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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man
Almost like Nixon when he said, "You don't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more" after he lost the 1962 race for governor of California.
I was a jock in school and was even a team-mate of a man who eventually played in the Super Bowl. That was my freshman year of college, but it was also the year that I injured my leg and had to quit football, and I gained 80 pounds in that year. My appetite went unabated while my calorie output about dropped to zilch. With a bum knee, I had to give up not only football, but competitive basketball, track and softball.
To answer the Thread Opening Question: How long do Dogs Live? There are two answers: Not long enough. In your Heart forever.
If you disagree with me, YOU HAVE NOT GOT A CLUE!!!!
Tired_Old_Man replied to nursekathy2u's topic in The Lounge
Where is it written that you have to support the closest team to you or the home team? And if it is so written, what makes that writing engraved in stone? I life between Miami (the Dolphins), Jacksonville (the Panthers) and Tampa (Bay, the Bucaneers) and I root for the Jets and the Steelers. If anybody makes a comment on my Steelers or Jets shirts, I take it with a grain of salt. I will not be intimidated by home team mania. In baseball season, my Mets are the team I am hoping will kick the Marlins' butts. In basketball, my Nets are the team I want to beat the Heat. -
On My honor, this will be my last post in this thread, but I forgot to post my disclaimer in some of my posts. None of my remarks was directed at anyone. Even though I quoted Kim about her fierce love of NASCAR, I was not insinuating that she was one of the troubled people who use foul language or who strike opponent's fans (or referees). By the way, go see the “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby” Movie. It might surprise you. It might get you angry or you might have you laughing out of your seat. You might laugh at the movie. You might laugh at yourself or You might laugh at me. You might really hate me. By the way in my original post in this thread when I said, "If we go to the hot-house for the Tomato shoot-out, I will listen to the race on my radio in the car. Last weekend, I was in the shower and since my shower radio is always tuned to WSTU (home of Republican talk radio), I get the NASCAR races automatically. It was enthralling to hear, “car (vroom-vroom) has taken the lead, but Tony (vroom-vroom) has plenty left”. For a minute I taught it was a political show because they were discussing Bush's popularity or saying something about him being first." I was making jest about the driver named Bush. There is a driver named Busch, isn't there. You can't tell the difference on the radio between BuSh and Busch.
How about, "Can I help you?"?
Just remember each time we laugh at a joke about some other group especially in front of our children, we perpetuate the problem. When we laugh at a joke or make fun of or say something derogatory about a group such as minorities, skinny people, ugly people, people of a different religion, people in a different income bracket, different life-style, handicapped people, gays, opposite gender, hair color, other political party, foreigners whether here in the USA or in their own country, people that dress differently or any other group, we are doing to them what we hate being done to us. Children pick it up and repeat it. We must do more than not laugh, we must express our distaste for mean spirited jokes. It is easier said than done and most of us are so used to it, that we don't see it. Today, all we hear and see is ads telling us to be like everyone else. But we are all different and we should not be singled out for being different. You don't like it when it is done to you.
OK, all kidding aside. "You gotta remember, us NASCAR fans are a fiery group (well, I am anyway!!) I love NASCAR and will defend it til death(upon PERCEIVED provocation), okay ,maybe not til death." Our culture considers this normal. People fighting for strangers that they idolize. It may be worse in other countries, were soccer fans kill each other. Here in the USA, I have seen high-school kids fight each other during and after football and basketball games. I have seen players fight each other during baseball, football, basketball, soccer and hockey games as well as NASCAR drivers try to hurt each other both with their cars during the race and with fists after the race. Worst of all, when my grandson was playing baseball last year and my son was an umpire, I watched parents being rude and downright nasty. When I took my grandson to play football at an away game, the home team fans tried to mug the visitor's fans during and after the game. We set some fine examples for our kids. After I moved to Florida, forcibly retired from aircraft mechanic, I took a job at a "Home Depot". When "OUR DRIVER" and his car were scheduled to be in our parking lot, I stayed 10 minutes after work to examine the car closeup, but left about 30 minutes before "HE" showed up. The next day, I was challenged in the break-room for being unpatriotic because it had been announced that any of us who stayed late would be able to talk to "HIM". I only worship one man and his name is Jesus Christ. Guys had to pulled away from attacking me. Mighty brave of those 20 and 22 year old men to attack a man as old as their grandfather. I do not like watching auto-racing on TV. It is BORING. I had 5 NHRA racing trophies with my 1966 442. Drag racing was fun back then. I even raced in the Summer Nationals at National Raceway in Long Island. But then big money took over and it was next to impossible for real people to go against the company sponsored cars. My club of 7 privately owned cars used to win 3 or 4 trophies each week. One day, one of my club members blew his clutch on his 65 283 Chevy ll, after the final time trials and with nothing but had tools and bumper jacks we had the clutch replaced before they called his class. Now you have to compete against crews with unlimited resources. I don't watch drag racing on TV either. It is boring without the real feel of the track and the rumble and pulsating of the engines and smell of rubber. Watching a "Funny Car" jump off the line is more fun (IMHO) than watching 10 NASCAR 500's. But neither is fun on TV. I only posted in this thread to be funny. Sorry if my sense of humor is too much to bear for some of the other posters.
