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Everything posted by Meow=^..^=

  1. Meow=^..^=

    An Ugly Word and Discrimination

    LOL... Love Fat...Fat Gurl (Fat Gral, Fatalicious, Fat Butt Girl LOL hubbys fav:whoo:) ova here!!!! Heres a question.... Do ya have friends that become offended when ya call yourself Fat???? I do and it is soooo annoying!!!! One friend is always saying, "stop putting yourself down" no matter how many times I have said...Ummmm I am fat, thats just my own reality.:frusty: Sheesh Never had a issue with MO either... But my mom had a coniption when she saw her chart and it said obese OMG she blew!!!!
  2. Meow=^..^=

    What was YOUR last straw?

    I dont recall "the last straw". I do remember things that have happened during the years. Ten years ago I went on a interview, to be a 1 on 1 for a 5 year old Autistic boy to assist with homework and "life skills" and they also had other children. I had spent half hour with the boy and is father for the "interview". Then as I was leaving thier 3 year old asked how I had got there. I told him I drove, and he looked up at me, and in all his sincerity said, "your to fat to drive". The Dad said nothing to the child or to me, so I just walked. Absolutly hate to fly now, because of the seats, and I am petrified that at any moment they will force me to buy another seat...lol and yes they are making seats smaller, putting them closer together...learned it in my Airline Saber class! Rat bastards!!!! But when I first knew I wanted WLS, which was 4 years ago, I was in a Taco shop, at lunch time, in the middle of the week, with a line of 20 hispanic men waiting to order looking at me, while I was sobbing, telling my Mom I needed help and I wanted WLS....and I didn't care that I was doing the "ugly" cry, I just wanted help.... In desparation I was looking for a "gay" military man to marry so I could get surgery....LOL but did not find one!!! So here I am, I am hoping that I will finally be able to get a loan. I called yesturday. We shall see...
  3. Meow=^..^=

    Low Carb Recipies

    I have a recipt that is similiar to your... Cauliflower Bake I head Cauliflower (blanched 5 minutes) 1/2 cup Mayo 1/2 cup Mustard Shredded Cheddar cheese Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blanch Cauliflower, Drain and put in container to go into Oven. Let cool for 5 min. Mix Mayo and Mustard together, add a pinch of pepper and salt, put on top of Cauliflower surrounding the whole head. Take cheese and pat it ontop of mixture, so all you see when your done is a head of cheese. Cover with tinfoil (make sure it is not touching cheese) bake for 20 minutes, take off tin foil, bake untill bubbly brown and melty (about 7-10 more minutes). LOL you might not like Brown, I do. Joes Special 1 pound ground Turkey, chicken, or Hamburger Salt and Pepper to taste couple cloves of garlic to your taste 1/2 cup onion 2 Packages frozen Spinach (defrosted and wring out excess water) 1 egg Fry meat with salt, pepper, onion, garlic till no longer pink. Add spinach cook till hot, push everything to outer edges to scramble the egg in the middle, when cooked incorporate everything together. Here is a marinade for something different. I have used it on chicken, pork and beef. I especially like it on ribs. I usally grill the meat also, but it works for the oven. I usally never measure anything i just dump it all in a bowl to cover the meat. 1 cup soy sauce 1 t. minced ginger 3 cloves minced garlic 1/2 c. rice vinager, or juice of 3 limes, or both 3 crushed red japanese dried chili peppers, however hot you want it sliced green onions cilantro To die for Salsa to top any grilled meat....mmmmmmm 1 lbs Tomotillos (green looking tomatos with the husks, peel off husks and wash off they have a sticky feel to them, it is normal) 1-2 Jalepenos (take out seeds if you dont like hot) 1 Avacado 1 clove garlic 1/4 c. chopped onion 1/2 c. cilantro 1 lime Salt to taste Wash all ingrediants, add to blender everything but cilantro, salt and lime. blend on chop button till it is chunky consistancy add cilantro, salt and lime to taste. Serve as dip or topping on meats Enjoy!!!
  4. Meow=^..^=

    Fast food-What do you eat?

