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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gamyj

  1. wow my doc didn't even mention anything about a fatty liver, he didn't ever require a pre-op diet. I decided to do one myself tho to jump start everything!
  2. i was not bashing. if u read my original thread i simply stated to agree to diagree, gadgetlady obviously didn't like that i simply didn't take a stand with her, and verbalized that in her next thread aimed at me in a less than compassionate way. I don't appreciate being patronised and simply rebuted what she wrote. I, in my first thread, didn't even give my opinion whether i agreed or disagreed I said that we live in a country that allows legal abortion. Last i knew argueing about it wasn't really going to change anything. she has made it obvious that she is not interrested in a difference of opinion, shes looking for a fight, or at least to convert people to her pt of view. I also was not the one waging any personal attacks via this post. I was responding, just as you responded to my post. trying to kick someone off a thread seems a bit hostile to me. So i guess your having a bad day also. actually i had a good day, i just won't sit and let someone try to talk down to me.
  3. gadgetlady, hummm.... judgemental? that is exactly what u are.
  4. gamyj

    How do you tell your friends?

    i only told close friends and family. it was no secret that im unhappy with my weight. I don't mention it to anyone on the street lol. I know some people were sceptical when i told them, but they weren't negative, they just wanted to make sure i had really reseached it and knew the pros and cons. everyone has been very supportive. If these are ur true friends I would tell them before the surgery, they may feel really hurt that u didn't mention such a huge life altering event especially if ur super close. good luck whichever you decide!! amy
  5. hi my name is amy... i was banded on march 20th, and i have to say i was also very frightened before the surgery. I also had never had any surgery before. when u get in the hospital and they put an iv in request a seditive. it was a life saver for me, i relaxed emmidiatly! the surgery itself was really not bad at all. they give u great meds, and if u can stay overnight i would recommend it, just so if anything comes up someone is always there to releive any fears u may have. the pain i had wasnot terrible at all. you have moments of pain, but usually it has to do with trying to get out of bed or something. i am almost two weeks out of surg and i can honestly say that i only have a tiny bit of soreness at the port site and really thats all. i found the real challenge the liquid diet LOL u do get hungry, but it's not terrible, just annoying more than anything! Im telling u you'll do just fine!! try not to worry. if u have any specific questions feel free to write me! amy
  6. gadgetlady, obviously u r one of those crazies who stand on the sidewalk with pics of abourted babies without having any humanity at all. no humanity for those women who had abortions out of necessity for some cruelty having played out in their lives... whether it be a brutal rape, or incest or who knows what. You sit there and condem women for a choice, the whether u like it or not is legal. You have more compassion for cells of an unborn "being" more than u have for the living. you are NOT judge any jury, u are NOT G*D. U don't have any right to treat people the way u do because of an opionion u have. why don't u find something else to preach about that isn't so hateful and ignorant. Yes u are ignorant if u think you have the right to make woman feel like shit because you are on some high horse trying to play G*D. I really hope that none of the women close to u ever get raped and pregnant... you are a woman of no compassion for the living... just for something that doesn't exsist.
  7. honestly if your doctor (the one who did ur band) says u should wait on the pani i would wait. what i have been told about plastic surgury of any kind (reguarding wls) is that u wait 1-2 years after u reach goal UNLESS you have an issue with rashes or something like that. you dont want to go through all that to realize in two years u have to do it again. best wishes, amy
  8. gamyj

    stretched pouch

    hi want so bad, its like you read my mind! i just ate and feel really full and all i could think was " gee i hope i didn't stretch out my pouch!" im just on mushies, but 3/4 cup of food is ALOT of food now!!! good luck with everything! amy
  9. gamyj