I was being as light hearted as possible. I saw a funny movie about NASCAR and I thought I might add a little humor to this thread. Maybe, some people take this too seriously. I was not insulting Jesus Christ, you know or even the President of the USA. I was being playful. TOM
It was disgusting. But the reason it was disgusting was because it was a competition with winners and losers. Our children need that exercise. Today's children will be so fat that they might have to start installing Lap-Bands at birth. The P/E teachers very often are just teachers with no background in P/E. Many schools save money by using the math teacher or English teacher. We need people who are trained in P/E and who have compassion, not because they were jocks at one time. We need to teach our kids good eating habits. I saw a study recently that showed brain-waves of children similar to the brain-waves of addicts when they see drugs or alcohol. What triggered these brain-waves? SUGAR!!
What's more important? The Driver The Car I DO NOT APPRECIATE PEOPLE WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE SPORT MAKING A MOCKERY OF IT! I only watched the movie. I neither wrote it, filmed it nor made any money of it. I wonder how much money NASCAR made from it? NASCAR racing serves an important function. How else would the fans know what products they need except by watching a bunch of glorified billboards driving around the track?
One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very Sexy nightie. "Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want." So he tied her up and went golfing. ------------------------------------------------------------- A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Honey,pack your bags. I won the lottery!" The husband said, "Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or mountain stuff?" "Doesn't matter," she said. "Just get out." ------------------------------------------------------------- Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is a husband. ----------------------------------------------------------- A wife was making a Breakfast of fried eggs for her husband. Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen. "Careful," he said, "CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh my GOD! You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh my GOD! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They're going to STICK! Careful. CAREFUL! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you LOST your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. USE THE SALT! THE SALT!" The wife stared at him. "What in the world is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?" The husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving."
Life can be a vicious cycle. You let people pick on you because you feel inferior (because of your weight) and you feel inferior because people pick on you. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE THE WORLD OR THE PEOPLE IN IT But you can change your own attitude. If you have lost 10 pounds since your last fill or since your surgery, tell yourself, "I knew I could do it. I am just as good as them". Use any reason you can find to feel better about yourself. Read a non-fiction book and be proud that you know something. Watch the History Channel or Discovery Cannel and be proud that you know something. Take a college course. You can only change yourself. A positive outlook is important. Just don't look down at them, while looking up at yourself.
Has anyone noticed that as soon as the USA get's a foothold in a country and McDonald's, et all, start opening restaurants, that the health of the people of that nation goes down while the weight goes up? We are sacrificing our children at the alter of marketing and profits.
If driver's smoked pot and then got the munchies, pretty soon they would not be able to fit through the windows. You can't win a race running next to the car.:faint:
If you disagree with me, YOU HAVE NOT GOT A CLUE!!!!
Tired_Old_Man replied to nursekathy2u's topic in The Lounge
Even with their SuperBowl Quarterback on the sidelines, the Steelers kicked butt and beat the Miami Dolphins 28-17. -
Taking out anger on people who are young and in a low paying job because one sales person or two or many show lack of tact is not being any better than the individuals who hurt our feelings. When we attack all sales-people in low paying jobs and their intelligence, we forget: #1. They are young #2. We were once that young #3. They may be working while going to college #4. They may be skinny now, but many of us were also skinny at that age I have seen young people discriminate against people because of size, age, race, style of dress. That's not good, but hopefully, life will teach them that they are wrong. But, I have seen older people discriminate against people because of size, age, race, style of dress. What's their excuse? When you give someone the power to ruin your day because of their ignorance, you are the one that suffers. Many of us will run home or to the nearest fast-food shop and eat 1000 calories while thinking, "How dare she? I'll show her!!" Who won that battle? I have had the same type thing happen to me. It happened to me on my job. The new hires would come in and see this old gray haired fat man (sort of a Santa Claus clone) and mock me. Then when a plane came in with a problem that threatened to cancel the flight or at least delay it for hours, I would calmly come over and fix it, leaving them with "egg on their faces". I know it is more difficult in a shopping setting, because their is not much you can say to today's young people to impress them, unless you have children their age and know all the latest gossip, stars and songs. Just remember one thing. They are young. Be realistic and remember how you were when you were young. Feel sorry for them for being ignorant. TOM PS: The use of the word "You" was meant rhetorically and not address to any member in particular
Is this a continuation of a problem from another thread? I guess I misunderstood. I assumed that it was all one medical practice that you were dealing with. Sorry!!