    I love Wendys salads, although I miss the plain spring mix salad... I dont like the "chicken" that are in the salads, hubby eats that. I had the yougurt at Wendys today it was good. I really like the bruchetta chicken from Jack in the Crack, we split the bread, no cheese, theres this tomato stuff thats great. But I have had the Salads at all the major chains but my fav is Wendys, its mostly Romaine Lettuce instead of iceburg. But I must say I love McDees Asian salad.
  5. Meow=^..^=

    Video's & DVD

    I am workin up to my previous Zoomba self.....Can only do about 10 min at this point... Its a cardio nightmare!!!!! *sigh* used to be able to dance for 4 hours
  6. Meow=^..^=

    Walking / Jogging

    Whats walk away the pounds?
  7. Meow=^..^=

    Exercise Equipment

    Thanx for the info... I will keep that in mind.
  8. Meow=^..^=

    Let Hold each other accountable......

    LOL... ok I am in cuz I am also motivationally challeneged. But I exersize at night... I am SOOOO not a morning person. Last night I did wieghts, walked for 10 min and ran for 5 min...OMG my knees were killin me...LMAO Why in hell would a 430 lbs woman run??? :faint: I sweat sumfin fierce...LOL
  9. Meow=^..^=

    YAHOOO Thanks !!

  10. Meow=^..^=

    anyone else riding their bike?

    Good Luck!!!!! LOL NOOOO tasing yourself, that would be very bad!!!!
  11. Meow=^..^=

    Exercise Equipment

    I am still looking for a treadmill at a "reasonalble" price that has a wieght limit of 450...LOL good luck, I know. But I have free wieghts,Zoomba, Richard Simmons, Belly dancing, and those piltes and cardio dvds from McDees (LOL I swear I will do them this week!!!) I was also looking at recumbent bikes, and elipticals online... I think it might be money wise to get the bike first....Still checkin Ebay though!!!!
  12. Meow=^..^=

    Strengh Training...YES OR NO ???

    Stregth training helps to stregthen your core which in turn makes it easlier to do cardio and all other exercises...Hate hate HATE the scale and I have not measured since last year...LOL scared even myself!!!! Good Luck
  13. Meow=^..^=


    Eewwww....LOL didnt know people read that... Well I do have bad days, I am human...lol sorry
  14. Meow=^..^=


    Eewwww....LOL didnt know people read that... Well I do have bad days, I am human...lol sorry
  15. Meow=^..^=

    Any Las Vegas people out there?

    lol heyyyyy, at least they sais yes!!!! Resubmit it in 3 months with all your doctors stuff... then see what they say... Good Luck
  16. Meow=^..^=

    utterly miserable

    Awww Ali, Hang in there!!!! :biggrin:
  17. Meow=^..^=

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    *This thing on???" :horn: LOL What? no comments on oil???? anyone????
  18. Meow=^..^=

    Any Las Vegas people out there?

    I am in North Las Vegas, near the college... Its HOT!!!!! lol i think I am melting
  19. Meow=^..^=

    What kind of pets?

    Doc ur Keesha is very cute Horses???? *sigh* I want a horse. I went to Horse camp for 3 years and I got bit in the neck by a horse when I was 7... I have always loved horses, maybe 1 day...lol ya along with a house and a pool and a new car...only in my dreams!!!
  20. Meow=^..^=

    New diet i found

    Amy... LOL send the corset MY way would ya!!!!! Also.... I really want a Brazillian butt lift!!!! Cuz when I am thin baby dont got no back!!!! Of course I know this is a LONG way off but just wanted to let you know!!!! LMAO I am still debating on the soup *sigh* I just dont know if I could eat it every day....But congradulations!!!!!!!
  21. Meow=^..^=

    If it were up to you, what laws would you create?

