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Everything posted by Tired_Old_Man

  1. Tired_Old_Man

    Question for the 21st Century

    This country was founded on freedom for white male property owners. When the founding fathers originally said "all men are created equal", they meant "men" and many of the laws passed only gave rights to white men who owned property. Slaves were only counted for states to have more representation in the House of Representatives. This country was not founded on freedom, but the (hated) Liberals have pushed it to a point of freedom, while conservatives have fought tooth and nail to go back to the good old days. In the last 6 years, the BuSh administration has tried to reverse all of the increases of freedom and to bring us back to the good old days when rich people only were free.
  2. Tired_Old_Man

    Question for the 21st Century

    You missed the intent of my question. You said, "For me, it's not a question of what a person wears. Rather, it's how that person defines his/her life. Burning flags, bombing schools, suicide missions, vowing death to others who don't hold similar views, etc., are all wrong... whether you're naked, wearing a sheet, wearing a suit, etc." And I asked, "And no matter which country they come from or which God they claim to worship?" Meaning does that go for US soldiers who are 80% Christian who bomb schools, hospitals and homes in Iraq and vow death to the insurgents who don't hold similar views as they do (for instance that the US soldier has no business being in Iraq)? And does that "etc." cover US Military Uniforms?
  3. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I guess this was missed or people just refused to comment on it. As anyone can see, it was posted in this thread quite a few pages back. It offers a (possible) explanation of why (some) males are Gay.
  4. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I have been reading there, but have not posted.
  5. Tired_Old_Man