Maybe I am mistaken. I thought he said tomatos. I know he bought a whole bunch of grow-lights.
Harry constantly irritated his friends with his eternal optimism. No matter how bad the situation, he would always say, "Well, it could have been worse." To cure him of his annoying habit, his friends decided to invent a situation so completely black, so dreadful, that even Harry could find no hope in it. Approaching him at the club bar one day, one of them said, "Harry! Did you hear what happened to George? He came home last night, found his wife in bed with another man, shot them both, and then turned the gun on himself!" "Terrible," said Harry. "But it could have been worse." "How in hell," demanded his dumfounded friend, "could it possibly have been worse?" "Well," said Harry, "if it had happened the night before, I'd be dead right now.":faint:
How could any true NASCAR fan not have seen the bible of NASCAR racing: “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby”? As far as watching the race this Saturday, I will put the race down as third choice of things to do in that time slot. Ya see, my son's next door neighbor planted two different varieties of tomato last weekend and Saturday we (my wonderful bride of 39 years and I) are invited to watch the pots to see which variety is quicker out of the dirt. That's our first choice, but second choice is to go down the block where they are building two brand new homes. The contractor on 144 used Scott's Turf-Builder and the contractor on 152 used Vigoro. We are getting together to see which fertilizer is better. Much money has been bet, but at 3 to one, a good choice is the Vigoro. If we go to the hot-house for the Tomato shoot-out, I will listen to the race on my radio in the car. Last weekend, I was in the shower and since my shower radio is always tuned to WSTU (home of Republican talk radio), I get the NASCAR races automatically. It was enthralling to hear, “car (vroom-vroom) has taken the lead, but Tony (vroom-vroom) has plenty left”. For a minute I taught it was a political show because they were discussing Bush's popularity or saying something about him being first.
People of weight (we shouldn't say FAT) need to exercise. Yes, teachers can be cruel. But I wish my parents had taught me good eating habits. I had no trouble in P/E but many people of weight did. We need PE instructors who are not x-jocks or wanna-be jocks. We need P/E instructors who have training. But most school districts would rather save the money. Many school districts have dropped P/E from 5 times a week to 3 or 1 or ZERO times a week. The most exercise many people of weight get is "game boy". Our next American generation of children will be markedly different than this generation by the sizes of their thumbs. It will surpass the heart as the strongest muscle in the body. Yes, I am a wise-guy, but we must help our children with more than just their egos. Teachers like the one mentioned in the opening post must go. But we have to willing to expend tax dollars. Maybe even pay more taxes. Pardon me for using filthy language.
After seeing this thread get larger and larger, I was inspired to see “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby”. The movie taught me so much about NASCAR racing. It made me really proud to be an American and to have this truly American sport to watch. I learned about the religious practices of the people in the Red States where NASCAR racing is king. I appreciated most my new understanding of the methods of saying “Grace” before meals. The movie gave me new insights into family values. I was educated in to the true sharing of friends and family, and the how respect for elders was taught to and shown by children. Now I know why NASCAR racing is so dear to the hearts of many of the LBT members.
Please find a different doctor and while you are at it, "let your fingers do the walking in the Yellow Pages" Start the your finger's trip in the "A" section: "ATTORNEYS" :couch2:
I have alligators in the canal behind my home, and I don't (at least not yet) get bit, because I don't put my body (or hands) in situations to get bit. Yes, I know the "Croc Hunter" did wonderful things to excite the imagination of millions of children and adults alike, and I am glad that he did, but whenever I watched him in action, I was bothered by his (IMHO) careless and flippant attitude. I guess I am repeating myself. I am very sorry to see him leave, but his death will not force me to forget what I saw as the errors of his technique. I hope that the joy he obtained in his life was worth the shortness of his life. I hope that this does not sound mean spirited, but I am glad that ONLY he perished in this tragic accident. Could you imagine if one of his family members had died during the filming of his adventures, but he had lived?