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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man

  1. Tired_Old_Man

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays To all my Brothers and Sisters here at LPT. I have been away for quite a while. To any concerned about my health; Yes, I am fine, as is my wife and family. My wife and I made a deal. I had been spending too much time on the computer and she had wanted me to spend more time taking care of my chores. We will be married for 40 years next July and I had a choice to make; keep writing at LBT (and other forums) or take care of my wife, my wife's needs, my family and my marriage. I love you guys, but the choice was a "no brainer". I will be back some day to write some more of my words of wisdom or trash, depending on your point of view. To all those that PM'ed me concerned with my health or reasons for dropping off the planet; I thank you. May you all have a wonderful holiday season. For the Christians: Merry Christmas For the Jewish people: Happy Hanukah For everyone: Happy Holidays and HAPPY NEW YEAR
  2. Tired_Old_Man

    predictive text...

    OK, I did a google and found out you are talking about Text Messaging. I don't do text messaging!!
  3. Tired_Old_Man

    predictive text...

    What are you talking about? :help:
  4. Tired_Old_Man

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    Yes that is right, but if you were a conservative and there was a liberal Republican running against a conservative Democrat and the house was split 217 to 217 and your one vote could decide the election, who would you vote for? If you vote in the conservative Democrat, the house will have a majority of Democrats who are a more liberal party and all the committees will be headed by the Democrats who are more liberal. So a vote for the conservative would give you a more liberal congress. And likewise, a vote for the liberal would give you a more conservative congress. That is one of the reasons why the White House backed the most antiBuSh Republican Senator in the USA in his Republican primary against a pro-BuSh candidate. Look up Senator Chaffe of Rhode Island's voting record. In politics: One plus One does not equal Two.
  5. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    BuSh finally admitted that our military people are dying in iraq for OIL. Of Course, BuSh made it seem like a good thing saying. "You can imagine a world in which these extremists and radicals got control of energy resources. And then you can imagine them saying, 'We're gonna pull a bunch of oil off the market to run your price of oil up, unless you do the following'." The USA didn't bother to find an alternative to oil, so that gives the USA the right to invade other countries? That "terrible president"; Jimmy Carter, put into effect regulations that gave tax breaks to using and finding alternatives to oil and coal, the program started working, but Ronald Reagan did away with them as soon as he became president and for the next 25 years the USA's depency on foreign oil grew and grew. Solution, or should I say the BuSh solution, cook up a scheme to invade the 2nd largest holder of oil reserves in the world. Simple, as long as you don't mind killing innocent Iraqi civilians, while thousands of American troops die. In a related story President Chavez of Venezuela threathen to stop sending oil to the USA meaning that we will need an excuse to invade Venezuela too?
  6. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    You are 100% right. I have seen both "60 Minutes" and "NightLine" do programs on the USA's religous right's funding of the most far right Israeli political party. The religous right believes that the first step toward "Judgement Day" is Israel taking back the disputed land from the Palisinians. The believe that in the 7 year war that will follow the rejoining of Israel that 2/3 of the Israelis will be slaughtered and 1/3 will become Christians. The Jewish party leaders accepting the money say they will take the money and reunite Israel, but Jesus is not coming. The leaders of the USA's religous right movement financing Israel claims that they are doing God's work.
  7. Tired_Old_Man

    I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore

    Negotiating bulk discounts would also DECREASE THE NATIONAL DEBT by about HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS over ten years. But since Treasury notes are Welfare for the Rich, why would BuSh allow that?
  8. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    I can accept the joke in the manner that it was intended. The sign is funny. But politics is dirty. If you have HBO, please watch "Hacking Democracy". In it they mention that some Democrats benefitted from vote manipulation, though Republicans benefitted more often. But I would like to hear an explanation of how one county in Florida gave Al Gore minus 16,022 votes. When I have asked some Republicans I know, they ask me about the dead people who voted in Chicago in the 1960's. That may or may not have happened, though there was not enough definative proof to build a case. BUT HOW DO YOU GET MINUS 16,022 VOTES?
  9. Tired_Old_Man

