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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Meow=^..^=

  • Rank
    Seekin creative financing
  • Birthday 03/25/1972

About Me

  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Travel Agent
  • City
    Vegas, Baby
  • State
  1. Happy 41st Birthday Meow=^..^=!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday Meow=^..^=!

  3. I just saw your message... i didnt know i had any!! Sorry im so slow!!! So whats your story?? Have you had surgery? I had lapband in July... Im in SW Vegas...

  4. Meow=^..^=


    Some old and some new
  5. hey Ms. Ally... HOW ARE YA??? I know I haven't been here in forever!!! I read your 6month post. Congrats!!!

  6. hi, I am in north las vegas... I have not been here in about a year, everything has changed!!!!

  7. Meow=^..^=


    Heyyyyyyyyy, I stopped in today to check on people, and update my info....Congrats on the "almost" hundred pounds!!!!!! Drop me a line woman....ttyl meeeeow
  8. Meow=^..^=

    Checking in and updating journal

    Congrats Woman! Yea I still am here!!!!! LOL
  9. Meow=^..^=

    It has been an interesting 3 months!

    Well...... 2 days after my birthday I found out I had Ovarian cancer, so I had surgery on May 1. Then a week after I was released from the hospital I had to go back cuz I got a staff infection, which really sucked!!!! Then I went to my Moms for a week to recover (only cuz hubby wanted me to go!) So I had a wound vac for like a month and a half. I am back at work now, but my tummy is starting to hurt. I bent down yesterday to pick something off the floor, yeaaaa not the best idea! LMAO and I need a new bed cuz mine is killin my back!
  10. Well...... 2 days after my birthday I found out I had Ovarian cancer, so I had surgery on May 1. Then a week after I was released from the hospital I had to go back cuz I got a staff infection, which really sucked!!!! Then I went to my Moms for a week to recover (only cuz hubby wanted me to go!) So I had a wound vac for like a month and a half. I am back at work now, but my tummy is starting to hurt. I bent down yesterday to pick something off the floor, yeaaaa not the best idea! LMAO and I need a new bed cuz mine is killin my back!
  11. Meow=^..^=

    Getting Ready for Spring Bootcamp

    Ok I know I have not been here much lately!!!! But I am back with a PASSION! I just turned 35, and I need to jump start my fat booty camp ways!!!!! Woooo Hoooo! So where are we meeting ladies & gentleman??? Let me know! And by the way I saw Telly, Funny, and Trishes pic! Yall look FAB!
  12. Meow=^..^=

    OMG!!!! I am 35!!!

    OOOOOOOOOkay...I have not been here in FOREVER! Working, living, all that crazyness.... So I did find out that my insurance will pay for only $5000 total life time for gastric bypass. We shall see if they will also cover the band. So next month I will start my 3 month monitered diet!. Ha! When I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago I had lost a total of 25.5 pounds....Sheesh its been a long road the last few months! I am gunna check out Curves. There is one a block from my work, and a few miles from my house.... So that might help jump start something! I am off to see what all my freakish friends have been up to............... Should be interesting....Ha Ha!
  13. Meow=^..^=

    OMG!!!! I am 35!!!

    OOOOOOOOOkay...I have not been here in FOREVER! Working, living, all that crazyness.... So I did find out that my insurance will pay for only $5000 total life time for gastric bypass. We shall see if they will also cover the band. So next month I will start my 3 month monitered diet!. Ha! When I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago I had lost a total of 25.5 pounds....Sheesh its been a long road the last few months! I am gunna check out Curves. There is one a block from my work, and a few miles from my house.... So that might help jump start something! I am off to see what all my freakish friends have been up to............... Should be interesting....Ha Ha!
  14. Meow=^..^=

    Who loves you? Wal-Mart or the US government?

    Well can I take his place????? LOL I mean hey, I wanna move to Canada...I also have seen my greatest fear now materialized onto the computer screen.....GRRRRRRRRRRRR Another Bush for president???? I am with Carline, shoot me too!!!! And back to the topic of Wal-Mart...I boycotted them many years ago, due to the evils of their company.... but right now I pay over $100 for drugs each month....So maaaaaaaybe I will have to regroup when the savings get to Vegas.... Sucks not to have insurance!
  15. Meow=^..^=

    Why am I obsessed with Anna Nicole Smith's son?

    I heard on the radio it was a heart attach...anyone else?

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