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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kaparamo

  1. Well you have the right attitude...just take it one day at a time....that is the best you can do. You will feel much better by the end of the weekend...just relax and don't expect too much of yourself. Good luck..and like someone said above...if you need support...come back here.
  2. I was banded less than three weeks ago and I slept great the 1st night. Take the pain meds and know that you will pretty much be sleeping in one position...which will be your back. If the discomfort you are feeling is gas just be sure to walk a lot. I was very fortunate that I did not have any pain and slight gas discomfort but I walked all through my house for hours and it went away before bedtime. I did not have to take any pain meds after I got home from the surgery. Everyone's bodies are different...just follow your discharge orders and call your surgeon with any concerns. Try propping yourself up on the couch or bed with lots of pillows so that you are almost in a sitting position...medicate yourself...and relax. You did not make the wrong choice.....trust me...I have already lost 21 pounds and in a few weeks you will look back and think that it wasn't so bad. Good luck to you.
  3. I am glad that you are feeling good. I know what you mean about not getting full. I felt so hungry that I was in pain sometimes. But I really feel that the week or so of starvation...lol....helped shrink my stomach. I have been eating real food now and I just chew it too applesauce consistency and I only eat 4 ounces and feel fine. I go June 8th for my first fill....so exciting.


    If I could do it over I would take a few extra days off of work. I think you just need those days to chill and sleep when you feel like it. But now I feel absolutely fine. My sunburn is not painful any longer but it still looks nasty because I am peeling now.


    Take care and keep me posted. Kristie

  4. Oh I am so happy that all is well and you are feeling good. Aren't you glad you are finally done with it?


    I am feeling great now. The only problem I have now is a sunburn. But other than that I am awesome. I lost 12 pounds in 10 days and I am totally thrilled with that.


    Good luck and I promise the hungry feeling will go away. I hardly feel hungry anymore. Keep me posted as you recover.

  5. You had your surgery today.....good luck. Let me know how you are feeling.

  6. I am a little tired and a lot hungry. Its tough right now because I am eating just thick liquids so nothing really sticks to you. I will be happy when I can eat food and feel some satisfaction. Other than that I feel good. I am really surprised that I felt very little pain or discomfort afterward. The only real discomfort I have felt from the incisions is the one where the port is. Its a weird feeling....almost like you can feel the port moving around under your skin. Its exciting....but its alot of other emotions as well. I normally have good coping mechanisms...so I am doing OK. I am glad I did it and I look forward to the conversation that we will have in a year from now....LOL!!!

  7. I got my surgery on May 8th. Today is my first day back at work. It was not so bad. I am surprised at how well it went. I did not experience any of the shoulder pain you may have read about and the gas pains were gone by the bedtime the 1st night. I walked a lot....i swear I left rutts in the tile at my house....LOL. So my delay was the insurance approval. I did not get it until the 1st of May so my surgery was moved to the 8th. So, you have a surgery date....how exciting!!! You will do fine. It really is not as bad as you may think. Good luck and lets keep in touch. Kristie

  8. kaparamo

    Anyone banded May 7 2009?

    I was banded on the 8th of May. I was really lucky to not have experienced any of the shoulder pain. I read plenty about it and my boss told me she had it really bad so I was prepared. Also, my gas pains went away by bedtime the 1st night. I just walked it seems like miles through my house. I am actually surprised at the quick recovery. I do have some discomfort at the port site but other than that I feel good as far as pain goes. I do feel a little weak though. Today is my first day back at work. Yesterday I felt very hungry but I did good and stuck with it. Good luck to everyone.
  9. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    Bethay thats awesome. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I actually called Cigna yesterday to see if they had all my paperwork and they said yes. I told them that I had a May 1 surgery date so she noted something in my file about that so the approval would be done in a timely fashion. Its getting exciting knowing it is actually going to happen soon. It has been a long road to get here. Like I said before...we better be this persisant after we have the band. On that note....My boss went to her 10 day post-op appointment yesterday and had lost 13 pounds already (and that is from surgery day). That was some serious encouragement for me. I am excited as we all should be. I can not wait to see the "after" pictures of myself. OK gals....May 09 is the start of a new beginning for us....lets kick some butt!!! Good luck Amy and Bethany!!!!
  10. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    Well first off..Happy Birthday Bethany...what a great gift to yourself. That is so darn awesome. Second of all....woo hoo!!! I hope you are banded in May...we'll have a May rally!! I am shocked that you had to gather your own paperwork though. My surgeons office did everything except the letter from my primary DR...and I just requested that. But none the less the paperwork is turned and awaiting an approval. Congrats. I hope Cigna moves their butts. Heres to weight loss and looking fabulous!!!:thumbup: Amy...I will definately be giving you guys some tips. My boss came back to work Tuesday after the Friday surgery and looks and is feeling great. I can't wait until she and I are in the same stage. I think it will be awesome support for the both of us. Good luck Gals....can not wait until we are among the banded!!!
  11. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    I went to the consultation with the surgeon today and the made a May 1st surgery date....yeah I am so excited. I still of course have to get an insurance approval but they said they are certain they will get one promptly. So Bethany...its your turn Girl to get you May date. For sure we will have to keep each other going!!! i am looking forward the journey!!
  12. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    If I were you Bethany...that is exactly what I would do...go straight to the office tomorrow morning. If you are there in person they are less likely to put you off. If you call and leave a message for her something else will come and she will not get to your request. I sure hope we are as eager to use this lap band once we have it as we are to have it placed in us.....LOL!! Never the less...I am so excited for the surgery (whenever it may be) and to work on getting this weight off me. I wonder how in the heck I let this happen to myself. But I think we all look at ourselves and ask that same question. Once we have the surgery we will have no more excuses. I'll be thinking about you and Amy both...hoping for May Banding!!
  13. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    Bethany, I had mentioned to my DR that I wanted the LB and when I requested a letter he had no problem writing me a really great one reccommending the surgery. I am sure whatever letter you can get or even the mention of the LB in your charts will be fine like Amy said. I go to the surgeon consultation tomorrow and then my paperwork will submitted to the insurance for approval. I hope it does not take long. Wish me luck!!!
  14. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    TXAmy, It is pretty awesome that my boss and I have each other to lean on. We are only an office of 3 now and we are all 3 really close. I may have mentioned that I started the LP journey before her but she got ahead of me because she did not need to complete the 6 month diet. I had a few road blocks due to some blood test be goofy with low sugars but it turned out to be fine. What you were saying about it just depends on who gets your file to review...that's it exactly. My coordinator said that as well. She said sometimes she needs extra things and sometimes not so she has just been including it all to not have any problems. I went to visit my boss yesterday and she is doing fabulous. She was not in any pain and had stopped taking the pain meds the day before. She did say her left shoulder hurt a lot...I guess that is where the gas (that they pump you up with) settles. I can't wait for my turn. Be sure to drop a line when you get approved. We may be May Bandsters together!!! Good luck!! Kristie
  15. kaparamo

