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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kashia

  1. Have you had or researching PS? Do you have any doctor recommendations? Thanks!
  2. Kashia

    Band removal while pregnant???

    Yeap sounds right. There are lots of banded people that have had no problems with the band while being pregnant. Just if there are problems its risky to do anything while pregnant. I just waited it out and prayed for the best. I was so sick I was on a feeding tube....but most likely should be no problems. good luck
  3. Kashia

    Band removal while pregnant???

    I was pregnant with a slipped band. The doctors didn't want to touch me unless it was life or death...of course that can be difference in opinion. At first all I could eat was broth and mash potatoes and the doctors said eat what you can and sent me home! Finally it got to the point where I wasn't eating or drinking ANYTHING...finally after losing 11 pds in a week they put me in the hospital. I ended up on a feeding tube thru my main vein. I forget what you call that..well anyway I stayed that way until I had my son. I threw up 6-10 times a night and that doesn't include how sick I was during the day. I was a walking zombie. I just wanted my son to be OK so I suffered thru it! He turned out OK and I had my band removed a week later. Its up to you...there are lots of risks. Find out more about the infection and how that could effect the baby. If the risks are lower than surgury itself that is something to consider. You will have to push to get what you want. Good luck and best wishes.
  4. Kashia

    Dr. C..acid reflux solutions

    Carmen- WOW that is fast!!! I could only wish, pray, hope, for that!!! LOL That is awesome. I had a friend that just had hers and she took 15 hours I think. :confused:
  5. Im sure you dont remember me, but I am the pregnant bandster with a slipped band. First trimester was horrible but the second one much better. Now I am getting into my third in a couple of weeks and getting bigger of course. since I have had reflux before pregnancy not sure if its the pregnancy making it worse which is possible or just my band having a tight spell. Either way, I am already taking Nexium (40mg) and I still have reflux. Is there any tricks to get rid of this stuff. sleeping in the upright position is getting really old. Some days are better than others and today I am on fire!! Looking for help. Thanks
  6. Kashia

    Throwng up at night

    Phyllis-I know its absolutely horrible. You should see how my bed is set up at night. I have TWO HUGE couch pillow plus my regular pillow to prop me up at night. I still have to get up and go to the couch most of the time and try sleeping while sitting up straight. I am almost to the point of saying I would rather be fat but I still have hope to get it fixed. I hope your test come out as positive as they can and everything can be fixed. I went to the Mountains this weekend and have been tight all week and its been hell. I have been sick so trying to take it easy. I thought by Wed I would be OK so I ate some food. nope not ready!! Ya know what makes me mad is that it doesn't "get stuck" or full feeling. It will seem like everything is OK until later on or when its time for bed is a nightmare. I ate a pot pit Sunday night and on Monday afternoon threw it up. Food shouldn't still be there then. I haven't thrown up in a long time. But the acid thing at night is a constant problem.
  7. Kashia

    Dr. C..acid reflux solutions

    Lioness81970- I do not have any fluid in my band. Believe me I would have taken that out a long time ago. Sounds like you are doing well with your pregnancy and band! That is awesome. How much weight have you gained so far and when are you due?
  8. Kashia

    Dr. C..acid reflux solutions

    Plan is to sit and wait until after the baby is born unless it becomes an "emergency". I don't know if you have heard of this one but change of altitudes can effect your band. I was in the mountains this weekend and I got tighter which of course makes the reflux worse. I actually got sick yesterday so I will have to stay on liquids for a few days. Late afternoon I threw up part of what I ate Sunday night. Shouldn't that have been digested by then? Technically I probably should stay on liquids and or soft food for the rest of my pregnancy but it seems so impossible.
  9. Kashia

    Pregnancy after Lapband?

    VA- I think most doctors will say wait at least a year after WLS. But there are several people who get pregnant sooner. A year gives you time to adjust to the band and your weight loss and the more weight you lose the better before pregnancy. I am pregnant and have the band. I have a slipped band so I don't have any salin in my band at this time. I have gained 20 pds already at 6 months but I eat junk all the time. There are a lot of people who will keep the weight off or do very well and besides the great thing is the band is still there to help you after your baby is born. Good luck to you!
  10. Kashia

    Allow me to introduce myself...