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    It matters very much what party the candidate is from. The House of Representatives and the Senate both have rules that state that the majority party gets to pick the committee members and that the committees will have more members of the majority party than the minority party. Then the rules say that for a bill to be seen and then voted on by the membership of each house, the appropriate committee must pass it by a majority. If committe has 11 members and the 6 members from majority party vote no, it doesn't matter what the minority party members do. If the house would have passed a bill by 250 t0 185, but the 6 members from majority party vote no, it doesn't matter what the majority of the house wants. That is the way it has been for many years. But recently the Republicans have play with those rules. If in a committee with 6 Republicans and 5 Democrats, if a bill is voted on and 2 Republicans and 4 or 5 Democrats vote yes, while 4 Republicans and one Democrat or no Democrats vote no, the bill should be sent to the floor with a 6 to 5 or 7 to 4 majority, but instead the Republican committee chairman will table the issue. So it is important which party a candidate is from. there also is the leaning that a party can apply to one of its own members. A Republican from Ohio voted no on a bill, but the Republican leadership put pressure on him by telling him he would wanted get no financial support from the party the next time he ran for office and that his son who was running for office would either get party funds for a yes vote or the party would support his opponent in the primary. And finally, if the Democrats control the House and God forbid both BuSh and Cheney die, then Nancy Pelosi would be the president of the United States, but if the Republicans win, Dennis Hastert will be president.
  10. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    I have heard and read that quite a few of the Republicans who wield power in the BuSh administration and also those who give advice and/or are the biggest supporters of the neo-con policies of the BuSh administration, including members of PNAC have dual US/Israeli citizenship.
  11. Tired_Old_Man

    Yeah, that's right...

    It is also sad when people can not discuss the issues that control or lives from both sides of the political fence. I have posted at other forums over the years and when I predicted the situation that is now occurring in Iraq just before the invasion, I was called coward, communist, Muslim sympathizer, traitor, idiot, unAmerican, unpatriotic, tax & spend liberal, and invited to leave the country to take up residence in Afghanistan or Iran. When I post in other forums today, I am still called those names, but not by quite as many people. I was born in the USA and I worked for 35 years for a major company. I made decent money for a person who punched a clock and saved and invested. I own 3 houses and have money in the bank without a credit card debt. When I say worked, I do not mean that I pushed paper. I worked with blood, sweat and brain power to help keep the oldest fleet of commercial passenger planes in the US flying. My father was killed in WW11 on the day after I was born. I have never been arrested and my son has his own business and he has never been arrested. Neither of us has ever taken a penny of welfare. I go to church every week and am active in local politics. I would never call a Republican a fool. I will say that I find some Republican methods loathsome and I will condemn members of either party for their actions or methods as I see fit. If it is required for members of LBT to run away to this thread for safety, then we have hit a new low. Many members of LBT celebrated in a thread a month or so ago, because even though there was disagreement about politics and religion, no one lost civility. Missy4gorden started this thread because there is a thread (a few actually) that the Democrats and more liberal members of LBT have taken over as far as number of posts and members posting are concerned, but none of the Republicans or conservatives who posted in those threads have been belittled in those threads. If you like BuSh or BuSh's ideas, or you like the way the country is heading, come over and state your case. You will not be insulted or attacked. If you come over and say, "well I don't know much about politics, but I think BuSh is doing a fine job" well I guess you can expect, "What about the dead in Iraq? What about the national debt? What about..." I am inviting any and all members to feel free to state your opinions in the other political and controversial threads in the Raves, Rants, etc and the Lounge. Separate is not equal. I didn't believe in racial segregation and I don't believe in political segregation.
  12. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    BuSh and McDonald's both. :faint:
  13. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Maybe the people who voted for him were tricked by Karl Rove's clever marketing? It might be similar to why people buy McDonalds fast food when it is about as unhealthy as food can be? It tastes good, but it is poison and will kill you.
  14. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Of course not. I am saying that it is a shame that people will vote for Republicans, not knowing this information, because FOX news never mentioned it.
  15. Tired_Old_Man

    Tell me what you think...

    There is a legal way to do it and an illegal way. They actually have a lawyers that specialize in distributing the money to family in a legal and orderly way while the person is still alive and allows the Medicaid regulations to be complied with. We live in a place that is controlled by law whether we would have passed that law or not. As long as one plays by the rules they shouldn't have a problem unless they consider the rules so immoral as to be below them. However, other people even with more financial resourses will hire lawyers and use the rules to their best advantage.
  16. Tired_Old_Man

    Yeah, that's right...

    Then why does he wear a shirt with rolled up sleeves when he gives his stimp speeches? Then why can't BuSh see that he has made mistakes? Why can't he admit that it was a mistake to invade Iraq? Does BuSh have 2000/20 blind sight?
  17. Tired_Old_Man

    Yeah, that's right...

