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Everything posted by Sapphiresgold

  1. Sapphiresgold

    who supports right to choose

    There are medical dangers on both sides of the coin - was she raped, was it incest, is she a minor.... There are philosophical questions on both sides of the coin - what if the baby is badly deformed, what if mom can't/won't take care of it, what if no one will adopt it..... There are religious questions - if you practice religion you don't pick and choose what you practice (ie, no abortion, but what about birth control or pre marital sex) This is really an individual decision as far as I am concerned. At the end of the day, all religious/medical/philosophical questions aside, you have to live in your own head. That is why I believe each person should make their own choice and not have it made for them. You don't approve of abortion? Fine. I'm good with that. You want to teach your kids the same thing. Go for it. It's a free country. You want me to follow your beliefs? I'll do you the courtesy of listening. In the end, that will either show me something I did not consider, or reaffirm my beliefs. Women have fought too long and hard for the rights we have. Let's not be so quick to give them up.
  2. Sapphiresgold

    One More Week!

    I'm scheduled 3/16 myself. I'm with ya on all the emotions. My hubby didn't want me to do it, though, so I really don't talk to him about it much.

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