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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man
Let the Joyous news be spread: New Jersey votes yes on Gay civil union!
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in The Lounge
Dear Lisa, I can see how you could have misconstrued what I said as an answer to you. When I said: Only the "HE also says that eating a Ham & Cheese sandwich is an abomination." was addressed to you specifically. The rest was a rhetorical comment and the comment was about George W. BuSh. I guess I should change my name to Kerry. -
If you really want the truth, I believe FOX has a website with all the Fair and Balanced facts for 'most any topic.
I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore
Tired_Old_Man replied to bitteroldhag's topic in Rants & Raves
We will let you women control your own lives and bodies when we are good and ready to. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
Re: Clinton and Monica; The Supreme Court ruled that Paula Jones' lawsuit could take place while Clinton was still in office because they said it would not be too much of a distraction. The Supreme court should share the blame for 911 for allowing the president to be crippled by controversy while still on office. And for those embarrassed by the Clinton/Monica scandal, which party insisted that the president testify with TV cameras present? Thanks to the puritan Republicans, the most blatant sexual content ever heard on TV was aired. -
Let the Joyous news be spread: New Jersey votes yes on Gay civil union!
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in The Lounge
Dear Gadgetlady, since you made reference to hotel rooms which I talked about in the post just prior to yours, I wonder if the "Don't put words in my mouth" statement id directed towards me. If it is, please be assured that I was not thinking of either you, any other LBT board member or any other person in the world as I wrote my last post. If it is just a coicidence that you mentioned some of what I had just wrote about, but you were not writing to me, well as Gilda Radna used to say, "Never mind". -
Let the Joyous news be spread: New Jersey votes yes on Gay civil union!
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in The Lounge
HE also says that eating a Ham & cheese sandwich is an abomination. Many people are luckier than I am. I only talk to God or Jesus, depending on who I want to pray to. When I was a Roman Catholic, I used to pray to The Virgin Mary, Saint Christopher, etc. But the lucky people are the ones that Jesus talks back to. I guess He decided that I was not good enough to enter his Kingdom, so he doesn't talk to me. Many people hear Jesus talking in their head. One claims to have heard Jesus say: "Invade Iraq, don't read your father's book on why you shouldn't invade Iraq, our mission is accomplished in Iraq, don't cut and run, but do cut food stamp programs and cut Medicaid programs, don't let anyone on death row off because we are both positive they are guilty, give the money changers; I mean the richest Americans tax cuts while the middle-class Christians go without medical coverage, persecute gays for political advantage and protect those little 16 cell embryos in petri dishes, for they are more precious that people who breath air..." It is wonderful to know that you are always right because you hear Jesus talking in your head. -
Let the Joyous news be spread: New Jersey votes yes on Gay civil union!
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in The Lounge
Or the Republicans can win the next election, increase their majority in congress, pass a constitutional amendment against gay marriage and then states can start arresting gay couples who come here as tourists from Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain. Some states (Blue ones, I'm sure) will allow them to book hotel rooms with single beds, but some other states may arrest these freaks and put them in striped suits in order to fix their state highways. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
This is a poem from the 1930's, I would like to update it. When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. Here is the 21st Century version: When the NSA came for the Liberals, You remained silent; You were not a Liberal. When they locked up the Democrats, You remained silent; You were not a Democrat. When they came for the Muslims, You did not speak out; You were not a Muslim. When they came for you, there was no one left to speak out. There should be one more Stanza: When the Government confiscated the voting machines No one cried at all, because we now had a king. Long live the king!! -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
I don't doubt that the NSA is monitoring my internet activity and those that applaud that attack on my First amendment's rights are as guilty as the German people of the 1930's were for allowing their motherland to be destroyed in the name of defense, family and Christianity. I have broken no laws, but I have made my voice heard. Those that truly defend freedom and what this country stood for before BuSh let Al-Quaida defeat us on 911 will defend my right to say and write what I think is correct. Yes, Al-Quaida defeated us on 911, because from that day on we starting giving away our freedoms and rights. And an American without freedom is a conquered man. America without freedom is a conquered nation. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
