i also was out of control on the hunger issue. it would kill me to just smell the food my dh was fixing for the kids, i stood there and cried like a baby. hang in there it will get better, although i started on soft food before it was time, that seemed to be the only way to keep sane!!! the gas for me was horrible. i chewed on gas-x tablets and sat with a heating pad that seemed to help a little. i felt the same way about wishing it could be taken out!! but i have struggled with this and now finally can eat better, and have lost a total of 41lbs since my surgery on 4/19. when you start seeing some results you will feel much better about it. HANG IN THERE, it will get easier as time passes. its really hard to believe just how much food controls our lives until your starving to death( at least it feels that way!!) good luck on your journey.