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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Meow=^..^=

  1. Meow=^..^=

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    :behindsofa:Now no food thrown my direction.... Hubby does the laundry...LOL whoever is watching tv at night upstairs gets the laundry... And ya know I am on the puter, so up he goes :whoo: You see (start Mission Impossible theme) :spy: it is my evil plot of converting all people I live with into esclavos!!! LOL it is sick, I am sick, :loco: do they have a support group for this sort of thing???? So I maybe do a load of laundry once a month and cook a few meals.... But I do clean the bathrooms and the dishes and take care of the dogs. *sigh* now if I could train him to scrub the toilet life would be PERFECT!!!!! LMAO :becky:
  2. Well I listen to almost everything, but I prefer Spanish rock & pop, reggeton, salsa, bachata, cumbia.... But I also am a child of the 70's & 80's and on most stations (except for country :faint2:) I can sing the chorus...LOL OOOOOk the whole song, who am I kidding!!! Come on who can resist after hearing the intro to Copacabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana hehehe.... But what I find really interesting is when I moved from San Diego people dont/didnt know about ska and surfer music...lol I was so young and niave!!! I know that Oingo Boingo had a hit with Its a dead mans party, I just thought everyone knew about it...LOL OOps I seemed to have gotten off track!!! My bad!!! At this moment I really like Shakira & wycleff's song, and the Black Eyed Peas song.... Lady Lumps WTF???? LMAO Its right up there with Roses Smell like BOO BOO...ROTF
  3. Meow=^..^=

    Looking for "BIG GURL" exersize equipment

    Bumping for anymore suggestions!!!!
  4. How much would it cost at a later date?????
  5. Meow=^..^=

    Looking for "BIG GURL" exersize equipment

    Thnk you so much for the information...LOL I will be looking on Ebay and Craigs list and local paper... WOOOO steep prices but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.
  6. Meow=^..^=

    My Dr. Say's NO MILK EVER......

    LOL sorry , maybe I wasnt clear.... Its not that I m freaked out over sugar, just cuz its sugar.... its because when I eat salt or sugar my legs swell and it makes it difficult to walk... but thanx for the info... I will look into the soy.
  7. Chinese: THE WHOLE BUFFET!!! LOL just kidding. Hot and Sour soup, Wonton Soup, General Tso chicken, Kung Pow... Yea I like Asian cuisine hehehehe Italian:Not really into Pasta, whenever we go its Ceaser salad for me Seafood:Sushi !!! mmmmm yummy:hungry: ok I am adding a category!!! Mexican: Arroz con Pollo (rice with chicken) Tamales, Carne Asada, and Papusas which are from El Salvador......... LMAO uhuh its time to leave this thread!!!!
  8. Meow=^..^=

    I want a diet coke

    This will be my greatest....O and I do men GREATEST challenge. I'm a carbonation FREAK!!!! Mind you I am not banded, I drink a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi a day, and that is CONTROLLING myself!!!!! I also know it is HORRIBLE for your bones and the rest of your body, and I still LOVE IT!!!! I now have my Hubby addicted to it too...I am so sorry Hubby, please forgive me:pray: But with this obsession I think I will not tempt myself when I get banded. LOL cuz I know I would be Legallyblond2. Smoking and soda are 2 of the same to me......I will succede!!!! IWILL..... I hope LOL
  9. Meow=^..^=

    My Dr. Say's NO MILK EVER......

    OMG....:rant: I am just pissed... I know I am suppose to look at the lables of foods, and I am LAZY!!!!!:frusty: *Sigh* ok there is 12 grams of sugar in my fat free milk in 1 frickin serving!!!!!! LOL and I wondered why I felt like I lost my mind 2 days ago after I ate a bowl of cereal!!!! I dont like milk, I think its for baby cows, I only have it in Cereal, nd I only hve cereal like 2 times month. Sooooo are there any milk/not real milk products out there that do NOT contain sugar or salt, cuz I am pretty sure that I am going to have to make my own shakes due to my ankles swelling last week when I drank a Glucerna shake. I really feel like I am going to have to shop at Whole Foods soon. LOL As if I can afford that!!!! But I just get so angry about the salt and suger content in foods! It is disgusting to think they are filling food with crap to make money.:yell: ASSHATS!!!
  10. Meow=^..^=

    Theory About Highly Intelligent Fat People

    LOL I got alot out of being fat, mainly to irritate my mom, then moved into hiding from men, cuz men really dont look at fat gurls!!! But I am done with all that now, just want to lose wieght for health issues....And NO the band would not work for most people with developmental disabilities. You have to be able to say No to yourself and have control or you can really damage your stomach by retching. Especially people with predor willy, they eat everything. I had a client that ate flour, her goldfish, even dirt. But I have worked with other clients that probably could be banded and would be successful with it. So now I am on the hunt for a job that has insurance that will pay for the surgery.:banplease:
  11. Meow=^..^=


    Hey all :love:....Sooooooooooooooo, I FINALLY found a scale that did not scream, "Error get your fat ass off me!!!" and I found out how much I really wiegh:faint:.....Wait for it, waaaait for it.......430 lbs WTF???:Banane10: :censored: *sigh* :opps2: my bad!!! LOL Anywhoooooo, Let the dancing begin!!!!!!
  12. Meow=^..^=

    Am I Doomed To Fail w. Band?

    And I found the smileys!!!! GAWD I am so tarded sometimes!!! Have I mentioned I am puter illiterate??? AWWWW I gotta bounce i am late for school:target: Hasta luego!
  13. LOL Well I drank all my Water today in 15 minutes for my ultrasound...OMG had to pee soooooooooo bad 2 hours later and I still hadnt had the test!!!! ACKKKK!!! I wieghed on the scale and it was 430. *Sigh* almost fell right off the scale... That was depressing. I gained 50 lbs this year (at this rate I cant stay married for long or I will be 1000 lbs in 10 years LOL) So I talked to Hubby and we made a deal, cuz his knees are hurting cuz he gained 10 lbs, but he is disabled and only wieghs 130. No food at night, cuz ya know he made me go at 10 pm last night to get Polo Loco!!! Jacked up LOL And yes I ate the chicken with salsa...I am tellin ya fast food is Satins minions LMAO. SO for today, I was thankful that my back didnt hurt walking threw the hospital, that was a plus!!! I am going to do the 15 min McDonalds cardio dvd we got yesturday...LOL see how that goes cuz I know if I try the Zumba I may have hear failure!!!! Its been almost a year since I danced to Zumba... ya know I am not tryin to exercise infront of my new hubby...LMAO He would LOVE that!!!!!!! Seriously I will be making Chicken tonight for dinner, NO DAMN TORTILLAS FOR ME!!!!! and salad and more water GOOD LUCK Jen...LOL I ate ALL 10 nuggets, Spawns of SATAN!!!! AND I asked the other day for 1 count it 1 piece of cake from the store ( mexi store sells cake by the slice ya know) and Hubby came home with 13 different kinds...men suck lol So I feel for ya, I didnt have the will power to flush all of them!!!! So congradulations ya did good!!!!! Malice... Dont beat yourself up... today is a new day YOU can DO it!!!
  14. Meow=^..^=

    need help making a decision

    6 to 10 years? I thought it was longer.... I will have to look into that again. LOL ya know I got early Alzhiemers right?
  15. Meow=^..^=