    US Government has No Honor

    I am almost 62 years old; a little late for becoming a politician, plus I only moved to the state where I now reside, slightly over 3 years ago, so I do not know the local political landscape as well as someone would need to know in order to become a local candidate. However, I have become a regular at my party's meetings and I am running for a position on the executive board. I have been very active in politics and I know and share e-mails with 2 of the City Councilmen and the freshman US Congressman who I worked tirelessly to get elected (along with many others). As more and more dirt comes out about the BuSh administration and its plans, I hope the US public wakes up in time to save their democracy. I believe that the average US citizen and voter is a good person, but because politics have become so influence with big money and because raising a family (with all parents working) has become such a full time job, that they (the voting public) are not up to keeping up with the subtleties of the politics de jour. Too many things are phrased in a way to totally mislead the public. BuSh proposed a new "Clean Water Act" to congress a few years ago. The new bill actually lowers the standards that had been scheduled to become law by the old law, but because it still is better than what was in place the year the bill was proposed, BuSh bragged that the Republican congress passed and he signed a new "Clear Water Act". Same thing for clean air. The Republicans passed a new budget that increases spending on Medicaid, food Stamps and Veterans Benefits, but doesn't increase it enough to account for all the extra need (because of increases in poverty and increases in wounded vets and aging vets), so the Republicans and BuSh claim they increased the program, when they actually cut people (in need) off the program. When a Democrat says that BuSh cut Medicaid, Food Stamps and Veterans Benefits, the Republicans say, no we increased them. Analogy: Let's say I had three children living with me and I gave them $30 a week allowance between them. They would get $10 each. Let's say I adopt a 10 year old child and I "Increase" the allowance to $32 per week, then each child would get only $8 per week. To each of the first 3 children, that would be a cut in his allowance. To the people on Medicaid, Food Stamps and Veterans Benefits, they had a cut in benefits. Should the Republicans have cut Medicaid, Food Stamps and Veterans Benefits? Maybe they should have. I would be a lot happier if the Republicans and BuSh just said that we are spending too much on Medicaid, Food Stamps and Veterans Benefits, so we will cut the benefits (effectively per recipient). But no, they want to get the US voting public to belief that they are supporting these programs (which have the voting support of a majority of the voters) while still doing what the minority wants; cutting. Right now there is an ad being played on TV and radio telling people how wonderful the Medicare Prescription Plan is and how it helped Mrs. (name) of (name of town). Then they say that some people are trying to thinker with the wonderful Rx plan and then ask you to contact your Senator and tell him to give the Rx plan a chance to succeed. The Rx plan is costing seniors a lot of money. The Rx plan is too complicated for the average senior to understand and the Rx plan is going to bankrupt Medicare. The tinkering that the commercial objects to is a bill to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the pharmaceutical companies, like Canada does, like the Veteran's administration does and like all major company's employee medical insurance Rx benefit plans do. Result if bill passes and becomes law: Lower Costs to Seniors and Lower Costs to Tax Payers. Recently there was another add on TV and Radio in my area claiming that HR800 is a bill sponsored by Unions to force Union workers to lose their right to vote in private (in union elections) and then the add claimed that these same Liberals want to allow Mexicans to be able vote in private. Call your Congressman (a Democrat) and tell him you object to HR800: "Americans: No private vote, Mexicans: Private vote" paid for by the "Committee for Democratic Voting". Guess what? The "Committee for Democratic Voting" is a Republican political organization. Was anything illegal? No! But why not call a spade, "a spade"?
  6. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Leatha: Intersexed? Is that the same as an hermaphrodite? Do you consider these friends born with a medical anomaly known as being 'intersexed' (having both male/female ovaries and testicles) to be children of God? Are they mistakes of God? If God can make a person that is neither male, nor female, why can't God make a person with a female body and a male brain or a person with a male body and a female brain?
  7. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I guess it must be because we were both born Roman Catholic and have the RC chromosome. :faint:
  8. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Read at you own risk. Graphic language. I am always baffled as to how any straight person can think that being Gay is a choice. I am going to speak graphically here so, stop anyone who is prudish, please stop reading now. When I was 11 years old, I was talking to the prettiest girl in my class and all of a sudden, I realized that my penis was rubbing the inside of my pants and trying to push its way through. No one had ever told me about that physical reaction. This was 1956. This was before video tapes. We only had TV for a few years in my home and the shows were not (sexually) realistic and movies were all "goodie-2 shoes" types. I had no idea what was going on. I never had the choice to be Gay. I ask any straight person who thinks being gay is a choice, "when did you decide to be straight?" If he (or she) is honest, they will have to admit that they never did. It just happened to them, just as it just happens to Gay people.
  9. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I read about this experiment at least 25 years ago. A medical research scientist noted that there was a difference in the shape of the Hypothalamus (in the brain) of gay men and straight men. He also noticed that the incidence of gay men was higher in England among males born in the late 1930's through the early 1940's, so he went to the UK to try to find out why. In the UK, he questioned the mothers of the gay males. He found that many of them were pregnant during air raids. All humans are conceived as female but because of the xy chromosome, at a particular point during gestation, testosterone is released and the parts that would have been female, become destined to be male including the section of the hypothalamus that controls sexual desire. It has been shown (according to this research scientist) that testosterone can be neutralized in a test tube with adrenaline. The research scientist theorized that the pregnant women would have been pumping out massive quantities of adrenaline during an air raid and that adrenaline could have gotten through the umbilical cord and effected the fetus and the testosterone that the fetus was producing. The research scientist came back to the USA to test out his hypothesis. He set up an experiment with rats. Half of the rats were put in a cage with 12 hours of light, 12 hours of dark, plenty of food and plenty of exercise wheels. The other half were put into a cage in a room with random light and dark, random feedings and broken exercise wheels. The first group had little stress, while the second group had plenty of stress. The first (stress free) group had many less homosexual offspring that the stressed group. The research scientist then killed gay rats and straight rats, and took frozen sections of their brains. He found that the gay rats had the same difference in the shape of their hypothalamus (compared to straight rats) as the gay humans had compared to the straight humans.
  10. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    No one said that you were a terrorist. I said that you probably tended to vote for the same people that KKK members and Neo-Nazis vote for. I do not think that either you nor members of the KKK nor members of the Neo-Nazi movement will be casting too many votes for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, if either is the Democrat's candicate for president. If you vote the same way as they do, it does not make you a terrorist though they are, but if I found myself voting the same way as those two groups often enough, I would ask myself, what do they see in this candidate that I don't see?
  11. Tired_Old_Man

