Sherri, I AM a mental health therapist and the above people ARE giving you great advise. It's so weird how unexpressed feelings can show themselves. If this is not his typical mode of operation try not to take it personally. Obviously, something else is going on with him. We often lash out on those who we feel the most comfortable and safest with. Also, don't be willing to toss out 25 years of marriage because of some out of character behavior. Validate your hurt feelings (have a blubbering crying party with yourself), say this sucks that it is happening right now, don't personalize it and move ahead strong (as you can). I've been there, we've all been there where we are so hurt and discouraged we can't function. Keep life simple as possible right now, make sure you are taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. Exercise. It can really help to relieve the stress. Hang in there!!