BuSh keeps saying we will not leave Iraq until the Mission is accomplished. How is BuSh defining "Mission Accomplished" this time? As soon as the US Military pulls out of Iraq, there will be all out war. The elected leader of Iraq or a military coup's leader will declare marshal law and a new Saddam Hussein will have been reincarnated. The only difference will be that the New and Improved Saddam Hussein will have 65% of the population of Iraq supporting him (as compared with the 20% the old Saddam Had) and the New and Improved Saddam will have Iran as an ally instead of as an enemy. It does not matter how long the US Military stays in Iraq. We can stay until 1000 more die or 2000 more die or 5000 more die. The result is inevitable. You can force a country to be what it is not. Iran was a Westernized country until it was overthrown by religious extremists who longed for the good old days. They were just like the religious extremists who live in the USA in the 21st Century and who also long for the good old days. BuSh will not lose the war in Iraq. He will lose 2000 more soldiers and marines protecting his pride. He is proud to be an American president and he will honor our military by allowing its members to die in battle. Sounds like a cross between Homer and the Klingons. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
If anyone thinks it is treasonous to compare BuSh with Hitler, think about this: People being arrested with no charges being levied against them. People being arrested with no legal council allowed to them. People taken to far away camps for indefinite amounts of time. People taken to foreign countries for torture laden interrogations. Torture defined as causing death or organ failure. People allowed to be tortured to get confessions and and then allowing the tortured induced confessions to be used in a court against them. Phones being tapped with no court orders. E-mails intercepted without court order. Money transactions scrutinized without court order. Passing of the Patriot Act to destroy personal freedom. Countries invaded for our defense that had no means to attack us. Laws passed to remove the protection of Habeas Corpus. Starting a privatized army not under military control. About the only major difference is that the Reichstag didn't burn down by BuSh's orders. There are many websites that compare BuSh to Hitler. I don't have to read them, because I have two eyes and two ears of my own. Click Here Click Here Or Here Or Try Here Oh, the heck with it. Do a google yourself for Hitler comparison BuSh. -
I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore
Tired_Old_Man replied to bitteroldhag's topic in Rants & Raves
Teachers are not underpaid. Michal Jordan only made $305,000 per regular season basketball game. That is only as much as a teacher makes in about 8 years. Show me a teacher than can score 30 points a game. Michael Jordan only made about $8,000 for each shot he took whether the ball went in or not. :help: How can you say teachers are underpaid? :help: Grown men playing children's games deserve a lot more money than teachers who must go to school for years in order to learn how to teach and train our children. What's wrong with you people? :faint: -
I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore
Tired_Old_Man replied to bitteroldhag's topic in Rants & Raves
Is this what you are looking for: Excellent points. Most Republicans I know send their children to private schools, or graduated their now-grown children from them, and/or attended private schools themselves. There is absolutely no payoff to them or their peers by fixing/improving the public school system. Their families and friends and most of their supporters will derive zero benefit from the $$$ spent on public education. So tell me again why we should believe they care about our kids? Same thing with Medicaid. Republicans do not use Medicaid. They have the best health coverage available, because they can afford the premiums. My youngest son works for Haliburton. He is a white collar professional. His medical insurance for himself and his family is $360 per month. It's the same price for the employees who earn half what he does. Haliburton is one of the largest companies in the world. They can negotiate the very best (cheapest) rates for their employees' health insurance...better than American Airlines, or IBM or ANYONE. And they DO get great rates, but they contribute almost nothing to the cost. And I guess we all know which party Haliburton is aligned with. Unless you are a member of high-level, executive management, you can't really afford to be a Republican. You may think the GOP is saving you from those money-grubbing, lazy, good-for-nothing welfare mothers who are out to steal your money, but you are wrong. The Republican party takes care of its own - the very, very elite...the very, very, obscenely rich. They might throw you a bone once in a while, just to get your vote, but they are responsible for the shrinking middle class, and even the upper middle class. They are sending you DOWN, not helping you up. If the Republicans have their way, eventually there will be only two classes of Americans: the very rich, and those who serve them. -
George W. BuSh is not from Texas. He was born in Connecticut. Barbara Bush was born in NY. George H.W. Bush was born in Massachusetts.
