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Posts posted by WannaBe1/2TheWoman

  1. I hate em all

    6 days into my liq-diet im

    kinda mean sorry guuysss

    Oh Hannah....I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time. Hang in there, girl....it'll so be worth it when you get past the surgery and the post-op diet. Keep reading the stories on here, and looking at the pictures!! You are going to feel so good and be so HOT! :(

  2. Well i am on full liquids till i see the doctor next Monday. For me today it has been 2 Protein shakes, chicken cup-a-soup with the broth skimmed off. I tried a bit of cream of celery Soup but dumped it down the drain. Oh and one orange s/f popscicle. That is typical day for me until I advance to full mushies.

    I did however return to work for the majority of the day today. It was 2 days earlier than expected.

    Sissy, how was your first day back to work? I am hoping to be out no more than 2-3 workdays and a weekend.

  3. Ive had the slim fast low carb in vanilla bean (I think), some type of vanilla. Also like you I really like the unjury in chocolate - hated it in strawberry.

    Smilan: Isn't that strawberry NASTY? I took 3 sips of that stuff and figured if it all tasted that bad, I was doomed! LOL. Thankfully, the chocolate was good. I've also got samples of vanilla and the chicken broth. I thought I'd mix up the vanilla with some fresh strawberries, or a spoonful of SF/FF pudding mix, as JayTee said.

    I need to get out this weekend to a Target, Walmart and GNC so I can really figure this out.

  4. So far, my journey with the insurance company has been so easy, it is scary. I have not had the waiting times, the 6 month diets, the hoops to jump through....so, my fear is that I am this close, and something will go wrong and they won't approve me.

    Even though I talked to one of the insurance coordinators at my Ins. Co last week and she said "It looks like all we need is certification from your surgeon, and you should be good to go." I still will be so relieved when I get the approval!

  5. I have been offline for a few days, so I had a lot of reading to do, to catch up.

    It is so wonderful to read the progress of the bunnies that are recovering! It is very encouraging and sets my mind at ease about the whole process.

    Tomorrow, I meet with the surgeon, FINALLY! This appt has been made since March 3rd, and we expect will be the last thing to do before the insurance company approves me. If he gives me the green light, I will wait for insurance approval, then be scheduled for the day-long pre-surgery orientation. My nurse/coordinator told me that the next orientation is the 15th, so hopefully I can get into that one. That is where we will schedule the surgery date. I am still hopeful for an April band date!!

    Band_Groupie: I am so excited that I am now making lists, lists and more lists....I think I have a list of all my lists!

    To all the bunnies to be banded this week: Best Wishes - can't wait to hear how you're doing!

    Everyone have a fabulous week!

  6. Hi Everyone - so good to hear that you're all doing well. You make me so excited to have my surgery - I can't wait!

    Lingling, I can't wait till you post before/after pics and we can see you shrinking out of your black dress! :smile2:

    Keep up the good work and congrats on doing so well!

  7. If your unable to make the commitment to stop cold turkey, then drink less per day, make yourself a timeline, and by the end of say 2 weeks, or 1 month be OFF sodas completly, find something else to drink instead, and NOT a carbonated beverage. If you can do this before you get banded it will be easier.

    I was a soda drinker, but the thought of being healthy and thinner made me think twice about continuing to drink sodas after my band.

    I'll be honest for the first 9 months I didn't touch a drop, then we went to Cancun on vacation and I drank a few sips here and there, and I really didn't care for the taste anymore. I drink ice tea or crystal light, or good ol H2O with lemon.

    Soda is just empty calories that my body doesn't need.

    Good luck on your journey.

    When I met with the dietician and she told me that I would have to give up soda, I was horrified. I almost changed my mind about the band. I love soda - and my addiction is to Diet Mt. Dew. I started my day with it, and usually drank anywhere from 24 to 60 ounces a day. I always had one with me, no matter where I was.

    But, my desire to be healthy and thin again has won! I haven't even got my surgery date yet, (Should still be in April) but I did just what she said - I started cutting down a little bit at a time and tomorrow it will be a week since I've had any. I've thought about it a few times, but it really hasn't appealed to me. This is how I know I can make any other changes necessary to be healthy.

    You can do it too...start by cutting down and you might be surprised. Good Luck!!

