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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by socalgal3

  1. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    This is me in my new bathing suit. Be HONEST! I am thinking of returning it for a 12. This one is a 10. My saddlebags are sticking out the sides and you can see my baggy arms. Plus, my small tummy sag. I can't believe I'm even posting this! Oh, yesterday I went to the grocery store and I had to show ID. The cashier said, "Wow! You've lost a lot of weight! Congrats! How much?" "I said 90 pounds" and she said "I was going to guess 100". So that was nice to hear. I rode my stationery bike 30 minutes yesterday. I hope to do the same tonight. Keep working it Junebies!
  2. socalgal3

    Ouch! Hurt feelings!

    Definitely DON'T get the donuts! It is hard not to rely on others for positive feedback and even harder not to have hurt feelings when people say less than nice things. I agree with others that is why you come here! We know your struggles and what a BIG accomplishment 50 pounds is! You are awesome and already half way to your goal! Keep up the good work!
  3. socalgal3

    How long til your brain "clicked"?

    I haven't "clicked" yet and I am almost 2 years out! I was self-pay also and had a slip and that still wasn't enough to slap me into shape!Honestly, the only thing that helps me is proper restriction. I just got refilled after 3 months of being unfilled. During that time, I realized I haven't changed a bit and leaving me to my own devices, I will eat whenever and whatever I want. Head hunger is a demon! I also am lazy and won't exercise. Since my fill last week, I got back on my stationery bike and am making better choices because I physically can't eat too much. I am more of a volume eater than a junk eater, so cheating with bad foods isn't my style. I just plain enjoy eating and will eat several helpings! I have tried hypnosis, counseling and other things to address my issues and I know that it is a daily battle for life. It is not something that I cure, but manage. I hope I haven't discouraged you! That being said, I did reach goal a few months ago. During my unfill I gained 12 pounds which I hope to have off again by my 2 year bandiversary. You can reach your goal too-one day at a time.
  4. socalgal3

    Does everyone take vitamins?

    I always took vitamins pre-band and I take liquid vitamins(Vital Earth) and liquid calcium now. Sometimes I take Viactiv calcium for a choclate fix! I also take liquid iron at my doctor's request. I never had an iron pproblem pre-band, but I guess I can't eat enough now to keep my levels up. I never had hair loss after surgery and I think the vitamins were a factor in that.
  5. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Aimee- It totally varies day to day, but so far today I had a protein bar at 9am and I am working on a 5 oz. can of "Tuna Sensations"(lemon pepper) right now. I will probably have some ravioli or spaghetti for dinner. I bought some of those little microwaveable cups for kids. Yesterday I had a protein shake at 9am, some crab dip and wheat thins for lunch and some rotisserie chicken for dinner. I had some angel food cake with strawberries and sugar free cool whip for dessert. I just got a fill last week, so I am still taking it easy. Plus i am on my period, so I am tight. The thing I hate about when I have a fill is that veggies give me a hard time or I simply don't have enough room after I get my protein in. That is why I take my liquid vitamins every day! Best of luck getting in a routine. There are some threads on the site under the Food section, I think, that talk about daily menus. Maybe you can get more ideas there.
  6. socalgal3

    Surgery postponed :(

    I am sorry for your disappointment and inconvenience(rescheduling sick leave, etc.) Please don't take this negatively, but try to think of it as being totally prepared for a huge change in your life. Many people post on this board after surgery with comments like "I want my band out NOW!", "Why did I do this to myself?" and "I'm so frustrated, it isn't working!" Instead of being one of those people later, be the person who really, sincerely works with the psychologist to address any underlying issues instead of looking at it as "Jumping through hoops". The physical part of the surgery is easy for most people. The mental game and the life adjustments are the biggest parts of the procedure and it is better to be prepared. I went to Mexico and had no psych eval. I have a history of depression and I'm sure it would have sent up red flags had I done my surgery in the USA. That being said, I love my band and am extremely happy with the results. I do wish you the best!
  7. socalgal3


    My band slipped and an unfill did not solve it. I had to have surgery to reposition the band. At the time of surgery, they told me there was a 50% chance that they would have to remove the band. Luckily, they didn't have to remove it and they just repositioned it. Things have been great since then. Best of health to you.
  8. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I got refilled again this morning too Pinky! I was being a little piggy! Luckily, I was only at 163 this morning, not more. I was so scared that I stretched my pouch, but they said everything looked great. I am so paranoid since my slip whenever I go to the doc. Hopefully, I'll be back at goal(150) by my birthday or by my 2 year bandiversary! Hope everyone is out there somewhere doing well.
  9. #1- I have only had heartburn when my fill was too tight. I got an unfill and no problems since. #2-It isn't exactly "throwing up" in the sense that you are used to now. It is more like a baby spit-up I guess. We call it a PB-productive burp. It only happens if you eat too fast, don't chew thoroughly or eat a food that causes trouble. I usually only PB when I am near my period, because I am very tight around that time of the month. But, now I am used to the TOM swelling and haven't PB'd in awhile. #3-Foods to avoid vary by the person. The foods I have consistently had problems with were mainly bread and flour tortillas. Sometimes very fibrous vegetables. Some people have difficulty with pasta and rice, but these have never caused me problems. It will be trial and error at first. #4- Gas is mostly a problem immediately after surgery. This passes within a week or so. After the initial phase, gas happens like a normal person! Depends on what you eat, your system, etc. I think we may burp a little more than the average bear as air pockets can develop in the pouch, but again this varies by person, fill amount, what you eat, etc. #5- The biggest thing I see on here is how you will have to live on liquids and soft foods. This is not the case. But, do be aware that the band is not magic! You have to put effort in. Some unhealthy foods do go down easily such as ice cream and chips. You will have to keep these out of your house. The band has been a wonderful thing for me and I wish you much success!
  10. socalgal3

