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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bstone

  1. Hi all, I have a surgery date on July 10, 2009, I look forward to talking to people before or after the surgery, I am psyched.
    Bstone Hey are surgery dates are close together and we kinda of live close. I am so excited to get the band. I have researched for 2 yrs now. Finally my insurance covers lap band surgery. I finally got approved June 9th.:blink: I need to lose around 95lbs. Congrats on your date and keep in touch


  2. Hi I'm new to this but had to post to all those w/ band dates of July 7th!!! That's my date too...in Boston.

    I meet the nutritionist again on June 22 to go over the pre op diet....but I have been trying to lose a little.....got a long way to go to goal, but I am in it for the long haul.

    :blushing: Hi steveden i am having my surgery july 7th also. I am having it done in Keene NH. I meet with the nutrionist on June 18th and plus i have blood work done the same day. I have other test coming up but they havn't set up appts yet. i don't have to do any pre-op diet. I started the process on March 4th with a seminar.

    So it will be a total of 5 months altogether. Hope time goes by fast here in the next few weeks. Hope all goes well with you. Take care


  3. nlausier -

    I hope the surgery went well. I just finished my visits with the dietician.

    To all -I lost 33 of the 35 pounds, so she is putting me through to the next step. The psychological screening. Once that is done. I meet with the surgeon. It sounds like they are doing more surgeries now, they have a lot more in the program. I found out my insurance covers it, $250 deductable, so I am thrilled with that. At first I thought I would have to be footing it.

    Bstone here :it sounds like you are on your way to the next step. Congrats. I am still waiting to hear something. I had consult on March 18th. They said i would here from them when everything is all set. What ever that means. Good luck on your journey whip22:rolleyes2:

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