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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kshallain

  1. Has anyone felt the sensation of something in their throat when they swallow even if they have not ate anything (like a small ball). I had my surgery done just a little over a week ago and this started about three days ago. I also am suffering from decent gas (have to burp constantly) and occassional indigestion. I have tried the gas-x (not much help). Also, I am literally able to eat only teaspoons of food at each meal. Is that normal. I called my doctor and his nurse said "yes." I bet I am only consuming about 400 calories if that a day. Any thoughts??????
  2. kshallain

    Scared to Eat! Help

    My surgery date was the 26th. Like you I suffered from massive nausea until the following Wednesday, 4/1. My doctor said that some people respond differently. He gave me Zofran (I think that it the name of it for nausea) and it finally worked. In the first five days after surgery I had nothing but Water because I could not keep a popsicle down. He went ahead and moved me to first stage mushy foods (yogurt, cream broth, v-8, smoothies) and since then things have been better. I am still suffering from gas and indigeston occassionally (hope that goes away soon). My doctor said that if the nausea did not stop they would have to do anothert x-ray to check for blockage. Not to say this was the best way to lose weight but I had lost 14 lbs 6 days after surgery. (probably all water weight though). :frown:256/:unsure:242/:thumbup:145
  3. I was also banded on the 26th. I spent the night and was discharged Friday. I thought this might not be as bad as I thought it was going to be. However, Sunday night things started going south for me. I can't keep anything down and have suffered from miserable nausea and gas. I have taken everything that everyone says to take with no relief. I guess it will just take time but I also sat up last night thinking what have I done-I will never be able to eat agin. Hoping things get better from this point forward.
  4. kshallain

    March 26th....where are my band twins???

    I was banded on 3/26 and so far things have gone smoothly. I did not like having to spend the night in the hospital but that was one of my surgeons prerequisites for surgery. I do not feel like I have received proper guidance on the liquid diet. The dietician at the hospital where I had my surgery was on vacation so they had some lady call in from her house on the phone to my hospital room to talk to me. She said to alternate 2 ounces of apple juice, broth, jello, and decaf tea every 15 minutes when awake until my followup appointment on April 1st. Does that sound right? My stomach is making all kind of crazy noises. Hope everyone is filling good and not in too much pain!
  5. kshallain

    March 26th Bandsters! Coming Soon!

    I will be there at the hospital bright and early for my surgery on the 26th! I can't believe it is already here! Scared but excited!:huh2:
  6. I am getting banded on Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m.:huh2: Is anybody scared or just ready to get it done? I am a school teacher so I have been really busy at work and all of a sudden it is here! Yikes!!! At least I have the rest of the week and next week to recuperate (Spring Break). Good luck to everyone!
  7. kshallain

    March 26th....where are my band twins???

    Hi, this is my first time posting and I am scheduled to have my surgery on 3/26. I am extremely excited but a little apprenhensive about the surgery itself. My doctor did not prescribe the liquid diet until Tuesday for two days only. However, I have been on a high Protein, low carb/low fat diet for two weeks. I think I have lost about 1 lb (no joke!). It's nice to know there are other people out there going through the same thing as me right now! :laugh: Scared about the surgery!! :crying: Excited about losing weight!! BS256/GW150

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