    Lapband Slippage

    Brandy-Fluoro is when you drink a barium solution and they do an "xray" of sorts to see your band. They can tell the position of your band, if it has slipped and if fluids are passing. Being too tight for too long certainly can cause a slip! Jill- I hope you are under a doctor's care. Making yourself throw up cannot be helping your issues. Are you completely unfilled? Please be careful. You don't want to slip to get worse and cause permanent damage.
  11. socalgal3

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Melissa-If you post here, the little mountain pic says "Insert image". If you already uploaded your photos to PhotoBucket, there should be a URL for you to upload here. I hope that helps! Glad it finally clicked Aimee! Better late than never. You've done great Cathy! Hang in there Pinky! I had a little epiphany myself the other day. I realized I missed my protective layer of fat. It is hard to explain cuz it is weird, but I've heard about people missing their friend food. I missed my friend fat the other day. I think it was my buffer against the world. It was cushy and soft and kept me warm and safe in my mind. I know that was random, but I just wanted to share! haha I'm holding steady around 160. I think I may coast here until summer with no fill, unless I gain more. I'm one of those people that has some restriction with no fill. I haven't PB'd but I have gotten stuck and it eventually passed. That is my update.
  12. I haven't read the others, but Lap Band for Life was written by my doctor and it is pretty lame. So, it's a non-recommendation. I think they are coming out with a 2nd edition that hopefully will be improved. It is poorly written, but has basic info.
  13. socalgal3

    Biggest Loser

    Did you catch it a few weeks ago when Bob said "This is how I PERSONALLY start every morning-with Weight Control oatmeal." ? Like Bob needs to eat Weight Control oatmeal! I had a friend over while I was watching and she never watches it and she was like "What's with all the crying men?!" It was so funny!
  14. socalgal3

    Band erosion - after 11 weeks!!

    My understanding of band erosion is that the band actually works itself through the stomach tissue. This would take some time I assume, but I'm no doc. What you are describing sounds more like a leak in your tube or a disconnect in the tubing. An endoscopy and/or barium swallow should get to the bottom of it. I hope it all works out. I've seen your before and after pix and you are doing great! Best of luck and keep us posted!
  15. socalgal3

    HELP!!! Don't know whats wrong!!

    After you PB'd once did you keep eating? Maybe you just irritated your stoma. Going on liquids for a few days can reduce swelling. If you sre still tight, get to your doctor. You may need an unfill.
  16. socalgal3

    All you people do is complain...

    There is no Sonic by me in SoCal either. I ate there once in Arkansas-yuk!
  17. socalgal3

    Remember me? Anyone?

    I remember you! Before and After Pix are under the General Lap-Band Surgery Discussion thread. Good luck refamiliarizing yourself with the site and welcome back.
  18. No, you aren't put out for a fill. It is like getting a shot. Some people request that the area be numbed, but I don't. The port is under your skin and accessed with a needle.
  19. socalgal3

    Donated blood since being banded...Help!

    I give blood all the time. The only issue I have had was low iron, but women often have that, banded or not. I now take a liquid iron supplement. I am at goal, but I gave blood after banding, before reaching goal.
  20. socalgal3

    Has anyone experienced a slipped band?

    It may just be irritation from being too tight. Was your unfill done under fluoro? They should have noticed a slip at that time if so. If it wasn't done under fluoro and your symptoms persist, get back to your doctor ASAP.
  21. socalgal3

    Banded Celebrities

    I heard Ann Wilson and Sharon Osborne had their bands removed.
  22. I've lost a newborn calf and a chihuahua!!
  23. socalgal3

    Biggest Loser

    I guess I'm the only one who liked Dan. I always took his "cockiness" kind of like he was joking, i.e. "I'm the smartest one in the house", etc. I figured he was being silly. Oh well. I really hate how the guys cry all the time and say "I love you, man". I'm waiting for them to start making out! I don't like Ali either. I guess I'm rooting for Kelly at this point. I'm hoping someone like Curtis comes back to win the at-home Biggest Loser to shock all those boys! It proves that you can do it at home without all that Weight Control oatmeal, Zip 'n Steam bags, 100 calorie packs and Extra gum!
  24. I am sorry for your loss. As you are considering your options, Lap-Band is generally thought of as less invasive than gastric bypass and a safer procedure. If your family is worried about the risk of complications, it is lower with the band. I also feel that there is too much you don't know about her passing. If she was already 5 weeks out, was she experiencing problems with the band? She may have had issues and the band is not necessarily to blame. Again, that doesn't make the loss easier to take, but it doesn't mean you should stop pursuing the band.
  25. Best of luck Julie! Keep us posted!

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