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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nursekristen

  1. I had surgery 9/14 and was very very nervous and was asking myself if it was the right thing to do and let me tell you that I am so glad I did this...I stayed in the hospital for 4 hours and I just have some port pain while getting up and walking. It is so nervous going into it but your so happy afterward knowing your lifes going to change for the better..good luck!!! Everythings going to be fine!!:mad2:

  2. So I finally did it..I was banded yesterday. Ive had a good experience to far. Just some port pain while getting up and walking and some back pain. Very glad a did it. Cant wait to start losing the weight. I lost 8 pounds on the pre-op diet so that gave me a little jump. Good luck to all you guys!!! Im very proud of all of you who decided to make this great decision to make your life a better one...YAY for us!!!!:mad2:


  3. 9/14 I arrived at the hospital at 8:45 am. I had to watch a 5 minute video, they collected urine and put me in a gown. They then started my IV, gave me pepcid and a Lovenox injection and sent me to the OR. I was there a total of twenty minutes before I was headed to the OR. I then got Versed in my IV and went sleepy. The next thing I remember I was waking up in recovery. I recieved Zofran for nausea and some Demerol for pain and I was shaking really bad. I felt fine after that. I got up and pee'd and they released me at 1PM. Ive been doing fine yesterday and today. Some port pain while getting up and walking and back pain. Every 3 to 4 hours I use my spirometer and walk for 5 minutes. I have a 4 incisions closed with Dermabond and a bupivacaine pain ball in my stomach to numb it..i take that out by myself tomorrow and then Ill have a little hole there. Even though Im having pain and I was scared to death going in Im am very happy I did this and cant wait to start losing weight and to start feeling alot better about myself.:mad2:

  4. Ok....i got a call yesterday that my surgery is scheduled for Sept 14th. I am so excited and very nervous at the same time which I guess is expected. I have wanted this for so long and I finally took the steps. I am just so nervous about going under anesthesia!! All I can think about is what if I don't wake up or if something else horrible happens during surgery. Even though I have this whole fear I am def. going to do it. I have been big all my life and it's time for a BIG change. I don't want to be the fat girl no more!!!

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