    just joined

    hi bignbeautiful, dont worry about gaining weight right now as this is reaaly a time for ur body to heal. u may gain when u start eating regular foods again. Don't panic... make goof food choices, drink lots of water and the weight well eventually start coming off again(should u gain a tad) good luck!! amy
  10. i have not yet gotten to the "stuck" point since im only 13 days out of surg, but i will definitly keep that in mind! thanks for the tip!!!!
  11. this is a debate that has been going on for years! Being hostile to one another to try and prove your point of view it rediculous. i have my views and no matter what amount of presuasion or anger or scripture is ever going to change my ideology on this particular subject. nor will it change anybody elses... do u really think that bitching on a post is going to make someone say "hummmm ive been wrong all along". Hell no! agree to disagree. the fact is that in the united states of america abortion is legal, so right now reguardless of anybodys feelings or thoughts woman have the legal right have to an abortion.
  12. oh you poor thing! i read your post and just wanted to hug u. everyones experience is different... and if u want to cry allow your self a good cry. it might make u feel better.i was banded on the 20th, and although i haven't had the complications u have had i have found myself very weepy. its a shock to ur system, and ur having to make soooooo many changes all at once. I know food have been my comfort over the years, so being in such a stressful place and not being able to eat it all away has been so difficult for me. i still feel sore and very weak (not to mention that i caught my kids cold). so I take it slow, and honestly I have been babying myself, and its ok. I deserve it and so do u. u do whatever it is that u need to do to get through this. Id be happy to be a shoulder to lean on if u need it. amy
  13. hi! I go through pioneer valley sugical group (its apart of baystate). My doctor is dr. Haag. I love him. he was recomended to me by my friend. He has a wonderful sucess rate, meaning rarely his patience ever have complications. i was banded on march 20th, so im 12 days out now, and i really feel decent. occationally I'll bend the wrong way and get a little paing of something, but the pain for me has been very minimal (and im a big baby!) I really think the hardest part for me has been the hunger due to the liquid diet im on to heal. everyone said that food would be the last thing on my mind... well that wasn't the case lol. everything is doable, no real pain, and soon i will be the woman who i want to be!! keep me updated and let me know how all is going!


    p.s. what is ur name?

  14. your doc is crazy!!! 24lbs in 30 days is unlikely. i have a couple of tips for u though.... increase ur water intake like crazy... try to stick to low carbs like meat, low fat dairy, veggies... and most of all RELAX i know it's a stressfull, but take a deep breath and make good food choices , drink ur water and all will be well. if u have any more concerns feel free to drop me a line. good luck!!! amy
  15. hi bay, unfortunetly soda is not good for the band as it can stretch out ur pouch. they even say flat soda is not a good idea. i know some people do drink soda, but to work so hard for something to screw it up over soda is kinda silly. i wish u lots of luck amy
  16. gamyj

    biggest loser - '09

    i love the show!! i felt bad for nicole, but come on if a group of people are gonna vote someone off, its gonna be the one they care least about, and who is more of a threat. human nature guys and gals!! everyone knows ron has no chance in hell of winning, and because of his health issues its probably the best place for him. i think when the show is over ron still should be at thr ranch with the doctor until he reaches his goal weight hee hee. he'll still be there the next season... we'll see him walking in the background hahaha.
  17. gamyj

    healthy frozen dinners

    hi 30 grams a day is too low... aim at least for 15 grams per meal and 7 or so for snacks, u must be exhausted!
  18. gamyj

    Any vegetarians?

    hi my name is amy and i was a vegetarian for 11 yrs, and to be honest it didn't do any thing for my personal health. If u like to cook u should be fine getting all your nutrition from plant sources and dairy. I personally did not give up dariy as it is in everything! there are some wonderful cookbooks out there! go to your local bookstore and you'll be amazed. One thats really good is "quick vegetarian cooking" nice, easy , and tasty recipes. it also is MUCH easier to find foods in the regular grocery store as a vegetarian now. "amy cooks for u " brand is fabulous, also morning star is an awsome brand they carry "chicken" nuggets and their "hotdogs" are the best ive tried. good luck and if u have any further questions please drop me a line. amy
  19. i totally feel the same way u do, i am 5' and when i was banded 12 days ago i was 203. we are very much alike! i m also worried about a saggy belly, i have 2 kids, andfeel like its saggy now! i really wonder what its going to look like after (hopefully nice and flat). as far as ur face i wouldn't worry about that, ive seen tons of before and afters and everybody looks wonderful! good luck, amy
  20. gamyj

    how should I handle this situation?

    i probably would confront her and be sure to mention the situation to my manager. i would want her repremanded for unprofessional conduct in a place of buisness. I guess ur secrets out, now just hold ur head up high... and i can assure u that the band is NOT the easy way out. good luck, amy
  21. stool softeners twice a day until u become regular.. thats what they recommended at the hospital, and let me tell u it worked like a charm WITHOUT pain!! good luck kage, amy
  22. omg the same thing happened to me, i was sore for hours!thats why i wont even try again for another week lol
  23. all i know is im 11 days out and still sleeping in my recliner. i miss my bed
  24. no problem i have felt ur pain!!!
  25. gamyj

    Am I the only March 20th??

    i was banded on march 20 too!! if i drink another protein shake after all this it'll be too soon. my recovery has been pretty good except for the awful fatigue. i can hardly get anything done! i have minimal pain if any (except when i forget and do something stupid like try and hold my 19 month old son ouch). i get to start mushies on thursday woohoo so excited to eat something!! feel free to drop me a line! amy

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