    I am sorry to tell you that you do not own this thread and anyone of any political persuavion can post here and I will post in this thread anytime I feel like it. These are not my rules. These are the rules of this Forum.
  18. Tired_Old_Man

    I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore

    My company dropped my coverage, so it will cost me 3 times as much to get drugs as it does now as soon as I hit 65.
  19. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    That report is from over 16 months ago. How many people will remember about it or even know of its existance when they vote tomorrow?
  20. Tired_Old_Man

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    No! And I regret it. Tomorrow I wil be a poll watcher.
  21. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Nora, just about everything you say about Nazi Germany compared with the USA is accurate. But compare Nazi Germany in 1935 with the USA of today. Hitler did not start out executing Jews, Gays or Gypsies. He started with gradual rights reductions and restrictions. The USA is only at that phase now. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is one huge step in that direction as was the Patriot Act. The US public is now condoning the arrest of people without criminal charges being filed. The US public allows the BuSh administration to distort our legal system by asking false questions like "should we be soft on terrorists?" The questions are false because the people that they asking about are not terrorists, they are "suspected terrorists". Once we put someone on trial in a court for “terrorists” or for "Enemy Combatants", how can that person get a fair trial. He can only be there if he is a terrorist or an "Enemy Combatant". And if he is a terrorist or an "Enemy Combatant", he can be interrogated by “special techniques” (which the rest of the world and many Americans know means torture) until he confesses and that coerced confession will be used against him. You will notice above that I did not advocate violence, but if there is a knock at my door (or the door flies off it's hinges) and I am arrested and interrogated by “special techniques”, my 61 year old body will not stand up for very long before I confess to being Saddam Hussein's and Osama Bin Laden's co-conspirator in 911. It will not matter that I had nothing to do with 911 except watching the towers burn from a window in my home, wiping the gray soothe (and tears) from my daughter-in-law's face (who was there when the second plane hit) after she ran from the crumbling South Tower and then walked 8 miles to our home, and also 2 of the four planes involved in 911 came from the airline that I worked for. WOW. I did have something to do with 911. And you know what? If I do get arrested and tried as a "Enemy Combatant", you may not know about it. You do not know my name. Tired_Old_Man will just stop posting and months later you will read about an "Enemy Combatant" from Florida being executed. Maybe a few of the members here at LBT will realize it is me, but will they go beyond a PM or two between each other? Or will they be brave enough to expose themselves to "Enemy Combatant" charges by complaining in open forum about what happened to TOM? When they came for the Tired_Old_Man, I remained silent; I did not know it was him. When they locked up many Democrats, I remained silent; I was not a Democrat. When they came for other LBT members, I did not speak out; I only sent PM's, but they posted. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. If you think it can't happen here...Think again.
  22. Tired_Old_Man

    Canadian Legal Advice - Ontario Law

    Our opinions are worthless without facts or legal degrees. Our opinions may actually be harmful to your case. See another lawyer. And Good Luck.
  23. Tired_Old_Man

    How to put in Quotes

    Some people have asked me how to use quotes in a thread: For the rest of my posts in this thread, whenever you read a < it means to type a [ and a > means to type a ] I will use quotation marks to show what I am talking about, but you would not actually copy the quotation marks (unless they were there and you wanted them in the quote. If I put what I actually wanted you to write you would not see what you need to type: Example: In a post I write "I think BuSh is a terrible President" along with about 3 or 4 paragraphs of other writing, and you want to debate that point. You can copy "I think BuSh is a terrible President" by highlighting it and then holding the "CTRL" key down and tapping the "C" key. Then hit the "Post Reply" button. When the box comes up write <quote=TOM> and then hold the "CTRL" key down and tap the "C" key which will make "I think BuSh is a terrible President" appear right after the <quote=TOM> and then type </quote>. That will show up as
  24. Tired_Old_Man

    How to put in Quotes

    But is interesting to know and also it takes the mystery out of it. It is not magic. It is logic and science Many things in our lives are presented to us in values that are false, but because we do not know enough about the truth or validity of the subject, we are resigned to believing what is told to us. Knowledge is power.
  25. Tired_Old_Man

    How to put in Quotes

    Then go back to this thread and highlight a sentence or clause of about 5 or 6 words and copy the clause (CTRL-C). Go to the source page that you opened and hit CTRL-F (hold down the CTRL key and tap the "F" key). in the box that appears hit CTRL-V and then ok (or Enter), the words you had highlighted on the thread will then be highlighted on that source page. KOOL Ain't it?

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