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
Why should Clinton have left office after being impeached. Impeachment just means that he has lost his protection against being tried in the Senate. He was tried and not removed from office. Clinton never should have used the White House to cheat on his wife and Clinton should not have cheated on his wife no matter where it took place. He deserved to be embarrassed. BuSh sent 2700 American serviceman to their death for nothing. BuSh will never leave Iraq until his term is up. BuSh can not ever admit a mistake and he will not allow himself to be an American president who lost a war. It will be the job of whoever is elected president in 2008 to be an American president who lost a war. BuSh wears 911 as a badge of honer. What honer is there to have allowed a surprise attack on the Continental USA? He was warned in a CIA paper on August 6, 2001 that Al-Quaida was preparing an attack that involved hijacking planes. BuSh said about a year later that he figured that Al-Quaida would hijack planes and then make demands. "If I had any idea they were going to fly planes into buildings..." Hijacking and then make demands is ok? Al-Quaida hijacking planes and then making demands would have been ok? Al-Quaida hijacking planes and then making demands would have been ok? -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
If you have ever worked for a large company, then you know how BuSh got faulty intelligence. He asked questions like "are you sure Hussein doesn't have WMD?" and when told no, he said to look again. It became clear to all that worked for him that unless you gave him the news he wanted to hear, you were not going to be in the president's good graces for too long. At least two cabinet members and sub-cabinet member who left the White House after serving under both Democratic and Republican administrations have written books in which they tell about BuSh's obsession with Hussein. It was the first topic at the first BuSh cabinet meeting in February 2001 and the first question from BuSh even before the smoke cleared on 911 was "did Hussein do it?" and then "are you sure?", when told NO!!! Hitler also trampled on his generals when they tried to give him advice or bad news. One of the reason that Germany lost WW11 was that Hitler's general were afraid to give him honest answers. That is the same reason the USA will lose the war in Iraq; Advisers not wanting to displease their boss. 2700 USA military personal are dead because BuSh has a thick skull. The USA is on the verge of bankruptcy because BuSh didn't read his father's book. Osama Bin Laden is still free because BuSh sent 100,000 troops to the wrong country. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
That would be nice except that if the Republican congress had not rubber-stamped all of BuSh's programs, we would not be in the mess that we are in now. As long as Republicans hold congress they will hold hands with BuSh. They have defeated the “checks and balances” idea built into our constitution. Proof? How many vetoes has BuSh made in 6 years? The Republican congress has played dirty. The rules are that every committee will have one more member of the majority party than of the minority party and that for a bill to be brought before the whole house, a majority of the committee must vote yes. The Republicans have killed bills in which there was a majority voting for it if there was not a majority of Republicans voting for it. If there are 6 Republicans and 5 Democrats on a committee, as long as the bill gets 6 votes it should move to the floor for discussion, But if 2 Republicans and 4 Democrats vote yes, which is the required 6 votes, the Republican committee chairman will still hold the bill out. -
You know this thread caught my eye as soon as I signed on. :faint:
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
We have not forgotten 911, but apparently Mr. BuSh has, or how else do you explain why he has 150,000 troops in the wrong country? If BuSh had been president on December 7, 1941, he would have invaded China. And nobody has embarrassed this country more than BuSh has. Speak to people from Europe or almost any place else in the world. -
George Bush: Worst American president in history
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in Rants & Raves
Actually if the Democrats controlled both houses of congress, the white House and 80% of the Federal court system, I would vote for a Republican. Power is too corrupting. :help: -
I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore
Tired_Old_Man replied to bitteroldhag's topic in Rants & Raves
Can we get back to discussing the issues and not the membership of LBT? :help: -