    I read all the posts on this thread....LOL took me a good 2 hours cuz hubby was buggin me for food.. sheesh, HI ALL! There are so many questions and comments I have but I will save that for later....O except for the TP, I wondered what the hell that was when I was in there!!!!! LMAO WARNING...I HAVE MY OWN LANGUGE AND FORGET THAT PEOPLE DONT KNOW IT SO IF YA GOT A QUESTION JUST ASK!!!! AND IF I RAMBLE JUST TELL ME TO SHUT UP!! About me.... My name is Kat but not to confuse people Meow is good. I am 34, and live in the 7th circle of Hell aka Vegas. I got married on Halloween last year (does that say something about me?) Yeeeeessssssss it was a themed wedding, lol there are pics floating around, Zootsuits and all!!! No kids, but we want some. My hubby is from El Salvador and INS is a B*tch! I have 3 dogs Jax, Jezabel & Jinx (pics of them on here too) I am not banded, branded or tatooed *sigh* but I hope to be someday. I work with the Developmentally Disabled, but the pay is crap so I went back to school, I should be done at the end of summer *crossing all fingers and toes* My favorite thing in life is to laugh, and I do quite alot. I was born and raised in San Diego. (I miss the Beach!!!!) I lived in Japan for a year, then moved to Olympia. I gained 100 lbs my Senior year of high school. Then the next year at my first "real" job I lost my mind and became a manager and gained another 100 lbs. Side note: MCDONALDS AND ALL FAST FOODS ARE FROM THE DEVIL!!!!! Sooooo, I whaled around in my 20s and had a really good time. I dont think I was ever in reality of my wieght. I wore hooker outfits (club gear) and danced all weekend. I was never uncomfortable with my body. My philosophy was, and is,"Ya, I am fat and?" LMAO and my advice to my phat friends, "Its not like he doesnt know your fat..." I did do some dieting, realizing that there are physical consequences to being fat. I did Atkins, and Phen Phen....I miss my pills!!!! Anywhoooooo Then I moved to Hell, or Lost Wages if your talking to my Dad, and I started having issues. I found out I had high blood pressure. Then I started having racing heart things happening, then swelling in my legs and feet. I then started looking into surgery. Working in my field the cheap B*stards dont wanna pay so they all have exclusions to WLS. Well 2 weeks ago I found out I have Diabetes too. Soooo now I am looking for "creative financing" LOL to get my band. Hey I just got a credit card thingy in the mail for 3.9% for the first 6 months, I am lookin into that!!!!!! I think I am around 400, Did I just say that????? LOL I would be happy at 250, I would run nakky threw the streets at 175. LMAO I am 5' 8 1/2" but I am large boned, I swear!!! LOL I have many tests coming this month so hopefully I will know more, cuz I swear I have PCOS, or fibroids or sumfin. So for now I have cut back on portions, no sugar and salt, and I am really trying to only eat salad from Donalds!!!! I know I have already lost wieght but tomarrow I will find out the accual damage. I also am starting to exercise again AUGGGGG It is a little painful!!!!! I miss dancing, but I am sooooo way outta shape...Its my mini goal, hehehehe to be able to dance a half hour straight!!!!! VIVA SALSA!!!! lol ok I did watch So you think You can Dance tonight.......SI SE PUEDES!!!!!! Good Luck, Good Tidings and GOOOODNIGHT! Peace Out
  16. Meow=^..^=

    Am I Doomed To Fail w. Band?

    I agree with MOON, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! LMAO omg of course the Lounge Lizards are drinking Hatergade!!!!!I can see your pic, your HOT!!!! Just think of when your down to whatever size you want to be....LOL o yes Haters will be everywhere!!!!! Good Luck You can do it!!!!! Ps. lol I dont feel 30ish so I didnt read the thread....ok ok I am gunna!!!!
  17. Wellllllll...... I went to the GYNO and got a little depressed and ate chicken nuggets from Donalds. I have to go get a ultrasound tomarrow... But I did exercise and drank my water!!!!! lol... And what the hell is wrong with everyones scales???? sheesh I will weigh at the hospital tomarrow (and prolly drop dead of shock if I am under 400) How did everyone else do today?
  18. Meow=^..^=

    Apron Removal

    All the jobs i have worked at have had the evil insurane exclusions!!!! ARSES!!!! LOL I want a goverment job damnit!!!! They pay!!!! Anywhoooo how much does the Gobbler cost??? I want that done!!!!! LOL I can live with a girdle hehehe Look at it, LOOK AT IT!!!!! Ick lol
  19. Meow=^..^=


    Very Depressing day today.... I dont even know why. Maybe it is because I don NOT want to go to the doctors tomarrow. The last time I had a GYNO visit was HORRIBLE. LOL Probably why I havent gone in 6 years. The doc was such an arse. I have always sat up since I was 12 but nooooooooo she wanted me to lie down, then was mad cuz she couldnt see nothin and then was just a witch about it. I told her my cervix was tilted!!! Sheesh I just feel like I am in a viscous cycle. I cant work at a good job with good insurance cuz of my swelling legs and ankles. So I dont have insurance that will pay for surgery. I have a job that doesnt pay enough to get financing for surgery. Its like buying a house, I just dont think its ever gunna happen. I wont be able to work a "normal" job till I lose wieght. I just want to cry. LOL I even thought about playing the Megabucks the other day. The only 2 people I know that have money are my parents and one of my aunts friends. My parents wont loan me the money. *Sigh* LOL and I only met Rita once, how could I ask for a loan even though I know they have millions of dollars. But at this point I feel desprate. I think I will call my Aunt tomarrow, and see what she thinks. Being poor sucks sometimes. Its at times like this when I get angry with my parents. Why the hell would they say they would not help with college??? It wasnt my choice that you spent $100 grand on counceling because you all could not get it together. I think I would have chosen my future over that. Its why I had to wait 10 years to go to college, when you know thats all I have ever wanted to do. So now I am almost done and I am afraid cuz I might not be able to work... WTF??? When did life become so complicated???? I remember in my 20s that being poor wasnt a big deal. That was before all of my medical issues. What the hell is up with the cost of Drugs and going to the doctor???? Some days I just want to give up and call it quits.... Put me on Medicaid, give me a check and I can sit on my fat ass and not leave my house EVER. I really have thought about it. Even got a application sent 7 years ago. And the sick thing was my mom was like, go for it!!!! She must have missed the class where ya learn that you should want your kids to do better than yourself. So while she and dad live in thier 4000 sq ft house, going on cruises, snowbird ways, I trudge threw school a full time crappy pay job, live paycheck to paycheck and sink further and further down the working poor class funnel. I am really glad that these days are infrequent...lol OOOO and can I get my brothers phone number??? I only asked 3 years ago!!!! Sheesh....I know she is scared that I will tell the truth but come on, he is sick, I am sick, get over yourself!!!! I have already been sworn to never tell my Grandma she had a child out of wedlock and gave him up for adoption. I was punished cuz I told a friend. I just want to get to know him. I dont think it is fair that I had to meet him once with her there and never been able to talk to him since. It is just crap! I wonder what my life would have been like if so many things had not happened in my life. Would I have gained wieght? Would I have acted out sexually in childhood? Would I be a Pschologist like I planned? Would I have travled the world?Would I have tried modeling? Would I have become a dancer? Would I have children? I dunno.... But I do know I just want to be able to live, and thrive. I am dying here. I want to leave. My spirt is dying. I miss my "family" that I created. I miss all of the kids. I am afraid I will never be able to have any children now. Which is odd...lol... because I spent most of my 20s fearful of having kids cuz i didnt want to be like my mom. I married a wonderfull man that has a disability but who loves me unconditionally. He takes care of me, but he will never get a good job till he learns english. He accepts me with all my issues, God only knows he is a Saint, lol. Its amazing that i am so distorted. On a day to day basis I dont think of myself as fat. I catch a glimpse of someone in the mirror, who is that? ooops its me. IS that REALLY me???? Not at all who I think of as myself. I miss dancing,volleyball, softball, cute shoes, swimming all day, holidays..... OMG I let so many things just go by and not even batted an eyelash... ICK.. ENOUGH LAMENTING.... I shall get my fat arse upstairs and into bed for tomarrow is a new day
  20. Meow=^..^=


    Very Depressing day today.... I dont even know why. Maybe it is because I don NOT want to go to the doctors tomarrow. The last time I had a GYNO visit was HORRIBLE. LOL Probably why I havent gone in 6 years. The doc was such an arse. I have always sat up since I was 12 but nooooooooo she wanted me to lie down, then was mad cuz she couldnt see nothin and then was just a witch about it. I told her my cervix was tilted!!! Sheesh I just feel like I am in a viscous cycle. I cant work at a good job with good insurance cuz of my swelling legs and ankles. So I dont have insurance that will pay for surgery. I have a job that doesnt pay enough to get financing for surgery. Its like buying a house, I just dont think its ever gunna happen. I wont be able to work a "normal" job till I lose wieght. I just want to cry. LOL I even thought about playing the Megabucks the other day. The only 2 people I know that have money are my parents and one of my aunts friends. My parents wont loan me the money. *Sigh* LOL and I only met Rita once, how could I ask for a loan even though I know they have millions of dollars. But at this point I feel desprate. I think I will call my Aunt tomarrow, and see what she thinks. Being poor sucks sometimes. Its at times like this when I get angry with my parents. Why the hell would they say they would not help with college??? It wasnt my choice that you spent $100 grand on counceling because you all could not get it together. I think I would have chosen my future over that. Its why I had to wait 10 years to go to college, when you know thats all I have ever wanted to do. So now I am almost done and I am afraid cuz I might not be able to work... WTF??? When did life become so complicated???? I remember in my 20s that being poor wasnt a big deal. That was before all of my medical issues. What the hell is up with the cost of Drugs and going to the doctor???? Some days I just want to give up and call it quits.... Put me on Medicaid, give me a check and I can sit on my fat ass and not leave my house EVER. I really have thought about it. Even got a application sent 7 years ago. And the sick thing was my mom was like, go for it!!!! She must have missed the class where ya learn that you should want your kids to do better than yourself. So while she and dad live in thier 4000 sq ft house, going on cruises, snowbird ways, I trudge threw school a full time crappy pay job, live paycheck to paycheck and sink further and further down the working poor class funnel. I am really glad that these days are infrequent...lol OOOO and can I get my brothers phone number??? I only asked 3 years ago!!!! Sheesh....I know she is scared that I will tell the truth but come on, he is sick, I am sick, get over yourself!!!! I have already been sworn to never tell my Grandma she had a child out of wedlock and gave him up for adoption. I was punished cuz I told a friend. I just want to get to know him. I dont think it is fair that I had to meet him once with her there and never been able to talk to him since. It is just crap! I wonder what my life would have been like if so many things had not happened in my life. Would I have gained wieght? Would I have acted out sexually in childhood? Would I be a Pschologist like I planned? Would I have travled the world?Would I have tried modeling? Would I have become a dancer? Would I have children? I dunno.... But I do know I just want to be able to live, and thrive. I am dying here. I want to leave. My spirt is dying. I miss my "family" that I created. I miss all of the kids. I am afraid I will never be able to have any children now. Which is odd...lol... because I spent most of my 20s fearful of having kids cuz i didnt want to be like my mom. I married a wonderfull man that has a disability but who loves me unconditionally. He takes care of me, but he will never get a good job till he learns english. He accepts me with all my issues, God only knows he is a Saint, lol. Its amazing that i am so distorted. On a day to day basis I dont think of myself as fat. I catch a glimpse of someone in the mirror, who is that? ooops its me. IS that REALLY me???? Not at all who I think of as myself. I miss dancing,volleyball, softball, cute shoes, swimming all day, holidays..... OMG I let so many things just go by and not even batted an eyelash... ICK.. ENOUGH LAMENTING.... I shall get my fat arse upstairs and into bed for tomarrow is a new day
  21. Meow=^..^=

    Twentysomething Bandsters

    OMG!!!!! I am soooooooooooo old.... I dont care cuz I feel 25..heheheehe but I just wanted to say a few things that may be usefull.... I have been way fat since my senior year of high school.... I tryed to get surgery many times but was denied....(by the way how have you young ducks payed for this???) But I was on phen phen and lost 100 pounds, which was only half of what I need to lose. I was highly annoyed scared and freaked out by the ugly giggly squishy hangy tummy fat, cuz ya all know firm fat looks ok...lol The DOc said since I was young there was a better chance that the skin could bounce back.... But if it didnt he suggested an Apron removal... It only deals with the fat and skin not the muscles.. (he knew I was not big on pain!!!!) Also my aunt had the bypass at 24 (a million years ago lol I was 12) and she didnt work out and has regretted it since (she was MO)!!!! She said that if she had worked out when she was losing wieght her body would have returned to a more "normal" looking body and not an old persons body..hmmmm ok lol And the last words.... I am happy you all have done this when your young and not all jacked up hehe like me GAWD I feel like I am ancient and I am only 34.... Anyways I just got married last Halloween, no kids... but I still have the same fears...LMAO had a nightmare the other day that my thighs looked like my grandmas after I lost all my wieght!!!!! WTH????? Hubby woke me up cuz I was yelling "Iwant a body lift!!!!" in spanish lol.... ooo yes I need help!!!! lol Good luck!!!!
  22. Meow=^..^=

    My first big Ole' NSV list......

    wooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo you go girl!!!!! hmmm 6 months no McD amazing.... lol grrrrr I wanted a smiley but I cant seem to find them anymore....Can ya hear it????? I am clapping for ya!!!!
  23. Meow=^..^=


    Just wanted to say I am sorry that this situation has happened... Today is a BRAND NEW DAY.... SIEZE THE DAY!!!! Smile, people luv ya
  24. ooooooooooo... bad rice!!!!!! ok I made matza ball soup with chicken and veggies.... going to my moms for CAKE for hubbys birthday, if she didnt buy angel food cake im gunna kill her!!!! lol I have not exersized yet agggggggg these pills are kickin my bum!!!!!! I need some motivational help to get my arse off the sofa....heheeheehe oooo and the dang scale was broke!!!!!! I will try tomarrow at the obgyn office...ewwwwww I dont wanna get THAT test!!!!! lol TOMARROW IS A NEW DAY!!!!!!!

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