Ok, first take a deep breath. Second, you knew when you got the band that it was not a magic wand that would just make you skinny. It is a tool, so use it. Have you had your first fill yet? It will take awhile to get restriction; therefore, you have to make sure you make a conscious effort to NOT eat like you did before. It won't be easy but you can do it because if you didn't think you couldn't, you would have never had the surgery done in the first place.:thumbup: People around you are going to eat the way they always did, they didn't make the decision to change YOU did so the only person that can hold you accountable is you.
I am glad that you are looking for a workout buddy, it is always easier when there is someone around to help keep you going! As far as recipes go, treat the internet like your best friend. There is a plethora of meal ideas out there. I just want you to realize that you CAN do this and no one needs to hold your hand. Take charge of your future, health and jean size. You already took the big leap now just start walking. Positive thoughts and hard work will get you exactly where you want to be. :laugh: