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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Meow=^..^=

  1. Im with ya!!! lol I am not gunna eat that fried rice in the fridge damnit!!!! Due to excessive salt intake last night at my hubbys chinese birthday dinner I will do floor and wieghts today, drink 2 more liters of water. I had to force my self to go take my astronomy test today...LMAO I went in my jammas... And what????
  2. wooo hoooo Whestin!!! way to go!!!!! yes, yes I am jealous.... My hubby said I look like I have lost wieght.. I go to the doc tomarrow to see....Holy hell I would never have a scale at home!!!! LMAO
  3. Meow=^..^=

    New diet i found

    As I sit here eating my 1 oz of baked Cheetos, thinking, should I attempt this diet??? Never tryed any of these new fangled soup diets. But I do know my Hubby would love that soup LOL. OK ya talked me into TASTING the soup...LMAO then I let ya know!!!! Funny hows the diet coming anyways???
  4. Misfortune.... She documented all of her side effects ie rashes, smell, skin breakdowns... then its not considered cosmetic, but I think its also due to the state your from.... Washington State.... Also had a friend get a breast reduction for back pain from Washington and that was like 10 years ago
  5. Meow=^..^=

    I am really ticked off!and ripped off!!!

    Just a thought... I dont know anything about Mexican law and they all practice medicine in Mexico... But I read somewhere that Ortiz lives in San Diego...Civil Suit? So sorry to hear about you... I would be pissed too!!!!
  6. I found my thread!!!!!! LOL... picture it, yesturday at the doctors office....(mind you I have been a patient of his for 3 years) the MA says, "Step on the scale" I reply "Is not enough wieght" The MA says "huh?" I feel like cussing her out, and screaming it only goes up to 350, why do I have to tell you this EVERY TIME I come here, but I calmly say again, "not enough wieght" Same day, in class to learn about Glucose reader....I hear a table rattle behind me.....OOOOOOOOOOO was that my bum that knocked it over????? I swear I was like 3 feet away from it!!!!! ROTF I also am someone that is not in reality about my wieght untill I have to get on the scale or see some HUGE person reflected in a window walking by me...Its like I am in a fat suit that I cant get out of!!!!!!I am a DANCER damnit...LOL I feel fat.. not morbidly obese *sigh* I just want to be 200lbs...LOL how sick is that????
  7. Meow=^..^=

    Apron Removal

    HEYYYYYYYYYYY I dont remember posing for those pics!!!!!! LMAO good luck, cant wait to hear how everything goes!!!!!
  8. New Sho.....I think ya look great!!!! wear the suit!!!! Nykee...I so am there with ya....I also need to lose 200 lbs. when I lost 75 a few years ago I told the doctor I hated my tummy... It was all mushy, lol not the firm fat!!! I do have fear, but I just want to be healthy... I decided I dont care what other people think.. I wear shorts, sleevless tops and all that. I dont have money either, I understand.... Take heart and document... I had a friend that had got her boobs, tummy, vajay jay and legs done on Medicaid
  9. Meow=^..^=

    cross your fingers, toes, and eyes

    got toes crossed...good luck...im so jealous!!!!
  10. LOL>.I picked Queen... I have loved her forever...But heres one thats probably more realistic for me.....Anna Nichole BEFORE Trim Spa.....*sigh* can I suck out my fat in the tummy and put it in my bum???? lol anyone got money for a Brazilian Butt Lift???? CUZ BABY DONT GOT BACK!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  11. Meow=^..^=

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Why I am fat....LOL well there are a couple of reasons... Ever watch DR. Phil??? When I heard him say I believe people gain wieght for a reason and then to keep it on for another reason, well thats me. When I was young I knew that my mother had a problem with her body, she thought she was fat, and her greatest fear was that would become fat... You see my fathers sisters were all over wieght. But she was not fat, she was beautiful, but never saw that in herself... When I was 9 my mom met my future step father, and there was little time spent with me... I was angry, and hurt, so I started acting out. Ate all the girl scout cookies I "sold". When they married I was 11, and changes happened. I was so angry about being ignored that I started stealing the special food mom bought for dad. Cheeze itz, Snickers, ice cream... things we never had before. My mom was so angry because I had started gaining wieght. At 12 she took me to Wieght Watchers, but I had a plan...I would eat half a can of creamed corn and put the other half in my closet so when she would search my room she would find it....When I gained wieght she pulled me out of Wieght Watchers, but I always got attention one way or another.... but then things changed. Men started noticing me, not boys, but men. And that was a problem.... When I was 2 years old, my cousin came to live with us for a couple of months in the summer. While he was there he molested me. Due to this as a child I was very permiscious. So when I was 12 everything changed .....I was not fat as a child but at 12 I looked like a woman. Men would follow me home, stop me on the street, buy things for me... I remember once sitting in the back of the truck with my 19 year old step brother and the car behind us was honking his horn. He rolled down his window and yelled can I get your phone number, I would like to take you out... My brother jumped out of the truck and was yelling at the man, she is 12 years old what the hell is wrong with you? But I know I did not look 12..... When I was 14 I met a man that was 25. As our relationship progressed I was feeling uncomfortable... the last conversation I had with this man still haunts me today, we were talking about sex, and he had found a hotel out in town (lived in Japan at the time)... And he said to me when we make love you will always be mine, forever...I completely freaked out, and never spoke to him again, but he would stalk me in the commisary...He would follow my mom and me in the next isle and sing the song he sang at the talent show, Secret Lover... I never told my mom about this, I never talked to anyone about it, but I remember this was the first time I ate a bag of Cheetos and threw up halfway threw and continued eating them till they were gone... Just internalized the fear... As time went on I noticed something, men did not look as much, with the more wieght I gained, and that was a comforting feeling... I was tired of being hurt by men, and making bad choices with them....As a senior in high school I was moved away from my family due to my mom having cancer. I gained 100 lbs that year.By the time I graduated high school, men never approached me, and I was happy about that... I was on my own, with an appartment and a job, and I stayed to myself for many years... I was hiding, my fear of being hurt emotionally and physically had taken over my life...I stayed fat to prove a point, in my stuborness I have abused my body....Now it is just painful to work out and I am LAZY!!!! Fast Food is EVIL and so Easy. I usually starve all day and eat 1 meal at night...ARGGGGGGGGG..... I have created a cage that I no longer wish to live in...BUT, I found a man that loves me for who I am. We were married last Halloween (2005) LOL... now I just need to get approval from the insurance for the BAND... One side note, I just found out a week ago I have diabetes and I think I have PCOS too but I feel much better now that I am on drugs. I dont feel tired and sick all day!!!! Now I just need to get my fat arse to the gym!!!! SOOO SORRY IT WAS SO LONG...
  12. Meow=^..^=

    What do you drive?

    I drive a 1992 Ford Taurus... bought it cuz my clients couldnt whale themselves up into my 1980 Bronco.... hehehehehe But on Friday I hope to buy a 1986 Cougar from a little old lady that cant drive any more.... Its got 75,000 miles on it but the big thing is its got A/C woooooo hoooooo Been driving for 3 years without A/C.....My passion is old big American cars.. I miss my Buick Electra!!!! So fit 3 people in the trunk, wish I took a pic of that!!!! Sold it when I went to college in Idaho.....lmao cant imagine what kind of nightmare gas is Now!!!! *sigh* but I just want a mini I think they are soooo cute...Anyways my DREAM car that I can afford in the near future....rotf any big boat convertable with A/C and a V6 preferably diesal.. Heavens I surly dont want to pay for gas.... DREAM car I probably will never have has to be a electric or hybrid car......I have faith that one day the people will rise and bring down the evil people that are just about financial gain and that we may one day not be in the clutches of OIL consumption, AND AND AND.... ok need to calm down lmao Now you do know that there are countries that dont USE oil RIGHT????? LOL sorry about the tirade, the show must go on
  13. Meow=^..^=

    What kind of pets?

    Soooo I am a little dog crazy. I have 3 dogs, Jax Jezabel and Jinx, she is the baby and is a complete brat.LOL, it is so not my fault!!!! Jinx was the only puppy in the last litter and hubby just HAD to keep her. They are Chi/Jack Russel mixes. VERY smart dogs. Lmao I taught them to sit on there hind legs and them dance a jig for a "treat" it is hilarious. And I am EVIL.... I am teaching Jezabel how to find and round up the hubby!!!! I say.... Go find Papi, and she runs upstairs jumps on him and barks....lol ok it sounds crazy but the dogs dont go upstairs... lol and hubby then whines saying call her she wont leave.....She is the best!!!!! And when I say who is the prettiest dog ever? Jezabel raises her paw...omg I dont know what I would do without her....hmmmm gunna try and put a pic in here, sorry if its all jacked up. 1st litter..... Jezabel, Scarlett & Scandal (white head) Jinx, Jezabel & Jaxxy thegirls.bmp
  14. Meow=^..^=

    Question About Diabetes

    Thanx Jack... I have my class on the 7th thats when I get my glucose moniter....wth??? lol I was in there on Friday demanding it.... But I did eat yougurt with the drugs... tomarrow I am going to try something else...Hopefully it will go better
  15. I was diagnost 2 days ago and started Metaphorm and clitzide?? (forgive misspelling..lol) But I feel all jacked up... just want to sleep all day. I didnt have these issues before I was diagnosed. I go see the doctor on the seventh but I just wanted to know if other people had similiar problems with the drugs???? Or know anything that might help???
  16. Meow=^..^=

    [R&R] Lying ba*ds!

    Lmao...ok just a quick hyjack.... I AM TROLLING FOR 10K FOR A BAND...hehehehehehehe and i got PAYPAL!!!!!!! ok sorry back to your inches....lol Dude know how you feel, why does a girl have to pay 20 more dollars for 2 more inches????? ITS HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!!!!! And another note, why cant bigger size clothing be more fashionable???? Sheesh... I swear I am going to bust out my sewing machine soon
  17. Meow=^..^=

    Starting Over TV Show

    I sooo didnt recognize candy at the race...lol took me like 5 min. to finallly register...OMG I also was surprised that Nyanza came....My jaw hit the floor, I did not like her when she was in the house. I thought she was mean spirited. Awwwww I thought I was the only one that cried...lol my hubby thinks I am crazy!!!!
  18. LMAO...ok Im such a FREAK!!!!! At the bottom of the first page is the chat room... just wanted to let people know since I have been here awhile and didnt know maybe there are other ignoramouses out there toooooooo...lol
  19. Meow=^..^=

    Find Your Stripper Name

    Lmao....... Bambi GlitterRock SPOOKY!!!! lol UMMMM my baby sitter used to call me Bambi... Damn it!!! I knew I was suppose to be a dancer.....The fat got in the way....ROTF
  20. Meow=^..^=

    Starting Over TV Show

    WOOOOO HOOOOOO.... lol SO is my favorite show ever!!!! Have been watching from the first episode, got my Mom and Bestest Friend hooked too...I have to say Andy and Amy (red hair) are my long lost sisters... I emailed Summer and she replied she is very nice. I asked her about her surgery. I also emailed Christy, and never heard from her.If you want to see people now Lynnel and Summer have the best sights for updated photos of alot of past guests. Summersmiles and The L Chain... OMG Chloe is so big!!!! I miss Rana....LOL I evily wanted Deboooorah to come back to see what drama she would bring to the house and was she pregnant??? lol I saw a post on a SO board that she had a baby boy, but only God knows if thats true! I was so happy that Cassy got to meet her son..... and I was thrilled at the race that there were sooo many SO graduates, but I wanted to see Rain and Amy.....anyways, cant wait for next season, if it is renued...durn NBC executives think SO is "on the bubble" and have not decided yet if there is to be a next season....BOOOOOOOOOOOOO to you!!!!!! HMMMm ...ok lol I guess I should just leave it at that cuz I am gettin annoyed just thinkin about it....lol
  21. Meow=^..^=

    Sangria Suarez (2006 Vegas Bash)

    LOL..... omg its already sweltering here!!!! Im trying to leave but hubby wont let me..... ROMANCE?????? in 125 degree weather????? lmao, rotf..... y'all crazy..... heheheeheheheehehehe
  22. Meow=^..^=

    Soda's ???????????????!!!!!!!

    THANK YOU JACK!!!!! LOL I had asked this question on another site with no awnsers.... But I must say its a rather depressing thought... I also did a report on Soda and I switched to Diet, its been about 3 years now....So TODAY (auuuuggggggggggggggg) will be The day of no more Diet Pepsi or Dr. Pepper....omg I think my body just lurched in a panic attack....lol Now, as if I wasn't depressed after finding out yesturday I have Diabetes, I think I will crawl back to bed and mourn the loss of a very dear friend, carbonation......WAAAAAAAAAAA
  23. Meow=^..^=

    Need insurance expert's advice...

    I dunno....lol I am still trying to get my insurance to pay for the band!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