  8. Can you feel the Earth shaking? I'm hopping up and down!!!

    I finally got my date!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe it!!!!


    - April 24, is our 27th Anniversary

    - April 27, is my big 5-0th Birthday (April 28th is DH's 50th too)

    and starting off my magical April week,

    drumroll please..........

    - April 22 is my Band Birthday!!!!

    Wow, all within 7 days! Now, off to blog about all my fun today!

    BAND_GROUPIE: Woo HOO!!! I was thinking about you today, and hoping you'd get your date. Very exciting!! I'm still a "hopeful" for April....

    HANNAH: Hang in there, girl....don't worry about the cheating..put it behind you and re-focus. Don't worry about the mean high schoolers...you are a very brave young lady to be going through what you are going through, and they aren't even worth stressing over.

    SISSY: Yayyy! Our first documented 'banded bunny'! So glad things went well for you and looking forward to hearing about your experience and progress. Rest and be well.

    Best Wishes to all the April 2 Bunnies - As Band_Groupie said, I thought all day about the April 1 group, and will do the same tomorrow. Good Luck to all!

  9. How disappointing! Since you started this journey in October, is this the first interaction you or your doctor have had with the insurance company? Did the doctor just start sending paperwork to them? Who is your insurance provider? I would have thought that your doctor and his team would know which insurance providers have paid for their services, based on that qualification.

    If it was me, I'd call the insurance company and talk with them. Ask them what hospitals in your area meet their requirements for being a hospital of excellence. I'd also ask them if you choose another doctor/hospital, if you will have to re-do everything from the start. Obviously there will be some things that will be different with a new doctor, but hopefully there is something you can do. That's just what I would do....I don't know if this is a possibility or not for you.

    I understand your frustrtation. Ask your insurance company some questions - don't give up, and hang in there!

  10. I'm sorry this is so late, but wanted to say Best Wishes to all the April 1 bandsters! I'll be thinking about you all day tomorrow and praying that all goes well.

    I am so excited for you and all of us....When I look at the list of all the bunnies who will be banded in April, it is amazing to me - that we have grown to such a large group, and when I think of all the support and advice we've received and given, and how we will be here for one another for a long time to come....and tomorrow marks the beginning of ALL of our new lives!

    I can't wait to hear how the surgeries go....Best Wishes!!

  11. WannaBe: I have found this group as well and plan to go to a seminar April 8. Unfortunately I was not able to reach anyone who could provide basic information (only get a tollfree number and they offer to send info). I did see that they offer the single incision technique. Will you have that? Do they perform the procedure at either DePaul or St. Joseph in Kirkwood? Thank you for your help! I think I am going to find this website very useful!

    Hi Franic,

    I never tried to reach anyone by phone, prior to attending the seminar. I signed up online for the seminar and within a few days, a packet arrived in my mail. I filled out all the information that I could, and took it with me to the seminar. They will answer all of your questions and more at the seminar.

    I hope to have the single incision, but I don't meet with Dr. Scott until a week from today. One of the women at the support group meeting I attended, had the SIL and she was ecstatic. She said she had very little pain, no staples, and very short recovery. So, I'm hoping!

    I don't know if they do surgeries in Kirkwood or not. I live closer to Kirkwood, but am going to DePaul.

    The first Wednesday of the month, they have a support group meeting, if you're interested. I attended in March and it was wonderful for getting alot of information. About 1/2 the people there had already been banded, and the other 1/2 were like me - gathering information and waiting....

    Let me know if you have any other questions and best wishes to you!

  12. I am currently waiting to be approved for surgery, and I don't know what it is but for the first time I just feel so motivated. I feel like I'm actually going to be happy about excercising tomorrow and every other day. I feel like I can do this, like I'm actually strong enough to create a new me and I love this feeling. Just had to share this, I am so excited. :)

    I totally agree with you! I haven't even gotten my date yet, but I am doing things now that I haven't been able to do in the past 2 years. I am watching more of what I eat, drinking more Water, and best of all - I think I have given up my addiction to Diet Mt. Dew!!! This sounds silly, but this is HUGE for me, and it was the one thing that bothered me about having the band - was knowing that I wouldn't be able to drink it anymore. Well, I am at least a month away from surgery, and I haven't had a diet mt. dew in 3 days!!!

    I think what we are all feeling is a renewed feeling of HOPE! Have a great week!

