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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man

  1. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I will piss some people off with this comment, but so be it. You and Ron continually say that you are not trying to attack, but what you do is more akin to vultures picking at the bones. Some of us on this thread are Christians who have come to be Christians by a different path that you. We do not take the Bible to be “word for word” literally true. When we tell you that, you insist on "picking apart the bones" of why we feel that this Biblical story is not true or how can we be Christians if we do not believe that Biblical story(?). No, it is not an attack, it is an attempt at an insidious erosion and coercion of our will, much like would be done by acid eating away at a strong piece of metal. No bombs, no missiles, just constant corrosion until our metal breaks down and you can hear, yes, yes, every word of the Bible is true. Well, you will not hear it from me and the more you push, the more resistance you will get. ONE MORE TIME: I AM A CHRISTIAN, BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE AS A LITERAL DOCUMENT, BUT I BELIEVE MY FAITH IS AS GOOD AS YOURS. And you have no right to pick my faith apart or to belittle it.
  2. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    But if you want to remain in the thread because you enjoy the discussion, you should not have to be nagged. I have said much about my faith, but because I have not allowed my faith to be picked apart exactly as Laurend discussed, I have been ben mocked by you and Ron. I do not know if it is worse to pick apart a Mormon's or Muslim's faith, or to do it to a fellow Christian, because he got to the point of being a Christian through a different path than you or Ron. Telling someone that you can leave the thread if you don't like the nagging equates with people who tell me that if I don't like the BuSh administration's decisions, I can leave America.
  3. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Can anyone pin-point on the "sine wave" in the above post where Ron is right now?
  4. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    The highs and lows seem to follow a similar pattern to Ron's repeated mode of: moderate discussion, heavy attack, moderate discussion, apolegtic, moderate discussion, heavy attack, moderate discussion, apolegtic, moderate discussion, heavy attack, moderate discussion, apolegtic, moderate discussion, heavy attack, moderate discussion, apolegtic, etc.
  5. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Faith can not be true or false. Faith is a feeling, an idea. A religion might be true or false, but not a faith. And who determines which religion is true. I am sure that if you and a Muslim debate or discuss religion, you will each believe that your own religion is true. You have a right to explain why you believe yours is true and he has an equal right to explain why he believes his is true, but neither of you has a right IMHO to tell the other one his is false and he will go to Hell for not converting to the other. But at what point do you and him agree to stop trying to convert. Does the request to stop come only after screaming and name calling, or should it be done way before it gets to that point? The question is only a rhetorical question, not a reflection of when you would stop. Regarding the emboldened statement above about admiration for Mormons and JW's, I would hope that admiration also would include Muslims? I am not asking about Al-Qaida or Taliban type Muslims, but about the millions of American Muslims and hundreds of Millions of Muslims in other countries that US troops are dying for in order to give democracy to them.
  6. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    They do vote for those things, but they use code words like "nieghborhood values" and "family values" and "law and order" then they vote to put religious statues in government buildings. The politicians know that those code words are understood by the people who would have still voted for racial segregation had the courts not struck it down and yet they sound ok for people who are moderate, but some times do not understand the implecations of the code words. And then there was the Virginia congressman who was upset (by the false report) that the first Muslim US congressman was going to be sworn in on the Qur'an and the Virginia congressman said that son we would be having a lot of Muslim congressmen if we weren't careful. If you can not see that putting a statue sybolic of the one religion in a government building meant for the use of US citizens of all religions as religious secragation, then I guess we have a disagreement.
  7. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    But how about when it is done for the express purpose of converting you? And without you asking?
  8. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Notice the repeating highs and lows.
  9. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Are you kidding? I have to fight them off like dogs.
  10. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Does anyone know what a sine wave is?
  11. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Can I assist you in learning the "Holy Qur'an"? I will be glad to teach you the interpretations that I find most persuasive for teaching you the one true religion of our time. Just PM me and we can set up times for your gift from me to you. Or maybe from Allah, through me to you.
  12. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Me thinks thou protest too much. The Reverend Ted Haggard also used to protest the Gay agenda and Congressman Mark Foley was a protector of children from child abuse. Is there a hidden agenda in your hidden agenda? Are you hiding something so fearful that you must erupt in anger against it? Are you hiding something so personal that you must erupt in anger against it? You say you do not hate Gays, but you write about them as almost sub-human and as if they are slime spreading all over our souls. Adolph Hitler included Gays in his "Final Solution". What is your final solution for the Gay agenda? Will you convert Gays into heterosexuals, so that Gays for Jesus can join the Jews for Jesus? Ron, if you are successful, Heaven will become very crowded.
  13. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    There is little doubt that we can not change the mindset of Osama Bin Laden or his henchmen, but the minds of the youth of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. are still open to change. When the youth of those countries see US soldiers knocking in doors of Muslims, US planes bombing and strafing Muslim homes, scenes from hospitals of Muslim infants, children, women and men with limbs missing, does anyone blame them for being ready and willing to join Osama? And the answer is not to stop the TV broadcasts of the truth. The answer is to stop the USA from bullying Muslims. The US has a difficult role. Everyone knows that the US is the Super Power of the world. When it attacks countries 1/10th their size with 1/10th their population, they can not win. If they win militarily, they are bullies. If they lose militarily, they are the laughing stock of the world. 90% of the world was on the side of the USA in 1991 to free Kuwait and again in 2002 to find Osama in Afghanistan. Less than 10% of the world is with the US in its fiasco in Iraq. George W. Bush is as successful in recruiting favorable world opinion as Ron is converting LBT members to his way of thinking.
  14. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I hope we can party together in Hell.
  15. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    You will never be flamed by me (and I can't speak for everyone, but I am sure none of the other regulars who post here would either), so it will always be safe to say what you feel. You may see things written that you do not like. You may be the kindest person in the world, but if you are voting the same way that KKK members or Neo-Nazi members constantly vote, you might not like to hear that people who vote that way are responsible for this or that, but they are. Maybe your vote was based on different intentions than the KKK members and Neo-Nazi members, or maybe the code words that KKK members and Neo-Nazi members use are unknown to you, but any statements about those issues can still be valid without it being a personal attack on you.
  16. Tired_Old_Man