    sorry to hear your news. The first time i had a slip it fixed it self. Just be patient before going back for a fill even if you think your ready. Good luck to you.
  11. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    I was banded a year ago in March. I have lost 70-80 pounds. I am very grateful but it's been a very tough road for me. I know that if the band is removed I'll go back to my old self. It may take a year or two but eventually it will sneak back on me like always. I am afraid if I keep the band it will just continue to cause me problems and not to mention more money. I mean, I couldn't even afford the surgery in the first place and I have nothing else to offer, I can't imagine if I have to pay to fix this and it happens again! I have lost the weight and I do feel better physically and mentally and I don't want to gain it back but the "what ifs" are scary. Here are some questions I have... What is the percentage rate for another slippage after repaired? I have heard once you have slipped your odds are much higher. Did you pay for your repair and if so how much? Has anyone heard of insurance covering the cost of an repair if they wouldn't cover the original surgery? I am pregnant and can't have my band repaired at this time. Has anyone heard of any bad complications for waiting to have the surgery? I am afraid by leaving the band like it is will cause worse damage, but for the safety of my baby I would rather wait. (the doctors would rather wait too) I am trying to go over the causes of slippage...too tight, throwing up, sodas, ....these come to mind. What are some other reasons for slippage? What if none of these applied to me? Do you wish you had another surgery? I used to be one of those who would never consider the gastric bybass but now I am not so sure. Of course if my band can't be fixed I can't afford another surgery period. During your period does your band get really tight? Isn't this the weirdest thing!? I can't remember if this happened before the slippage or after but now around that time each month I get so tight its very painful and of course can't eat or drink much at all. Are slippage rates higher for those who travel outside of America? Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks for your time. Kashia :help:
  12. Kashia

    Acid Reflux - golfball feeling

    Warm or hot liquids are the best for opening the stoma and relaxing it...it helps me a lot. good luck
  13. I am glad your doing better. Reflux is a nightmare. Can't remember (sorry) but your band isn't too tight or anything -correct?
  14. Kashia

    Throwng up at night

    Gosh look at all of us with the reflux and esophugas problems...so scary.
  15. Kashia

    Throwng up at night

    I have had to deal with those problems for weeks at a time. No sleep. I lost patients a long time ago. I am starting to hear more and more problems with bands even though there are LOTS of great success stories. I just hate it has to happen to any one. Its so unfair. Phyllis are you having yours removed?
  16. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    bullit143, I'll check out your post, thanks!
  17. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    Marian, wow what story. I just said to my husband last night, that even after all the problems, pain and suffering there is a big part of me that doesn't want to lose my band. Then I think "Oh to feel normal" again!! However "normal" will jsut lead to getting fatter and fatter and I don't want that. It will seem all a big waist of time, money, pain if I have to take it out. We have to pay on a second mortgage for what nothing. I just keep praying that God will preform a miracle. I know that leaving my band the way it is can't be good. My pouch is probably huge now and the scare tissue probably grows each day. I can only pray when I go back and pay another 4,000 that they can fix it and this NEVER happens again!!! keep in touch let me know if you decide to do it again. Who did your surgery> are they willing to give you a discount if you go back for another one.
  18. Kashia

    Dr. C

    Really weird question... I am the pregnant bandster with a slipped band. I have had a hard week this week and been throwing up. The last couple of days i have done soft foods only. I don't drink enough I knwo but anyway...twice I have thrown up what "looks like" a grape. But I don't eat grapes so I know its not a grape. The first time thought Ok that was weird but when I did it again wonder what could this be? Any ideas? I know strange!! Thanks
  19. Kashia

    Dr. C

    LMBO, too funny, I knew it was a weird one. I am completely unfilled but get really tight at times. Last week I had to do soft foods only bec I kept throwing up so much. But better NOW thank GOD!!! This band is so weird. Yeah not sure about the grape look a like!! Maybe I'll save it next time and take a picture. hahahaa
  20. Kashia

    Dr. C -Question

    did you go ahead and have a fill? If you have a streched pouched you need to get unfilled and let it rest before more damage is done. (just my opinion). Is your fill doctor new?
  21. Kashia

    Looks Like Band Removal For Me

    karen sorry to hear your news. I am not sure what is a nutcracker esophagus but i hate to hear that you have been suffering. I think a gastronologist told me I had Esophugus Motility Disorder. Very slow moving, but I htink mine is more band problem than the esophagus. Good luck and best wishes to you.
  22. Kashia

    Throwng up at night

    Jill S. that was pretty big fill you got. So maybe between the fill and the period your just tight right now. LIQUIDS LiQUIDS....bec if you start getting sick and stuff your stomach will swell more. So take it easy for a few days and see if it goes down after that on its own. Good luck!
  23. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    The thing about the band its a very very fickle thing. Some days you can eat something (chicken) and then some days you can't. Never any reason or anything its just the way the band is. Are you throwing up? Do you have reflux? Have you tried being on liquids or soft foods for a couple of days to see if you might just need to rest your stomach? It's hard to do but sometimes it helps.
  24. Kashia

    Slipped band too

    Analoren- sometimes it does for some and for some it doesn't. Sometimes I can't tell its slipped and then weeks like this are painful and I can't eat.
  25. Kashia

    Throwng up at night

    I had this but could eat all day long and thought I needed a fill but ended up with slippage. You need to go see your doctor. Good luck!!

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