    thank you!! now i'm anxious for the next 6 months and then last 40lbs or so!
  10. rachnett

    6 month post op.

    From the album: after banding

  11. rachnett

    6 month post op.

    From the album: after banding

  12. rachnett

    Botox anyone?

    I've been thinking about doing something about the vertical grooves between my eyebrows. When i squint they are more pronounced but now it seems like they never relax and are pretty noticeable. i have yet to make an appointment. What was the cost? and did you go to your dermatologist or a plastic surgeon?
  13. rachnett

    Ring Sizes

    i'm going out tonight to find a ring snuggie! You guys are the greatest. I've been so disappointed that i've not been able to wear my bands and i won't re size them for at least another 6 months. i've gone from a ring size 10 to an 8 1/2 at the moment. and i'm about 3 weeks away from my 6 month mark. 50 lbs lost officially as of this morning!
  14. rachnett

    Fills and frequency Question

    my doctor did my first fill 3 weeks after surgery and then he said to come back in a month. but i felt like i was really struggling so i called after a couple weeks and he had me come in for my 2nd fill. after that i went every two to three weeks for my next couple fills. i really like that his approach is so tailored my individual needs. he also does all his fills in his office. the other doctor in that same office, i've heard, does all of his fills in xray under fluoroscope and he does them 4 weeks apart. i would not want to drink barium every time i needed a fill, YUCK!
  15. rachnett

    img037 leaves

    very beautiful!!
  16. rachnett

    NSV! Yay size 12!!!!

    oh you are cracking me up!!! that is so something i will do when i get out of these 14's and into 12's. I can't wait!
  17. rachnett

    Too tight

    I had a fill on wednesday. It was my 5th or 6th fill, i can't remember now. I had lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks. so i was progessing. He put in 1.2 ccs He always has me on liquids for about 24 hours after a fill but even after that i was not able to handle solids. One bite of scrambled egg got stuck big time and I was in a lot of pain for a few hours before it finally seemed to go down (though i thought it was coming up, it didn't). then i spent the rest of the day with the most horrible heart burn i have ever had. and I was starving. by thursday night even liquids were hard to take. They got me in today and he took out .6cc. Oh my goodness what a difference! I feel totally normal again. He said it's best not to let that sort of thing wait because your stomach can get even more irritated and swollen and then they have to take out even more Fluid. So word to the wise a little unfill right away is better than a big unfill down the road.
  18. rachnett

    Bipolar type II

    does anyone have experience with bipolar type II? One of the psychiatrist that i saw for my psych eval talked to me for about 20 minutes, had me fill out a couple one pages questionnaires and then told me that he thought i suffered from bipolar type II and put me on Lamictal. Originally i fought that diagnosis. On my fourth appointment i flat out told him i thought he had jumped the gun on this diagnosis and that all i really wanted from him was my approval so i could get on with the processes of getting approval from my insurance company. Which he gave me. i've had on going issues with depression and anxiety and have taken some sort of anti depressant for the past 12 years or so. so it's not like i'm in denial about those issues. but for whatever reason i have an issue with being labeled as bipolar. my primary care doc recently added in wellbutrin (i currently take cymbalta) as i've been having increasingly ugly pms weeks. I guess i'm not sure what i'm looking for, lol. maybe just some insight from people who've had this diagnosed. I do want to get the nasty PMS under control but i would like to do it without having to take mood stabilizers. I'm hoping the wellbutrin will help with that, but what if it doesn't? What if bipolar II is really the issue? and how would i know? how do you know if what you are experience is the result of bipolar type II or just a crazy, busy, stressful life (combined with a creative perfectionist that like to be in control, lol!!!)?
  19. rachnett

    Bipolar type II

    1) i would say i'm probably more sensitive at times hence more irritable. You know how an infant can become over stimulated from being passed around, etc. I feel that way sometimes, like i just need absolute quiet and less activity around me. keep in mind i'm an only child. 2) normal my sleep is good. This last month i had some issues with waking up very very early and not being able to go back to sleep. but that is the first time i can remember that happening. 3) my sex drive is pretty low but has been for a long long time. so really there has been no change there in the past 6 years or so. 4) i would say i'm fairly financially responsible. We have no credit cards so that helps. I do know i can't manage credit which is why i don't have it. We pay our bills, and we live with in our means. There are times when shopping is indeed a high though. I love to shop! i think i love to shop more than i like to eat, lol!! I have to tell you i had an appointment with a new therapist last night. i was crying about 10 minutes into the appointment and she talked more than i did. But wow, I love her. We primarly dealt with my parental issues but she said things that clicked in my head. I felt so much better when i left. I really think she is going to be able to make a difference. I'm already looking forward to my next appointment. and she said what you've said too, what difference does the bipolar II lable make? i'm very optimistic that i can make things better. oh she was just marvelous! thanks to you guys too!! it really helps to be able to talk about all of this!!
  20. rachnett

    Bipolar type II

    Thanks, it all does help! i knew i could get some feed back here :rolleyes2: My primary care doc wasn't buying the bipolar II diagnosis. She herself deals with depression so she is very familiar with what i'm going through. She's seen me on up days and down days, that's for sure. I'm really hoping that my appointment with the new therapist is helpful. I'm optimistic! I must say the wellbutrin seems to be helping, though it's hard to tell if it's that or just the fact that it's not pms week (that's when it's the worst). i guess time will tell if this combination of meds is going to do the trick.
  21. you look great!! look at that fabulous hair!! i love it!
  22. rachnett

    Bipolar type II

    thanks. i do have an appointment with a new therapist this coming week. My primary care doc sees her and recommended her. We'll see how it goes i guess. my argument was always that i'm high functioning but i guess that is common in bipolar type II. i typically try to blame stress for my "symptoms". I work 40-50 hours a week where i have to make decisions constantly, I run my own photography business where i can work anywhere from 5-20 hours a week, i have two great kids (11 & 9) who are involved in school things and music lessons, a husband (who probably takes more work than the kids, lol), a house to run, bills to pay, i'm an elder at my church. oh and i have friends and like to have a bit of a social life. how is it possible that i can be bipolar yet manage all of that? I would say that 90% of the time all the craziness is contained within my head. but then maybe i'm kidding myself about that. maybe my moods are more obvious than i realize. I know i'm a control freak and maybe that's why i don't like the label. it feels like being bipolar means that i don't have control over things. my pms seems to have become pmdd. and this last month was the first time that i felt like my thoughts were actually coming out of no where. It was almost like i was asking myself "where did that idea come from?" though i still felt like i had control over what action i took in relation to the thoughts, what happens when i don't have control?

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