  13. I talked to my mom today and told her about the surgery. She was pretty good about it. She even said to bring my Soup tomorrow and just tell my grandparents I'm on a liquid diet. My grandma still won't like that, but oh well. So I am very happy that I don't have to be manipulative. Tomorrow I will tell my dad. I'm down another pound today, so this liquid diet is doing it's thing!

    Hopeful - I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were going to handle this. I'm sure you are feeling better now! I didn't want to tell my sister or my mom either because the both of them TOGETHER weigh less than I do. :tongue_smilie: But, since I want my sister to be there when I have the surgery, and take me home the next day, I had to tell her. She is a nurse, and now that she's researched the surgery, etc, she is very supportive, and I know they will both be so happy for me when I am healthy!

    Congrats and best wishes to all who have dates and are on pre-op diets.....I'm so jealous! I am going to be so upset if my date ends up being in May, and I have to leave the Bunny Bandsters group. Cross your fingers for me!

  14. Knewme:

    I posted this same question on 3/17, and I was amazed at the variety of answers I got. It was wonderful, and after reading them all, it made my own indecision easier. Take a look at it here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/telling-people-you-banded-90101/

    I don't have my date yet, but am close to getting it, and I have told my mother, sister, best friend, my son, and 3 co-workers that are close friends. They are all very supportive, but I've asked them not to tell anyone else. I'm not ashamed of having the surgery, and maybe after it is over and things are going well, I will tell people, but I don't want to tell people now, and then wish I hadn't.

    It's a personal decision, and how we each handle it is up to us. I hope to only be out of work for a few days, and plan to tell the other co-workers that I'm having a medical procedure. That is all they need to know. What I'm having done is no one's business.

    Hopefully that is helpful - but read my thread from 3/17...I appreciated all the responses I got.

    Good luck!

  15. Hi Resintx,

    I don't have my date yet, but I am sure everyone goes through this same thing. Just keep telling yourself that it will all be worth it when you're thin and healthy! Keep busy, stay on LBT for support, ideas, and inspiration. Looking at Before & After pics does it for me!

    Just remember:

    Nothing you eat will taste as good as being thin will feel!

    Good luck and hang in there - the pre-op diet will be over before you know it!!

  16. I've read similar posts a few times and find it amazing. These surgeries are their bread and butter - you'd think they'd be just as anxious to get you approved as you are!

    When I started my journey, I was amazed at how quickly they submitted my paperwork. The doctor that did my psych eval and the dietician also submitted their reports for me within 24 hours of my appts.

    I agree that you might want to go to the office in person and politely find out what the hold up is. It's possible that there is a legit reason for the delay.

    Good Luck and hang in there!

  17. LOL...don't feel bad, Band-Groupie....I'm a "list" person too! Unfortunately, I don't have my surgery date yet, so I'm trying to keep myself busy with my reading and research. I'm so anxious to get on with it, that I'm almost tingling from trying to subdue my excitement and stay focused on other things in my life, like my JOB...lol.

    The LBT Web site is such a god-send; so full of information, excitement and entertainment. Since I'm at least a month out from surgery, I don't know what I'd do without this site!

  18. Hi Franic,

    I haven't been banded yet, but I will be soon. I'm going through the Weight Loss Institute at SSM DePaul Hospital. I attended their seminar on 2/12 and the team that was assigned to me has been wonderful. I meet with Dr. Stephen Scott in about 10 days, and hopefully after that, I'll be scheduled for surgery.

    Best Wishes to you as you do your research!

  19. Hey Lingling,

    Nice pics...you'll have to keep taking your progression pics in your pretty little black dress! That is a dream of mine - to actually OWN a little black dress...lol.

    I want to post pics too, but want to wait till I'm closer to a surgery date. Yours is coming up fast! Woo hoo!!!

  20. I finally have a date!! April 10th. 16 days!!! I can't wait, I am so excited. Yesterday I thought I would have to another 3 - 5 weeks, then today I have an April date! I am very excited!!

    Has anyone gone back to work, a desk job, 3 days after surgery?


    Congrats! I am so jealous. I'm still 13 days from my consultation with the surgeon, but am trying to be patient.

    I'm also hoping to be able to go back to work soon...like surgery on Wednesday, back to work Monday. I have a desk job and I've heard of others that have done it. But, we'll see.

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