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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bstone

  1. Bstone


  2. want to find the poll for julys name go to search and put in July poll
  3. Bstone

    July 2009 Dates

    Bstone Hey are surgery dates are close together and we kinda of live close. I am so excited to get the band. I have researched for 2 yrs now. Finally my insurance covers lap band surgery. I finally got approved June 9th. I need to lose around 95lbs. Congrats on your date and keep in touchBstone:smile2:
  4. Bstone

    July 2009 Dates

    Hello July bandsters, my date is July 7th Seminar March 4th consultation March 18th Pysch appt. April 30th Nutrionist appt april 30th Surgeons appt May29th insurance approval June 9th Tricare HAPPY HAPPY Bstone
  5. :blushing: Hi steveden i am having my surgery july 7th also. I am having it done in Keene NH. I meet with the nutrionist on June 18th and plus i have blood work done the same day. I have other test coming up but they havn't set up appts yet. i don't have to do any pre-op diet. I started the process on March 4th with a seminar. So it will be a total of 5 months altogether. Hope time goes by fast here in the next few weeks. Hope all goes well with you. Take care Bstone:smile2:
  6. Bstone


    hi i am also getting my band on July 7th 2009 and can't wait. I have been ready for a long time to do this. Bstone
  7. Hey my surgery is July 7th 2009 sounds good to me for us July bandsters. Bstone
  8. Bstone

    Good Books on Lap Band

    (eating well after weight loss surgery) by Pat Levine and Michelle Bontempo_Saray I bought 2 of these books. One for me and one for a friend who had lap band surgery. I am waiting for a surgery date right now. The other book i haven't read yet is( Recipes for life after weight-loss surgery) I hope this helps Bstone
  9. Bstone/ hi doodlebug glad to here everything is going well. I am still waiting for my Pysh appt. They said i would here from them when things are all set??? Keep me posted on your progress. take care

  10. Bstone here :it sounds like you are on your way to the next step. Congrats. I am still waiting to hear something. I had consult on March 18th. They said i would here from them when everything is all set. What ever that means. Good luck on your journey whip22:rolleyes2:
  11. Bstone here, I hope to get banded soon. Waiting to hear anything at this point. Insurance seems to be the hardest. Good luck
  12. Bstone here, Good luck on your surgery. Let me know how everything went i would like to know. I'm still waiting on insurance stuff. Hope to get banded soon. Again I hope things go well and thanks for the message. Bstone
  13. hey doodlebug you have gotten further than me why did you have to lose weight before the surgery? And how much did they want you to lose? I ahve to go visit the kids now talk to you later Bstone

  14. I have my consult on March18. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. At Cheshire Medical center. What did you do at the consultation? Bstone

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