    *NOTE* Do not throw buts out the window, or into peoples trucks, do not pick nose at light, keep my car insurance.... BUT I am still not wearing my seat belt!!!!! LOL Question...who is the "Reverand"???? never heard of him Beech girl what do you do????? My law: (Drum roll please!!!) Within 5 years the US of A will no longer be dependent on OIL!!!!! There is a way!!! Cars do not need to use gas, and sorry if that statement makes Car Execs cringe it is the TRUTH. And each state needs to find there natural reasoures and exploit them for energy.... I often wonder about the city I live in, Las Vegas, why are there not more wind farms???? why do we not use solar power??? HELLOOOO we live in the DESERT!!!! Hot and Windy is all we have ALL the time. Why is there not more plants in California to chang salt water into regular water???? LOL you know eventually there will not be water from the Colorado right????? Another, Stupid is as stupid does moments.... Why in a city of almost 2 million people, do we still have parts of our freeways with 2 lanes???? Why are we paying major salaries to city planners for stupidity???? And talking about salaries, why do we allow our state representatives in all aspects of Goverment, the right to give themselves pay raises???? Why dont we just cap it at 50 grand (thats considered middle class) and then we will get people that accually represent us, and that will want to be there for the "right" reasons. And lastly, I am also pro-choice, not my place to judge or to council. Free will is what we were given. I also had foster kids (teenagers) and it was tough, but I will do it again. I am soooo not down with capital punishment, too many innocent people in jail. But talking about jail, I think it needs to be tougher. My friend went to prison (minimum security on selling drugs), and she thinks it was a sorority. So when she went back they gave her less than a year so she went to jail, which she said was hellish. So when did prison become fun????? One final note: My Hubby has Polio so he has trouble walking and I noticed that the nieghborhood kids talk about it when we leave the house....I REEEEALLY want to go over and tell them, " I am sorry your parents have chose not to teach you social niceties, but you are all being very rude. If you have questions ask. But if you continue to act in ignorance and rudeness the world will kick you bum!" *sigh* But I wont caz I know I would go off, cuz they havent been taught. The other day they were outside by themselves at 11 pm... I totally agree on Parenting 101, LOL to buy a house or get divorced in Washington you have to take a class, why not when you have a child????
  22. Meow=^..^=

    Website advise

    Hi, LOL I know NOTHING about puters, but looked at your site. i was able to find everything, and I must say your a very talented seamstress :clap2: But I was confused at first, cuz I was at the first page with family pic and then at the Can Can page. It took me a min to figure out the whole deal. But I REALLY like your costumes, are you still making them? lol cuz it looks like to me you sold them all!!!!!
  23. Now that song is gunna be in my head all day!!!!!!!:music: LOL Ya I like musicals too...And yes JCS runs threw my head, especially the king Harods song, wasnt he just crazy??? But I must say my fav is Sweet Charity's Big Spender number, LMAO we did it in High School... But I have to watch Moulan Rouge at least once a week...and my wedding song was Come What May, cried :Cry: COOOOOOME WHAT MAAAAAAAAAY COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME WHAT MAY I WILL LOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOU UNTIL MY DYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYING DAY.........And Mr. McGregor is sooo cute lol Anywhoooo, on to the Ying Yang twins, yes I love the tunes, but Dude whats up with the grill??? LOL I mean comeon!!!! I just dont think all the metal work in the mouth is attractive... I just dont get that promoting poor dental hygiene is popular, WTH???? LOL is that just me??? And AAAAAHHHHH classic rock hehehe I listen to heavy metal when I am angry, gotta love Metallica!!!! :rockon:
  24. So I ws looking for stationry bike or a treadmill, and they mostly have a maximum wieght limit of 250-300 pounds. I looked at Walmart, Kmart, LOL You know the affordable places!!!! Does anyone know of of a compny or any equipment that supports up to 500 pounds??? Would appreciate some info.
  25. Although I didnt workout this weekend, I did drink all my water and did not go crazy on food...Woooo hoooo been studing up a storm for my test on Tuesday...OOOO I got a 75 out of 90 on the last test..LOL which I thought was pretty good for only going to 1 class. How was everyone elses weekend?????

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