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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man

  1. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    Tina's mother has Alzheimer's disease and doesn't know Tina from Eve (or Adam for that matter). Tina is going up to Brooklyn on Wednesday and returning on the 26th. Tina demanded that she be with me for her birthday when I listed her for the flights. If Tina's mother had any ability to comprehend that Tina was her daughter, then it might be different. As it is, Tina is happy when her mother knows that Tina is not someone to be feared.
  2. Tired_Old_Man

    Gave midterms today

    As an instructor, student's intent is a valid point to decide passing or failing. When I was a maintenance instructor, I had to evaluate whether the mechanic (student during mandatory classroom training sessions) was going to be able to repair planes safely. Intent and attitude were important, but aptitude was a more valid criteria for job retention.
  3. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    The "(Un)Christian (Never)Right Political Movement" is a term I coined a few years ago. If it ever gets popular, you can say you know the "Tired Old Man" who made it up. I think it is too accurate to become in vogue.:frusty:
  4. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    I talk too much!!
  5. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    I hear you. I have a constant fight with myself, because I can not stand to see my wife crying or in a corner by herself. It is hard to give Tina space, but I will try. Our grand-daughter, Brooklyn is usually the surest thing to can get Tina out of depression. Usually, we make it a point to drop by our son's/DIL's house at least 3 times a week to see Brooklyn, plus we babysit her 90% of the weekends because my son does most of his work on weekends. My wife has been back from her last trip to Brooklyn (NY) since February 26th and she has not seen Brooklyn (the child) yet. Brooklyn will be over here later today and will spend the night. When Tina can go without seeing Brooklyn for almost two weeks, I worry.
  6. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    The "Christian Left" needs to become more vocal.
  7. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    How do I plan it when she says no...?
  8. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    Thank you. I am not a typical husband. In our almost 40 years of marriage, I have never bought my wife a gift for the house for her birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas or our anniversary They are always personal presents. I know the size of every piece of clothing (including underwear) and she is more likely to get something from "Frederick's of Hollywood" than a "Sears catalog". She has enough jewelery to double her weight (joke). My biggest problem is finding something that she both desires and needs. Mick Jagger and Fabio are not allowable desires for her gift wish list. I have always made her birthdays special, with elaborately wrapped gifts and surprise parties at friend's homes. Once, I even faked my car breaking down a few blocks from a friend's home, so that when we walked to his home to use the phone to call for help (pre-cell phone), there were 20 people there to yell "Surprise". My wife has been likewise supportive of me. My mother died on my 19th birthday and my father died the day after I was born, so I didn't Celebrate my birthday until my wife pulled off a surprise party for my 30th birthday at a bar we used to hang out at (in our drinking days), so I could not complain in front of 40-50 friends and buddies. I have celebrated my birthday normally since then. My wife never worked while we were married (after she was in her third month of pregnancy), because we believed that a full time parent, not a babysitter should raise our child, so any money I spend on her will be money I earned. We have very few friends where we live. We only moved here 3 years ago and the neighbors have been moving in and out like wild-fire (I guess I should take a bath more often that once a month, but we have 4/10's of an acre). The only people we really have is my son's family and they have been put on notice: No birthday presents, no party, no celebration, no dinner out. My wife is not comfortable with my church group. Yes, my church group, because she has only gone with me 3 of the 50 times that I have gone. She just doesn't feel comfortable with them, no matter how much I try tell her that they all like her and ask about her.
  9. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    I hope that I didn't sound critical of your suggestion. If I did, I apologize.
  10. Tired_Old_Man

    Kids can be so mean!

    My friend (from school) who was born in Puerto Rico and moved to Brooklyn while still in diapers, spent much of his time in the US Military Service in Silver Springs Colorado (early 1960's) where he met a Mexican/American (born in the USA from legal immigrants) from Pueblo, Colorado and eventually got married. He had to give up trying to explain that he was not Mexican, but Puerto Rican, and why he did not know what the foods (of Mexican heritage) were. He has now lived in Pueblo, Colorado for the past 40 years and recently retired after working his way up the ladder (to the top) at an insurance brokerage. He has become a de facto Mexican. White people have tunnel vision.
  11. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    I do not know of anyone (at least not since Jesus) who would pass your "unless they are pure as snow or will never fall" test. Any bills helping abused children that Bill Clinton or Mark Foley helped become law are valid, as are any statements that either of them made about the need for those bills becoming law. The fact that each had a poor personal track record regarding morality is not relevant to the good that a law that protects children might do.
  12. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    I did not see that interview (nor previously hear about it), but, again in the spirit of free and open discussion, I will take your word that he said exactly that, not implied or hinted, and I will say if you are correct, then he was wrong to say that. The reason I might sound like I am equivocating is because I have been burned so many times by people reading into things that I said or other people said. If Bill Maher or any other TV/radio/press/movies personality says "(I) can't help but wish that Cheney had died" or "(I) can't help but wish that BuSh had died", then they are abusing their fame and the role model status that goes with it. If, on the other had, a media personality asks (playing the Devil's advocate) "So if BuSh and Cheney were to die, don't you think that many more US soldiers would live compared to BuSh and Cheney not dying?", I feel that is a valid question. Hardball politics, but valid. I saw the "Real Time" show where Bill Maher was blamed (originally) for saying he wanted Cheney dead. I think Bill was blamed more for the reaction of the audience than Bill's actual words. And yes, L8BloomR, of course people on the "Left" should be held accountable for crude statements to the same degree as those from the Right. People from either side should not be held accountability on all issues evenly. If a member on one side of the political spectrum breaks one of the cherished rules of his political group, he should be held accountable, but if a member of the other side breaks that same rule, he should not be held accountable. But that also works both ways, so it is fair. And one more comment about Bill Maher and the people who dislike him (for his honesty), I read the comments that Bill made on his “Real Time” show last week on a site that doesn't like (nor appreciate) Bill Maher's pot stirring and while the site was saying that Bill wanted Cheney dead, the words they printed didn't say that. They also printed the words that many people assume got Bill Maher's “Politically Incorrect” talk show kicked off of WABC TV. The remarks were made so soon after 911, that I didn't see the show live. I lived (at that time) where I could see the World Trade Center from one of my home's windows and when the towers came down, so did the TV (and many radio) antennas and there went my TV reception until they relocated the antennae. One of Bill's guests on “Politically Incorrect” said that the 911 pilots were cowards and Bill compared the bravery of a man who flies a plane into a building with a US Navy sailer who pushes a button that launches a cruise missile from 200 miles away from its target. Bill was not talking about morality, nor praising any deeds, just physical courage. Anyone who doesn't think that the Japanese Kamikaze pilots of WWll or the 911 pilots, didn't have courage, does not know the meaning of the word courage. Were they misguided? The Japanese pilots did what their emperor asked and were no more misguided than our soldiers, pilots and seamen involved in the tragic mistake of the war on Iraq. The 911 pilots were doing it for God or at least what their religious leaders had twisted their religion into. But that happened in Salem when women were tortured, burned, and hung in the name of Christianity. So courage yes, wisdom no, but Bill Maher paid the price for making people think, because too many people were too scared to think (and many still are).
  13. Tired_Old_Man