    I need to get this out of my system.....

    Jodie; You enemies will never tell you what you need to know, only your friends will take that chance. You enemies will tell you what you want to hear.
  17. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    It should be obvious. The Bible says something = It must be 100% true be respected George BuSh says something = It must be 100% true be respected A Moderator says something = It must be 100% true be respected Adolph Hitler says something = It must be 100% true be respected Two ways to rid the world of Jews: The Nazi way and the "Completed" way.:clap2:
  18. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Actually, I demanded that he wear the miniskirt.:faint:
  19. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Don't look in the mirror.
  20. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Yes, much has been said in a short time. I have to find that post in which ousooner thinks I insulted him with my remark about the "Bible being written for ignorant people". I want to send him a PM with a link to the post. I was referring to the people alive during the time of the Bible being written, not about the people who read the Bible today. I thought that would have been obvious from the context of the post as a whole. Also I wasn't commenting on the intelligence of the people back in the days of the Bible or today's readers of the Bible. Intelligence and knowledge of the world and Earth science are not related. So, I hope that ousooner sees this post. I doubt if he will go back that far to find where he last posted in this thread. Even though it was only two days ago, it might as well have been a day from Genesis.
  21. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I know I'm going to Hell now. Once while the airline I worked for was on strike, my wife got a job as a model and made twice what I made per week. I considered staying home and being the "House Husband", raising my son and doing housework. But I guess Jesus had plans for my salvation, because I discussed the work issue with my wife and we came to the conclusion that beauty is fleeting, and her carrier might be very short, so for the long term it would probably be beneficial that I would go back to work as an aircraft mechanic and she would stop work and go back to being a house-wife as soon as the strike ended. This was way back in 1973, when my wife was in her 20's. She is still beautiful. I guess the Lord works in strange ways.
  22. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Without anaesthesia or antiseptics. OUCH!!
  23. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    Congrats Wheetsin. I have to look up some info on HR800 and then hit the sack. I have been burning the candle at both ends lately and my health will begin to suffer if i don't cut back. G'night all.
  24. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    And how do you know that?
  25. Tired_Old_Man

    Anti-Semitism In France!

    I hope Ron does not have a drinking problem. I have noticed that his grammar and spelling seem to get bad in spurts as if he was drunk at that point in time. As much as I disliked his attitude, I would hate to think we drove him to drink or to "get off the wagon".

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