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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kashia

  1. Kashia

    Slip and a tough decision

    D, I am faced with the same choice. After what I have been through the past year I just don't know if I want to take the chance but then again I don't want to be fat either. so what do we do? I can't help you make that decision. Insurance doesn't cover mine so if it was my third time, I would have no choice but take it out. Sometimes some of us aren't meant to be banded and after all your problems maybe the band isn't for you. Good luck to you. Kashia
  2. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    hey Karla, I don't have any Fluid in my band right now, I have been empty for awhile now hoping it would repair itself and when it didn't I was planning on surgery but then I found out i was pregnant. I am so afraid that the third trimester will be hard on my band problem. I am tall so hoping it might not get to cramp. Also when they push down on your insides after the birth, wonder what that can do to the band? mmmm Julie so good to hear from you again. You are such a cheerleader!! Look at your stats those are awesome. I would "think" if it was an emergency they would have to cover it but you never know right with insurance. The only thing is I probably still couldn't find a doctor here to do it since I went to Mexico. My fill doctor might but he has only done 5 bands so I am not sure I trust him completely. Well he isn't under my insurance anyway. duh Misfortune-I think I started to read your post, but your right I need to start at the end. What was the controversy over or do i want to ask. The patient coordinator for Dr. sanchez said if it gets to where the band cuts off completely and I am projectile (sp) vomiting I will most definitely need emergency surgery. glad to hear your sister in law made it through OK , is she on the boards? UPDATE: This week has SUCKED. I have been throwing up and can't keep things down. sleeping sitting up bec of the reflux. MAN this band is NUTS. A mind of its own. I am TRYING to stay on liquids but I am SO HUNGRY. Please say a prayer or two fo rme!!
  3. i heard they get fills doen in Nashville and looking for some information from them....thanks Kashia
  4. I completely understand. I have a slipped band that needs to be repaired OR taken out. Which after all the complications I wonder if I should just take it out if I have the choice but as soon as I think I might not have a choice its very discouraging. I know I can't do it alone that is why we had surgery. I hate that I have to even pay for the repair when it could have been no ones fault. I know what your feeling and may be in your shoes soon. Hang in there. Looks like you are getting lots of support here. Take care and good luck!
  5. Kashia

    Allow me to introduce myself...

    Well, I don't have a pretty post like some but thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. I find it so dicouraging that most doctors don't want to see you or talk to you if they didn't preform the surgery. I just wanted some Xrays taken and they wouldn't do it. Grrr...lol I am new here, but welcome!!! Kashia
  6. Kashia

    Stomach prolapse through band

    You will see my post on here about my slippage. Sometimes they can fix themselves and sometimes not. Try not to stress about it, I think most of them will fix on their own if you give it the time and proper care it needs. Good luck to you!
  7. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    Julie, Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to all my questions. It means a lot. I am so afraid I'll have it repaired only to go through this again and to tell you the truth its not worth going through this for another year. I hate being fat but I hate suffering everyday in one way or another. My insurance didn't cover the band but i thought it the doctor would code it a certain way and say its a emergency they may. I doubt it but it possible. LOL I don't have periods now htat I am pregnant but every 28 days I get tight!! CRAZY!! well TTFN, keep in touch. Good luck to you and your new band.
  8. Kashia

    Band in the wrong position

    I guess until they get in there and see where it was stitched you wont know if it just slipped or what. I would think or hope that it was a slippage and hate to think he didn't know where to put hte band. So lets just think slippage, not that that is better, but at least not the doctors fault. How come you have towait until next week for surgery? I am miserable, if I wasn't pregnant I would have had surgery right then. Good luck to you!!
  9. Kashia

    Band in the wrong position

    Mwillis, I had my band done in Mexico. Then found a doctor here in TN that would do my fills. When I went in for my first fill and there after he would always say, "your band is so flat". I didn't know what that meant at the time but later found out its supposed to be more at an angle. It didn't think it was a problem just not what he was taught. Well since then I have had a slippage, but no one knows what from so can't say if its because of the placement or not. I am sure they would rather blame me for eating too much or fills to tight but that was not the case. How was your put in wrong exactly?
  10. Kashia

    Blockage or swollen? Please help

    Susan, I get extremely tight around my period. Its a crazy thing that happens with the band. I now try to watch out for it so I don't over eat around that time. The doctor here thinks I am making this up. O well. Anyway, glad you had an unfill and everything looked OK. Remember, being to tight can cause damage or slippage so always try to be very careful. Stay on liquids for two or three days after getting sick or too tight. Its hard bec once you feel better we want to go back to eating but your stomachs needs to rest. Warm liquids are the best for opening things up. Take care. Denise, being to tight is the pits. I would see what else you could do first before going back for a fill. After trying all other measures, eating less, exercising, etc. then maybe, but even then remember tweaks can sometimes be all you need. I hope it works out foryou. Kashia
  11. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    I am surprised that on a complication forum that there aren't more people that have had a slipped band. O well , I'll bump it up just in case.
  12. Kashia

    pressure in throat

    I am not sure what you are experiencing. The pressure in your throat could be reflux. Make sure to stay on your liquids. If not better soon call your doctor just to make sure. Take care
  13. Kashia

    Old Timer's History

    Sorry to here your complications. I have a slipped band so I know all about acid reflux especially at night. I often would rather sleep sitting straight up than go lay down. If I am not throwing up in my sleep I wake up drowling all of hte place. OK now that you have a geat picture of me..LOL, I hope that your unfill will do the trick. No one needs to live like this. I have to for awhile but bec I am pregnant, but wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Take care and let us know how it goes.
  14. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    Sometimes there are no signs. I will always remember someone saying when I was newly banded, "just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should". Meaning eating regular foods before you should or what have you. I don't think they really know what causes slippages. There are things that can contribute to but its not limited to those things. My experience was acid reflux. I had it before surgery but then it went away for over 6 mths then came back with a vengence. I just thought I needed to go back on my Nexium, however at night it was so bad, I wasn't sleeping at all. I would throw up in my sleep and start choking. (Sorry, gross I know.) I didn't think it was the band bec I could eat what ever i wanted. I actually wanted a fill, but when they looked under fluro the stomach had come up through the band. Some people don'thave any signs and some just plainly can't eat or drink anything bec it wont go through. Just be careful. Don't push the limits. I knwo we all do at some point. But take care of your band or it can be your enemy!
  15. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    Thanks Mini Me...

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