The purpose of the E-mail being circulated is to get people angry at the "Trial Lawyers" who sue for damages and at the Government Regulations, which are meant to protect us, but that some see as infringing on our freedoms, and which are usually pushed through by Democrats. Here is my reply to an E-mail that is very clever and a political ploy: ******************************* E-MAILED STATED: TO ALL THE KIDS WHO WERE BORN IN THE 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us. MY REPLY: And a lot of those kids have learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder * E-MAILED STATED: They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. MY REPLY: But today, diabetes is rampant in grade-school children. * E-MAILED STATED: Then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints. MY REPLY: A lot of those kids are mentally damaged by the lead in paint and some of them are those "Lazy homeless bums" that we avoid on the street. * E-MAILED STATED: We had no child-proof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention the risks we took hitchhiking. MY REPLY: And many of those kids are suffering from the consequences or are dead (while their parents suffer from the consequences and guilt for not protecting their children). * E-MAILED STATED: As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. MY REPLY: Again, not all of us are around to talk about it. Many are either dead or brain damaged for life. Which is worse: death, brain damage or having to buckle up? Why does the author glorify injury to children? * E-MAILED STATED: Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day was always a special treat. MY REPLY: Unless there was an accident. Why do people love risking the lives of their children? Is it a parent's right to risk the safety of his children? I don't think so. * E-MAILED STATED: We drank Water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. MY REPLY: But drinking from a garden hose is hard to do at the mall. And it is not as chic. Garden hose water is just as good, and sometimes better than bottled water, but people today like to wear their labels on the outside to show-off. Many designer clothes are made in the same Chinese factories as Wal-Mart bargains, but many people would rather be caught dead than not have Gucci's label showing. This complaint does not belong in this E-mail. It has nothing to do with lawyers or government regulation. As a aside: BuSh is now calling for more mine regulation, but it was BuSh's government agency that gutted safety regulations in 2002 that might have prevented the two recent West Virginia mine tragedies. * E-MAILED STATED: We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and NO ONE actually died from this. MY REPLY: Again, does not belong here because it has nothing to do with lawyers or government regulation. People don't share drinks today because they have enough money to burn. * E-MAILED STATED: We ate cupcakes, white bread, and real butter and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we weren't overweight because...WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING!! MY REPLY: In the poor black neighborhoods, the majority of children are not overweight. The basketball parks are still full. It is the White kids who have computers and game consoles who are fat. And then there is BuSh's "No Child Left behind" program that forces schools to cancel recess and PT in order to tutor kids to pass statewide tests like the FCAT. Today's children are out of shape and they know nothing except how to pass the FCAT (if they even know that). * E-MAILED STATED: We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on. MY REPLY: See above & it has nothing to do with lawyers or government regulation either. * E-MAILED STATED: No one was able to reach us all day. And we were just fine. MY REPLY: Again, it has nothing to do with lawyers or government regulation plus: White people's unrealistic fear. We live in probably the safest times in the safest country in the history of the planet, but the news focuses on crime. When I listen to the local news, all I hear about is crime, crime and more crime. Every "Coming Next" starts with "Local man..." or "Local woman...", but our "Local TV stations are in West palm Beach about 60 miles away and they consider everything local from about 25 miles South of WPB to 50 miles South of Orlando as long as it is on the Eastern side of Florida. That is almost 200 miles of "Local". Check the FBI crime stats. * E-MAILED STATED: We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem. MY REPLY: Glorifying injury to children again. The guy that wrote this is sick. Besides, today's kids would not be caught dead in a soap-box car. They want motorized (and illegal) cars that can be souped up to do 50-60 miles an hour. Have you ever encountered one on a street while driving. They have no insurance, so if they hit you, you are stuck with the bill, but if you hit them, they are still considered a pedestrian and you are at fault. Same would go for a non-motorized go-cart. * E-MAILED STATED: We did not have playstations, intendos, X-boxes -- no video games at all -- no 99 channels on cable, no VCRs or DVD players or the movies that went into them, no Surround-Sound, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat-rooms -- we had FRIENDS and we went outside and found them. MY REPLY: Again, not the fault of lawyers or government regulation. Just lazy parents who have to spoil their children with materialistic goods in place of love because they are so busy keeping up with the Jones'. TV's and the PC's have told us that unless we have 3 cars, 5 TV's, multiple DVD's, etc, we are failures. So parents work two jobs to have things that they do not need and then have no time to play with these toys (because they are too tired after work). And the children demand more games and toys so that they can stay home and get fat. The amount of love a parent has for his child is not directly related to how much money that parent spends on the child. * E-MAILED STATED: We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and --there were no lawsuits from these accidents. MY REPLY: Glorifying injury to children again. The guy that wrote this is sick and thinks everything is the fault of lawyers. * E-MAILED STATED: We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever. MY REPLY: Does not belong here. Nothing to do with government regulation or lawyers, but why does the author like to see children doing things like that? * E-MAILED STATED: We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays made up games with sticks and tennis balls, and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes. MY REPLY: "We did not put out very many eyes?" HOW MANY IS TOO MANY EYES? The guy that wrote this is sick and maybe his eyes were put out, because he is obviously blind to the pain of children and their parents. * E-MAILED STATED: We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house, and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just yelled for them! MY REPLY: Does not belong here. Nothing to do with government regulation or lawyers. * E-MAILED STATED: Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!! MY REPLY: Does not belong here. Nothing to do with government regulation or lawyers. But it has to do with the parents who can't deal with their children's disappointment and have no time to teach their children how to play. My son had no time (and not much knowledge) to teach my grandson how to pay baseball and football, but with my coaching, he became the star of both his baseball team and football teams. He had talent, but because he didn't know how to play the sports, he didn't even want to play the games. My coaching and his latent talent made him an avid participant. * E-MAILED STATED: The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law! MY REPLY: Does not belong here. Nothing to do with government regulation or lawyers. Bad parenting. Many parents want stricter teachers until it's their child's turn to be disciplined. * E-MAILED STATED: This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers, and inventors ever! MY REPLY: Does not belong here. I doubt either Bill Gates or Warren Buffet did anything dangerous while growing up, so what does it have to do with lawyers and regulations? * E-MAILED STATED: The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. MY REPLY: See above: Does not belong here. I doubt either Bill Gates or Michael Dell did anything dangerous while growing up, so what does it have to do with lawyers and regulations? * E-MAILED STATED: We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned HOW TO DEAL WITH IT ALL! MY REPLY: Nothing to do with government regulation or lawyers. * E-MAILED STATED: And YOU were one of them! MY REPLY: If you are alive and able to read this, then, yes you were one of them. But each person who was killed before these regulations were passed was also "one of them", though not able to read the E-mail and those who were brain damaged, were also "one of them" and both groups were also part of the reason why regulations changed. This author forgot to bring up that many of us wore infant's pajamas that were neither fire proof nor fire retardant. I wonder why? I guess that would have been harder to be cute about. And that is all the E-mail was: a way of being cute to show you that the Republican way of "let big business regulate themselves" and to "put trial lawyers out of business" is the correct way. The author misses some important points: #1. Many were maimed before these despicable laws were passed #2. Big business cares about money first, safety second and as long as government fines are only 5% to 10% of the profits, they don't change, but when lawyers win multi-million dollar lawsuits, the products get safer. #3. Big business uses trial lawyers too. Why are the trial lawyers (who represent grieving parents or widows) low-life scum, but the trial lawyers who work for large corporations depicted as knights in shining honor? #4. Aren't you glad that your child was saved from brain damage from lead paint ingestion and brain damage, injury or death by concussion because of seat belts and safety helmets? My son, when 6, spent two days in the hospital after being knocked off his bike unto his head and suffered from a concussion. It was not pretty. I wish that he had a helmet on that day. * E-MAILED STATED: CONGRATULATIONS!!! You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good. And while you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave their parents were. Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?! MY REPLY: If you really want to run through the house with scissors, I think you need some counseling. The author was very clever in the way he mixed lawyers, government regulation and other things which annoy many people, but which have nothing to do with lawyers and government regulation. He gets the average reader all worked up and then puts the blame on lawyers and government regulation. Very clever. Very Republican. Not lies, just spin.
The Swiffer mop thing was just a stupid hoax. These E-mails are political attacks hidden as cute little "God Bless America and the Good Old Days" nostalgia.
Today, people have to know the USA Standard measurement system and the Metric system. Thank you Ronald, for keeping us in the dark ages.
Let the Joyous news be spread: New Jersey votes yes on Gay civil union!
Tired_Old_Man replied to Sunta's topic in The Lounge
A lot of people only believe in science when it comes to weapons. The USA has the best weapons in the world. Is it because we pray to Jesus better (or more) than other countries do or because of science? Some also believe in science when it comes to TV, PC's, Video Games, Medicine (well not always medicine) and communications.