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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man
Airheaded Airline Cabin Attentant to male passenger: "Would you like some TWA coffee or some TWA Tea?" :faint:
Yeah! But this balloon can type. Remember?
Carlene, please do not think that I am accusing you or anyone in your family, past or present, but churches have been known to facilitate annulments for those with the ability to benefit the poor-box (or collection plate). The Catholic church had one of its biggest scandals when they were selling guaranteed entry into Heaven (indulgence) for a fee which I believed was finally outlawed in 1562 at the council of Trent . I believe most protestants also believe that communion is body of Christ. I have seen Roman Catholics take Communion at a Protestant church and I have seen Protestants take Communion at a Roman Catholic church. I would assume that the Protestants would have been violating Roman Catholic doctrine, but not the other way around, because Communion can not be taken without Confession. :clap2: BTW, I admire you for the fortitude that you shown considering all the adversity that you have been through. :clap2:
I am the elderly. :faint:
They looked natural to me.
Catholic Church Confession Communion Conformation Speaking of man-made church rules. When I was a child, I went to public school, but was released early every Wednesday for religious instruction at at the local Catholic school to learn my Catechism in order to receive the sacraments of Confession and Communion one year and then Confirmation the next year. Well, during my training, the church repealed the rules on eating meat on Friday. About a week before the new ruling had been decreed by the Pope, I had asked my instructional nun if a man went to Hell for eating a hot dog if he thought it was Thursday, but it was actually Friday and then he was hit and killed by a car before he could go to confession? She told me that accidentally eating meat on Friday was no excuse and of course he would go to Hell. So on the Wednesday after the Pope's issuance of the new rules, I asked my nun, if the man who went to Hell because he thought it was Thursday could be let out since it was no longer a sin to eat meat on Friday? I was sent to Purgatory on Earth for that question. :faint:
I, for one, am not bored by your personal stories. While you can not supply any links to verify the validity, they are what shaped you. The nature versus nurture debate will never end, but our experiences are as much a part of us as our DNA. Two people may have the same experience and may react totally opposite to the experience. Two sibling who are physically abused by their parents may grow up to be one that is a physical and verbal abuser of his children while the other spoils the children and will not even scold them. I tell many of the stories that shaped my life and I hope that my experiences can be helpful to others. Just as with putting my hand into a flame, I would hope by telling someone of the pain I felt, it will stop them from doing it. At one time, when I debated on website forums, I was meticulous at supplying links to verify my facts. But today, there are so many sites with political agendas, that it takes a lot of screening to know what site to link to. Many times I find extreme right-wing and extreme left-wing sites on a particular issue. I will not use either for a link, because the right-wing site does not make my point and the left-wing site will not be believed my the members I am posting for. Middle of the road sites or sites which give unbiased detail are hard to find very often. So please continue with your personal stories. I enjoy them. Plus, I do not want to be the only one doing it.
I don't actually find her attractive. My first biological response is to look, but as much as her big breasts are an attraction, their disproportionate size destroys the appeal very quickly. If she was running, I might change my mind for a few moments, but only for a few, well maybe 5. :clap2:
Please, never, ever, ever again...
Tired_Old_Man replied to Koala's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I had the PB & PAIN problem from my second fill on. Eat slow and chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew, chew. Take small sized portions into your mouth. I can not tell you which foods to avoid because many of us have foods that we can not tolerate that other members say that they have no problem with. I have never had a problem with scrambled eggs and cheese. But untoasted white bread is dangerous and a bagal is a living hell. There are many threads at LBT in which members have discussed which foods to eat. This may turn into one. -
Obviously I do not call "My vagina" by any euphemistic pet name and if you think I am going to tell you what I nick-named my wife's...ain't going to happen. But I thought a funny story might allow me to participate in this thread (again). My wife and I did not believe in giving bodily functions and body parts euphemistic names as our son grew from infant to toddler to young child. We told him his male member was a penis, which he had a hard time at first pronouncing. One day, I was urinating in the toilet and in he came. He was barely able to clear the bowl (it is a good thing that I always raise the seat) and he said proudly, "Daddy, you have peanuts. Uncle Bobby, he has peanuts. I have peanuts, too." I responded affirmatively while trying to hold back the laughter and urinate straight into the bowl simultaneously and then he continued, "But Mommy has no peanuts, she just has hair." Later that day, he came to me and asked why I and my brother Bobby (who has just returned from military service and was living with us until he could find his own place) had peanuts and hair, while he only had peanuts, but Mommy had only hair. I explained to him that Mommy had a vagina in that hair. It is like a penis, but it is what a woman has instead of a penis was my basic explanation. About a month later, he came in from playing outside with slightly older children and asked me, what is the thing that Mommy has in her hair. I explained that it was called a vagina. He said the older kids had laughed at him for saying that word. I repeated myself and tried to reinforce the word and then as he turned away to leave he said, "Oh well, it's only pussy".
Sorry to take so long getting back to you. I had black streaks in my feces and a test revealed blood, so they did sigmoidoscopy first and then a colonoscopy a week later. Because they found and removed three pre-cancerous polyps, I had to have another colonoscopy 3 months later, then 6 months later, then 6 months and then a year later and another year after that. After 5 cleans, we went to the more normal 5 year spreads. As far as I know, 50 is the normal start age recommended by most doctors.
When Jesse Jackson ran for president, the news stories were always "Black Candidate comes in Third in Primary" or Black Candidate this or that. There was a lot more fuss made about JFK being Roman Catholic than John Kerry being Roman Catholic, so maybe times are a changing. I notice that less is being said about Condoleezza Rice being Black than about Jesse Jackson. Maybe things are getting better. Maybe a Black Conservative is more acceptable to the US voting public than a Liberal Black candidate. Maybe even a Black Female Conservative is more acceptable to the US voting public than a Liberal Black Male candidate. But then again, Black Females have never been as threatening to whites as Black males. Whites traditionally have been rather fond of Negresses.
