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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ericka312

  1. Hey it's been to long since we've last spoken, I miss talking to you. I don't think I'm doing to great on my weight loss, I need to watch what I eat more and actually start working out. Please keep me in your prayers, I'm feeling down and sad. Hope to talk to you soon.

  2. Hey..... On track for surgery. Me and my fiance are scheduled for 10/26/09. We have to weigh under 350 lbs in order to get the surgery, so we are on a diet working towards our goal. He has lost 25 lbs and I have lost 21 lbs. We are a little stagnant right now but we try to keep in perspective our ultimate goal which is to feel better, be healthier and look better . Currently our goal is to lose another 30 lbs before 10/2/09. This is our final appointment prior to our surgery. We have to be under 350 on this date or we will not have surgery. So essentially we are looking for others who are going for surgery in 10/2009. We are located in New York. :confused: Good Luck All
  3. ericka312

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    hey all...... I'm over 50 BMI. I hope to get banded on 10/26 but only if I weigh less than 350 by 10/2. Right now I'm 367 and am working with a nutritionist. Any encourage ment or words of advice will be greatly appreicated. Hope to hear from you guys soon. Ericka
  4. Oh my goodness. I think it was meant for me to read this post. I've done the first stages for the lap band surgery and even have a surgery date but when I went for my first appointment the surgeon told me I had to be under 350. I weighed 382 and was told to go on a 6 week diet. I started eating everything I thought I could not eat and gained 6 lbs. I started the diet at 388 lbs, six weeks later I went back to see the surgeon and was at 367. It has been a week and I'm not losing any weight. I haven't gained any but neither have I lost. I keep worrying that as the original poster said that I won't be able to eat the foods I like anymore, I'm scared but at the same time I want to lose the weight to make myself healthier. In order for me to get the surgery I have to go to see the surgeon on 10/2. If I'm 350 by then I can have the surgery 10/26, if I'm not 350 they said I will not be able to have the surgery. I'm so scared that I won't lose the 20-25 lbs I need to lose. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one having second thoughts. I know that ultimately I will take it one day at a time and try to lose the weight but I'm so scared, nervous and anxious. Thanks for allowing me to read this and vent a bit. Overall in the end think that this is so that we can lead long, healthy and prosperous lives instead of dying younger or living with chronic illnesses. Ericka
  5. Hey Nichole, I hope you're doing well. How did your surgery go?

  6. yeah it's before my surgery. it has 3 phases, each lasting 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks is a liquid diet with 2 cups of veggies at night. So in the day I have 4 ensures/protein shakes and then the salad/veggies. The following 2 weeks, you introduce healthy carbs and can have meat and fruits but no bread,rice, or wheat products, the last 2 weeks u can have rice but still not wheat or bread. I believe that the calories are between 1000-1500. Some days are easier than others. I'm 17 days on the diet so just entering stage 2 and have already lost 18 lbs and yes I cheated once (went to chilli's but got sick afterward). If you ever want to talk im me through aim my screenname is rnny0603.

  7. cool. Do you mind me asking how much you weigh? I remember that by 12 I was 250 and I believe that by 16 I was around 280-300 lbs. What is your goal weight? Currently I'm 27 and was weighing 388, right now I'm on week 3 of a 6 week dieet to lose 40 lbs and so far I have lost 18 lbs.

  8. Hey just a question, the approved you even though youre 16? I thought you had to be 18 to have the surgery? Either way good luck :o) I will get my surgery date on 8/7 and can't wait.

  9. ericka312

    Denied, Appealed, Approved, Sceduled, Happy.

    Don't worry take it one day at a time. Right now everyone at work knows I"m going to have the surgery and they have all been very supportive. If you don't feel like talking about it then don't. That's your personal choice. As far as saying which foods you can have before the surgery, I think that's natural. I'm having the surgery hopefully at the end of August, beginning of September and have a list of resturants that I feel are necessary for me to go to lol. Will I get to them, probably not but it still helps mentally lol. I was on a 2 week liquid diet and cheated and went to Chilli's and had all the food I love and actually got sick from the grease. At times you will crave these items but when you have them they will not be that great. Good luck :smile:)
  10. ericka312

    Anyone from Brooklyn??

    Hey all I also live in brooklyn. Am pre surgical. I have to lose 30 lbs before I can get a date. I've meet with the nutritionist and the surgeon, I have to attend the seminar on 7/29, and have a follow up appointment with MD on 8/7, I was told that if I have lost at least half of the 30 lbs by then they will scedule me for the next available date. Crazy but good I guess. I'm day 4 of my liquid diet and I'm going crazy craving food, not saying I'm necessarily hungry but I want the foods I can't have. Am deathly afraid of surgery but believe that getting fatter and dying young would be worse. Looking for a support group, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks All.... Ericka
  11. Im preop. i hopefulyl will be having the surgery in september. it's hard Im 382 so they wanted me to lose 40 lbs before surgery. I've started a 6 week diet and the first 2 weeks are all liquid and I'm dying because it's 4 ensures/glucerna or protein shakes not to exceed 1000 calories per day and 2 cups of vegetables. If you want you can im me on aol instant messenger at rnny0603

  12. ericka312

    No Cheating - YooHoo!!

    Congrats Arb.... I'm on day 1 of my liquid diet and my hunnie is doing it with me to be supportive. I want to get banded and have to lose 40 lbs prior to surgery so it's a hard go. I've thought about cheating but haven't and am glad. Hope you can continue. I will be on a liquid diet for 14 days then modified diet for another 4 weeks. They are trying to help me lose the 40 lbs in 6 weeks. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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