    Question for the 21st Century

    And no matter which country they come from or which God they claim to worship?
  12. Tired_Old_Man

    Question for the 21st Century

    And that is why I do not salute the flag nor pledge allegiance to the flag. I will, however at any time, pledge my allegiance to the constitution of the United States of America, and I have.
  13. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    You are 100% correct, but on many other forums that I have been a member of, the opening post would have been classified as "baiting" and removed. I, however am glad that it was left to be seen and ridiculed by members of every political, religious, and sexual orientation. Palidin stands alone in writing his words with no visible means of (membership) support. I imagine that there are others who may feel the same, but they are either too ashamed to agree in public or just reluctant to show their true colors.
  14. Tired_Old_Man

    US Government has No Honor

    Doesn't the United States have an obligation to these people after they asked them for help? Does anyone believe the US said, "Come work for us. We will pay you well and then we will turn our backs while you and your family are killed" and the Iraqis said, "Sounds like a good deal to me". Have you ever heard of "Tonkin Bay" or "The Main"? The USA has gone to war for phony reasons before.
  15. Tired_Old_Man

    Gave midterms today

    I hope this doesn't make too many enemies, but sometimes people are so smart/intelligent and maybe even disciplined that they do not realize how hard some things are for others who don't have their gifts. When I was a senior in JHS (9th grade back then), I got the highest mark in the school on both the Math midterm and Science midterm, plus got a 98 on the Social Studies midterm. I only got an 85 on the English midterm (damn poetry). There were 34 classes in the 9th grade. Well, about a week after the Midterms, my French teacher let me have it in class in front of all my classmates. He said that the teachers where at a meeting and they were all bragging about how well their students had done. Of course, my Science teacher, Math teacher and SS teacher all were bragging about me and then they asked Mr. Moody, how did TOM do on the French midterm? (If he wasn't a Black man, he would have turned red), but he said 36% and they laughed him out of the room. Believe it or not, I studied harder and spent more time studying for the French midterm than any other midterm. I just do not have an aptitude for foreign language. Recent studies on the brain show that the brain is not like a computer. When you load a spreadsheet on a PC, the same components are used as when you load a word processor or a financial program. However the brain has selected areas for different purposes. I have never been able to play a musical instrument, type without looking at the keyboard or learn a foreign language, but I can fix almost anything, ranked in the top 3% of the country on competitive math and verbal reasoning tests in high-school and scored very well on the SAT. It seems that we all have our good points and bad points, so I hope that (you) teachers can show some compassion when dealing with people who have a low aptitude in your chosen field.
  16. Tired_Old_Man

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    Many members will probably pray for you so that you can become Enlightened enough to be happy when they tell you, "I'll pray for you".:frusty:
  17. There have been some people on the left who have been spreading innuendo about Rudy Giuliani and his wearing of female clothing on quite a few occasions. I am as Liberal as can be and I detest most of Rudy's policies, which I got to know first hand as a citizen of Brooklyn during all eight years of his reign as mayor of NYC. I lived in the district which gave him the lowest percentage of votes of all the 5 boroughs and I am very familiar and similar to Rudy: We are less that one year apart in age, both born in Brooklyn and both Italian-American, but I was a Dodger fan and he was a Yankee; a typical front runner and sore loser. Anyway, Rudy would be a lousy president and there are many things the American public should know about him before voting him in for what happened on 911. What did happen on 911? Did Rudy stop the attack? Did Rudy pull someone out of a burning building? Did he look like more of a leader that BuSh? Well, one out of three ain't bad. But getting back to my point. Rudy dressed like a woman on those occasions for an annual charity event and no matter how much I dislike the man, I think that people both from the left or the right should use real ammunition against Rudy, not the blanks that they are shooting now with the (covert) transvestite accusations.
  18. Tired_Old_Man

    Stop the Transvestite Accusations about Rudy

    And that is exactly what my thread starting post said.
  19. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I had hoped that I would like it when I bought "Purpose Driven Life". As you may notice, I like to post and maybe rant, but I try to speak from knowledge. Let me put it this way, when I express my opinion, I like to have something to base it on rather than "that's what I think because that's what I feel". Nothing has frustrated me in life more than spending a lot of time doing research on both sides of a topic, suggesting a course of action and then to hear, "well I'm no expert, but I would rather do it another way". And then when things go wrong, "I have no luck". Yes, Liberal and conservatives can both be discriminatory. I am a liberal and generally don't agree with conservatives, but I know some conservatives who are very intelligent and they have as much right to their feelings and conclusions as any liberal. Even when they are not intelligent, they have a right to their feelings and conclusions, though I might respect those feelings and conclusions less. I didn't say respect the person less.
  20. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    You have as much right to your believes as anyone. You state yours, I'll state mine. I am glad that you realize that I am right. I was being sarcastic too.
  21. Tired_Old_Man

    US Government has No Honor

    No matter how well they are paid, dead people can not spend money. Going to war with Iraq was stupid, but if we had to go into Iraq, why didn't the USA train people to be translators? Not all the Iraqi people are glad we went to Iraq. Many were fine with Saddam Hussein. More were not, but I recently saw a news show and they interviewed a Shiite who a few months after the war started was praising the USA for invading Iraq, but now saws he wished they had never come to Iraq and he would gladly have Saddam back in power. Health care may be better if the US army is operating a hospital in that area, but according to all the reports I have read and heard, 2,000,000 Iraqis have fled Iraq and the majority of them are upper middle-class. Mostly doctors and engineers, and many are not coming back. I wish the best for your future son-in-law. I hope he is able to come back home soon and in one piece.
  22. Tired_Old_Man

    US Government has No Honor

    I don't hate the USA. I hate the politicians who get us into wars and act like the USA has a right to bomb or attack any country that does not do what is best for the USA or maybe more precisely what is best for big business in the USA. It is not that I want the USA to emulate any other country, only that we should follow our own constitution. The USA is in danger of becoming another Nazi Germany and very influential people in our government think that would be fine. PNAC is a group that thinks the USA should start wars in order to assert itself and to achieve what is best for the USA's power structure. George W. BuSh stocked his cabinet and chose many of his advisors from PNAC. I do not know if BuSh took the PNAC people into his inner circle because he agreed with them, or they gradually led him around to their way of thinking. PNAC said long before 911, that the USA needed another Pearl Harbor for PNAC to be able to achieve its goals. "We seem to do nothing right in your eyes". Who is this "We"? Am I not as much a part of the USA as you are? Subconsciously you have just excluded me from "your" country. That is what annoys me. Without realizing it, you have ostracized me. I will have you know, that I vote in every election and I have paid taxes all my life. I am just as good an American as anyone here and maybe because I love my country, I risk the fallout of speaking out. In the 1930's, it was people like me who were rounded up for being unpatriotic in Germany. With NSA spying on phone conversations and Internet usage, I may be labeled a traitor. Have you joined the club with Ron Cusano and Ann Coulter? Should I be shot or just hung like Saddam?
  23. Tired_Old_Man

    Another E-Mail Debunked

    The Following E-mail is making the rounds and as usual it is a Hoax and more right-wing drivel. See the Next Post for Explanations and Comments. U.S. Government to Release New Dollar Coins You guessed it 'IN GOD WE TRUST' IS GONE!!! If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!!! DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEW DOLLAR COINS AS CHANGE Together we can force them out of circulation.
  24. Tired_Old_Man

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    When you said "We" in your last sentence, I assume you meant Canadians.
  25. Tired_Old_Man

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I read it to become more knowledgeable. Also, I had seen Rick Warren on TV and he seemed different than the Falwell's, Dobson's, Haggard's and Robertson's of this world, so I gave it a try. It was worth while reading it, if only to find out what I didn't like about it and so I could speak intelligently about the book and Reverend Warren. I also read the "Holy Qur'an" and "The Book of Mormon" though Ii have no inclination to convert.

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