    Cigna's Hoops

    I have Cigna as well. I have the consultation with my surgeon on this Wednesday and then the coordinator will submit my paperwork for approval. My boss and I have been going through the process together and although I started before her she already had the 6 month diet previous to the lap band journey. Her paperwork was submitted and denied due to not having a letter from her primary care DR. She went right away to his office and got one and was approved within a few days. When I learned of this I requested the letter from my DR and he sent it within a day. The coordinator at the surgeons office had also said that sometimes Cigna was coming back and asking for a 2 year weight history so she called my DR and asked for that. It seems all my ducks are in a row now. By the way...my boss just had her surgery on Friday and with all the bumps in the road for the approval it still only took like 3 weeks for her to get approved. Good luck...I know how the waiting game is...NOT FUN!!
  16. kaparamo

    Lap Band with Hypoglycemia ?

    No I have not got to submit to the insurance yet. I guess I just assumed after the 6 month diet that I would submit to the insurance, get my approval and then get my surgery. All along they have told me I would have surgery at the end of March. I am just being inpatient. I know all the test are mandatory and for my own good. I am going to the DR today to I will let you know what he says. Thanks again for your support. My surgeons office said they have not actually had anyone with hypoglycemia...so I am their first....yeah for me....just kidding. :tt2:
  17. kaparamo

    Lap Band with Hypoglycemia ?

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am really beside myself about this. I have done the 6 month diet and now it seems all is falling apart. I know this is all for the best but I just want the surgery alredy....LOL!!! I actually was able to get an appt with the endo DR tomorrow. I going to relax and try and let this run its coarse. thanks again. :sneaky:
  18. kaparamo

    Lap Band with Hypoglycemia ?

    You have just given me hope.....I found out yesterday through all the testing that the surgeon has given me that I am hypoglycemic. I have been referred to a endochrinologist and had fears that I would not be able to get the surgery. I am so happy to hear that it actually helped you. I hope the endo DR allows me to have the surgery. This roller coaster ride I am on is no darn fun. :sneaky:
  19. How exciting...you have only a few weeks to go before your surgery. I always wonder what that will feel like...are you nervous...excited...scared...I am sure a little of everything. Well I can't wait for those feelings. Good luck and let me know how you are doing after surgery.
  20. This is my 1st post. I have completed my 6 month diet required by my insurance company as well as the blood work and EKG. I was supposed to be having a consultation with my surgeon next but..... I got a call this morning saying my blood sugars were high and I needed to to another blood test. Actually it will be a like 3 tests within 5 hours I guess. Also, the Dr wants me to get an adominal ultra sound. I know I need to be patient but I just want this done already. I wonder how long this will set my surgery back.
  21. I took the day off work yesterday and did the abdominal ultrasound and the 5 hour glucose tolerance test. I must say 5 hours in the blood lab were some of the most boring hours I have spent in my life. I feel much better that those additional tests are done now. I am a little worried about the results though.....I do not want to have any set backs. I am going to try not to think to much about it and just pray all is well.
  22. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I know all the tests are for a reason. I just feel like I have been in this process forever and I want it done already. Patience are not best quality.....LOL. Thanks again!!!

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