    I used to belong to a bariatric support group and no matter which form of bariatric surgery was performed, the belly hang was the same (for the amount of weight lost).
  14. Whenever I take antibiotics, I eat a couple of yogarts (with active cultures) each day. I eat the no sugar added, fat-free kind.
  15. Tired_Old_Man

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    If I get any closer to her, I would be behind her. We have long intimate conversations every day. I guess losing three family members this year (2 uncles on her side of the family and one aunt on mine), plus having her mother in the hospital in Brooklyn NY, with us living in Florida, has really made the next age plateau more difficult to accept. It is a good suggestion, Devana, but one we are already actively pursuing. Thanks
  16. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    One note before I get misquoted: I do not want either BuSh or Cheney killed or dead. I want them prosecuted and convicted for war crimes and treason. I don't believe in the death penalty, so life in jail for each of them would be fine with me.
  17. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    Bill Maher did not say he wished Cheney had died, and did not say its too bad Cheney didn't die. He compared the effects of Cheney dying with Cheney not dying (in his opinion). If BuSh and Cheney were both to die, tragically tomorrow, God forbid, and Nancy Pelosi became president, does anyone think the war in Iraq would follow the same course as it will take with BuSh as president and Cheney as VP? Unless you answer yes, you are as guilty as Bill Maher.
  18. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    I never heard of Charles Rust-Tierney, but I will take your word that he did what you wrote, but filters on Library PC's are not a solution, because the filtering keeps out much good info and is ineffective at porn. Then we would have no one speaking out to protect the children. Newt coming clean was a political ploy and nothing more. He came clean only because everyone knew he was dirty. The Christian Right Political Movement is more political than Christain, more political than right (correct).
  19. Tired_Old_Man

    Tell me if I'm wrong...

    It could have been worse. It could have been the theme from Jaws.
  20. Tired_Old_Man


    How about a Pragmatic Libertarian?
  21. Tired_Old_Man

    What Peeves you?

    Good is an adjective and it modifies a noun or pronoun. "Well" is an adverb and it modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb. "I" is a pronoun, so "I am good". TOM is a noun, so "TOM is good". "Feel" is a verb, so "I feel well" and "TOM feels well".
  22. Tired_Old_Man

    Security Alert #2

    Your great grandma and my grandmother would probably have been born about the same time. My grandmother had the exact purse as you described and she kept it in her "handbag" or "pocketbook". We got pennies and sometimes a nickel or dime. That was a lot of money. It only cost 15 cents for the movies before 5pm for a child under 12 and a quarter for an adult back then. After 5pm it was 20 cents and 35 cents. I remember going to see "African Queen" in 1951 and "The Robe" in 1953 with Grandma and Grampa. It cost less than a dollar for the three of us to get in (each time) and we saw 2 movies, a cartoon, "News of the week" and a short story.
  23. Tired_Old_Man

    What About Those "Family Values", Newt?

    You missed Mark Foley and Ann Coulter.:rockon:
  24. Tired_Old_Man

    Tell me if I'm wrong...

    They have "wedding mills" in the NY area. I was an usher at a wedding and everything was timed to the minute. Our wedding had to be out at 3:45 so that the 4pm reception could start. 4 hours and move. Well, 3 hours and 45 minutes and move. It is amazing to watch them change 200 place settings so fast. They do it my using multiple rooms with staging areas. My basement wedding was so much more (for lack of a better word) HUMAN. Some might call it a bargain basement wedding, but it only cost $10 per year for each year of our marriage. The wedding I was the usher at cost over $100,000 and was over in 3 years. Well the wedding was over in under 4 hours, but the marriage was finished in 3 years. Lets see, Let me get out my calculator. $33,000 per year compared to my $10 a year. Yes, I am rubbing it in.

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