As I mentioned in earlier posts, my family is split between Roman Catholic and Pentecostal. I was brought up by a mildly Catholic mother and fervently Pentecostal grandparents. Though slightly more of my family is Catholic, none of them have problems with the use of birth control or make a big fuss about the abortion debate. Abortion is one of the lower priority issues in their voter decision making. However, many of my Pentecostal family members wear as a badge of courage the number of times that they have been arrested for blocking "abortion clinics" or "abortion mills". Of course many of the so-called "abortion clinics" are "Planned Parenthood" facilities which provide many more services other than providing abortions. When I mentioned that, they have told me that birth control is also evil. Their basic philosophy is simple. God said, "Be fruitful and multiply" and the Ten Commandments says "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery", so there is not reason or need for birth control. “Abstinence only until marriage” is the only way in their book and anyone who gets pregnant must accept the responsibility. When I asked them about the caring, feeding and clothing of the child and shelter for the child, they just replied that it is the mother's responsibility. She had sex. She has to pay the price. There are many websites that provide this type of information. Sites such as these often give slanted information on "Birth Control Information" for ProLife Christians and other sites attack condoms. The BuSh administration has fought the distribution condoms in AIDS torn Africa and even Laura has made speeches in Africa recommending the abstinence-only-until-marriage program. I have also heard people like Ralph Reed and other people who are leaders in the ProLife movement discuss contraceptives on TV and they are equally proud of their stand against abortion and contraceptives. “Abstinence only until marriage” is the only way according to them, but they can not see that this “Just say NO” policy is as doomed to failure as the parallel anti-drug policy promoted by Nancy Reagan, 20 years ago. Victims of these twin policies mean nothing to these people who's agenda comes before the health needs of the proletariat.
Employer's response:...... Dear Peggy May, It's OK honey, we've got spell check.
Deer Sir, I waunt to apply for the secritary job what I saw in the paper. I can Type real quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting. I think I am good on the phone and no I am a pepole person, Pepole really seam to respond to me well. Im lookin for a Jobb as a secritary but it musent be to complicaited. I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety. My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth, I can start imeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser. . hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr. Sinseerly, Peggy May Starlings PS : Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me taken at my last jobb.
You must have been living in a parallel universe, because things like that don't happen here.
If she had wanted to have all her teeth pulled, she could have had them taken out. I read where some women are having their breasts removed to prevent possible breast cancer. But she can not have her tubes tied? Who gave the doctors their halos?
Maybe true, but today, the US charged a man with treason for the first time in my life-time. He is a white man born in California who used to play in a heavy metal rock band, but who is now a member of Al-Quiada. What good is profiling going to do if this man wanted to board a plane? Do you remember Johnnie Walker Lind, the so-called American Taliban? What good is profiling going to do if a man like him wanted to board a plane? I watched a documentary recently and the Neo-Nazis who were the subject of the documentary all sang the praises of Al-Quiada, because both groups hate Jews and the US government. Maybe one or more of the Neo-Nazis will be willing to take down a plane. How will profiling stop them? Profiling is a very nasty idea. It assumes that one person because of their race or some other trait beyond their control is not as entitled to the same rights as another person with different traits. And the idea of profiling usually depends on other people who don't have the same traits as him to give up his rights. What determines who should be profiled. Race, religion, gender? Why not just throw out the whole constitution? When the Israelis started profiling, then women started carrying suicide bombs. How do we know that the person carrying a baby on board the plane is the parent of that baby? How do we know that the person carrying a baby on board the plane does not feel that baby's best chance for salvation is as a martyr? How do we know that an 85 year old man or woman doesn't want to redeem himself through martyrdom?
This not a complaint, but only posted to marvel at how forum threads may be a new kind of life-form. I started this thread 10 days ago to debunk an e-mail about Iraq, 911 and the Qur'an and today there is an intelligent discussion on abortion taking place. I could not have planned that to happen in a million years.
Well, what do you expect as firners? Yo ain't boned in the US of A, so you kin not expect to be treated as kin-folk. My wife's English relatives go through the same junk when they visit. And what makes in really bad is that tests have shown that getting weapons onboard aircraft is not much harder than pre-911.
911 had a strange effect on race in the USA. For a while, many US Blacks were glad that the rest of the people had someone else to pick on; Muslims and Middle-Eastern looking people. But then the US Blacks realized that many whites could not tell a light-skin Black from an Hispanic. Then as the immigration issue heated up, Blacks, Puerto Ricans and (Asian) Indians where mixed in with the Muslims, Middle-Easterner and Mexicans (and other South of the Border Illegals). The TSA which has many races and ethnic groups seems to "randomly select" a disproportionate number of non-whites. I have traveled about 10 times via air since 911 and I noticed that the people in line the security lines were well over 75% white, but the people pulled out for random (extra strength) screening were over 90% non-white. Now we are back to where it was before 911. Unless you are a fair skinned white, you don't have quite the same rights. I am not bitching. My mother was nice enough to make me white.
One of the reasons for the that disparity is that most municipalities fund schools by local property tax. High real estate value translates into higher school budgets. If you make the mistake of being born Black or being born poor, you get what you deserve.
Notice that I wrote I was not referring to you or any other member, but to organized groups and not even to all of them. That is why I used the word usually.
All Dr. Wansink had to do was go to a Golden Corral Buffet to watch and he could have saved years of research time.
By the way, I post on quite a few forums. When I am reading and writing here at LBT, I forget that you people are fat and mostly women. And I don't know what race, religion, age or national origin you are. I assume that would be true for most of the members who post here. Too bad we couldn't go through our REAL life that way.