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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LLcooljones

  1. LLcooljones

    Please Help!

    i also was out of control on the hunger issue. it would kill me to just smell the food my dh was fixing for the kids, i stood there and cried like a baby. hang in there it will get better, although i started on soft food before it was time, that seemed to be the only way to keep sane!!! the gas for me was horrible. i chewed on gas-x tablets and sat with a heating pad that seemed to help a little. i felt the same way about wishing it could be taken out!! but i have struggled with this and now finally can eat better, and have lost a total of 41lbs since my surgery on 4/19. when you start seeing some results you will feel much better about it. HANG IN THERE, it will get easier as time passes. its really hard to believe just how much food controls our lives until your starving to death( at least it feels that way!!) good luck on your journey.
  2. LLcooljones

    Cost of Surgery

    i had mine in san antonio, tx. the price is $10,700. that includes all of your pre-op and post op visits, the fills are not included but they are $105.00 w/o flouroscopy or 205.00 with. i was self pay also.
  3. i was banded on april 19th in san antonio by dr rincon. i recieved my first fill on the 1st of june. (was scared for nothing, fill went smoothly) i am having a hard time with eating anything right now:help: . i tried to eat normal mushy food and thru it up. just wondering when i will get the hang of eating the correct way. one thing that has been great is i have lost a total of 23 lbs so far!!!!!:clap2: starting weight : 265/current 242/goal150!
  4. LLcooljones

    1st fill and needing support

    kathi, nice to hear your doing okay. i am having a hard time, i am trying to eat solids and so much is not working , i may have to go and get some removed. the only nice thing is i am down .5 lb a day. but i am starting to get really hungry and tired of doing liquids every other day. i have up-chucked 3 times from this, i feel like i dont know what i am doing?????
  5. LLcooljones

    1st fill and needing support

    very interesting i didnt think of it happening that way, but makes all logical sense. i just get a little paranoid, because i dont want anything to slip. i feel a little stupid about some of the questions i have, because i thought i did ALL the research. i am just so determined that this is going to work this time, i have tried too many things so far that hasn't.

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