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LAP-BAND Patients
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About micheleangelina

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 05/02/1969
  1. Happy 44th Birthday micheleangelina!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday micheleangelina!

  3. micheleangelina

    May 12 Bandsters or Close!!!

    I was banded May 11 and am down 24 lbs! So we are very close in results. I just had my first fill this past tues. I was getting a little discouraged because i was steady for the last 3 weeks prior to my fill but the weight is starting to drop again. I will admit though that after about 4 weeks post op my diet was more about "seeing what i can still eat" rather than focusing on healthy foods and Proteins. to my delight i was able to eat pizza, burgers, Pasta. but i think i've gotten that out of my system... i know that i can still eat those things in strict moderation and i feel better knowing that and don't feel the need to try it again... if you think about it we're losing about 3 lbs a week which is EXACTLY what is recommended so we're actually doing GREAT!! I am often amazed at how some people lose so quickly, and good for them! but i know i've never in my 40 years been able to lose weight so consistantly knowing that i'll be keeping it off for good this time.. and btw i haven't updated my ticker yet, but i reached Onederland this morning :frown: :tongue_smilie:
  4. micheleangelina

    Still sore after 1 week

    It took me a good 2 weeks to be comfortable sleeping at night. 3 weeks out and i'm sleeping on my stomach and side with no problem. You'll get there. I've had 3 abdominal surgeries. the other 2 were "open" procedures and i found this one to be the easiest. If you are still in SEVERE pain after 7 days or so you should call your drs office. You will still be very sore all over for a while...but it should be tolerable in my opinion.
  5. micheleangelina

    Getting back in the sack...

    Haven't done the deed. Got the go-ahead from the dr. but hubby has really bad cold that I seriously don't want :redface:. But I've been really concerned about the port being kinda lumpy too. Mine is on the left side mid abdomen. I have noticed just in the past 2 days that it has DEFINATELY gotten smaller. So my guess is that it is swelling and hopefully continues to go down.
  6. micheleangelina

    making myself vomit

    I'm sorry but your dr. doesn't seem to know what he's talking about. Not just as a lap band surgeon, but as a dr. in general. I can't imagine any dr. thinking that vomiting and not being able to keep water down is normal. Also I've NEVER heard ANYONE who advises not to excersise. I don't know if it's a language barrier or not, but I would get someone to go with you who can translate. You need to get to the bottom of this. Good luck and please keep us posted.
  7. I was banded and had the hernia repair at the same time 3 weeks ago. The left shoulder pain was worse than the incision pain so I can relate. I used a heating pad and also made sure I did a lot of walking 20 mins 2-3 times a day. It will get better in just a couple of days. I found that every day got better and better in the first 2 weeks. Now I have just occasional slight discomfort on the port incision, but I think it's because my port kind of sticks out (it's like a little lump) i'm not liking that too much, but will speak to my surgeon and hope it will continue to go down with the swelling. But you'll feel sooooo much better soon! Congrats!
  8. micheleangelina

    Still sore after 1 week

    My guess is that it's gas. I found the gas pains to be more painful than the incision in the first week or so. Make sure you're walking several times every day for at least 20 minutes. That will help move the gas and lesson the chance of blood clots. It can also be hunger pains. I would mention it to your dr. at your follow up just to be sure. Congrats on your banding!
  9. micheleangelina

    Confession of a lost soul

    Good luck!! But don't forget this is a marathon, not a sprint. Every day you have the opportunity to recommit! You've done the hardest part already, just admitting to the fact that the party is over, it's time to get back to work. So you took a little "vacation" from your weight loss. So what, you've come a loooooongggg way! You're gonna do great!
  10. micheleangelina

    Does anyone feel this??

    Yes, for me it got a little bit better every day and disappeared after 4-5 days i think. My port incision is still quite sore though, but that's a whole 'notha story
  11. How awesome! You crack me up! I needed that :party:
  12. micheleangelina

    If you are early in your LapBand journey....

    Shorts that don't ride up. Taking the annual photo with me and my 4 cousins (the "grandkids photo" for my grandparents) and not being the "old and fat cousin") Not being the fattest person in the room/office Not shying away from the camera Getting out of the pool without immediately running to wrap a towel around me and then having to walk around with it around my waist to cover myself up. Victoria's secret and sexy things. Dusting off the cobwebs of the "ghosts of past sizes" in my closet. Being comfortable in a theater or airplane seat. Working out at the gym in a body that doesn't rebel against what I'm trying to make it do and having the instuctor "modify" the technique for me. I could go on and on.... :cool:
  13. I can appreciate your frustration because we just had major surgery and are anxious for results. This may not be the popular thing to say but I think we all need to have a little patience with ourselves. It is unrealistic to think we can lose 10 lbs the first week and keep doing that week after week. Our bodies do not know how to read a scale. I also don't think a dr. should ever get "annoyed" or "mad" if you are not making significant progress after just 4 weeks. We are healing, our bodies are adjusting to the trauma of surgery. This is a marathon it is not a sprint. I have lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks and don't for a minute expect that to continue. I know I am on the road to better health, weight loss is just an extra benefit to keep me motivated. I know we all feel that way so try not to let the scale ruin your motivation. You are eating healthier, learning to count calories, protein and excersising. You have already begun to win this life long battle with food that many of us have fought. The weight loss is just our reward and it will come in time. Just my honest opinion. Hang in there!! :thumbup:
  14. micheleangelina

    Couldn't be happier

    I was banded May 11 by Dr. Ahmad and I couldn't have been happier with him. From the very first phone call to find out about informational meetings to being discharged from the hospital I felt like I was in the most competant hands possible. His wife, Seema is the most amazing woman and knows every one of his patients names, surgery dates, keeps up with our progress. I had my surgery at Mather and even the nurses and aides were gushing about him. Several told me they had waited to apply to get on his service. He was not the closest surgeon to my home and I travel over 45 minutes each way for an appointment, but honestly I would travel 3 times that distance for him.
  15. micheleangelina

    Does anyone feel this??

    I was banded on the 11 and had terrible left shoulder pain. I would also get pain in the center of my chest (between my breasts) and feel like i needed to burp but couldn't. It was excrutiating, but it was always kind of there. Not sure if it was gas or hunger. It did go away after about 4-5 days. I made sure I walked 3x a day and ate VERY SLOWLY when I felt hungry. It should go away very soon otherwise talk to your dr. Congrats!!!! :thumbup:

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